Capital punishment: South Asia

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=15% of hanged since '91 were Muslims=
[ ''The Times of India''], Aug 11 2015
Himanshi Dhawan
''' `Just 4 of 26 hanged since '91 Muslims' '''
Just four of the 26 persons executed in India since 1991 belonged to the Muslim community , and yet a perception has been created by some media channels in the aftermath of the hanging of Yakub Memon that members of the minority community are being targeted, said government sources.
An internal report by the I&B ministry has taken exception to the “tenor of discussion'' in the four channels -Aaj Tak, ABP News, NDTV India and NDTV 24X7 -and argued it was a “serious threat to national security'' and had “sown seeds of distrust between communities.'' The common thread in their reporting was that Supreme Court had been unfair to Memon.
The ministry feels that, at the very least, an explanation should be demanded from these channels.“Repeated examples of the death sentence of Beant Singh being commuted are being cited. Truth is both of them are on death row.Similarly in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, it was the Congress government that delayed consideration of the mercy petition that led to SC converting their death sentence to life imprisonment,'' said a source who had reviewed the report.
The channels have been charged with telecasting content that was denigrating to the President, judiciary , could incite violence and against national security . The ministry has prepared grounds for justifying their action against the channels pointing out that two Hindi channels broadcast wanted gangster Chhota Shakeel's interview without editing out comments that clearly suggested unleashing of communal violence and made disparaging comments on the judiciary.
“The world has seen what you did with Yakub Memon... We don't believe in your judiciary. This was justice based on revenge.You people took revenge from one person...'' Chhota Shakeel told Aaj Tak.And he told ABP News: “The world has seen how you have executed an innocent man... After Babri Masjid people had taken action and many things had happened. For every action, there is a reaction... there are many people besides us (who can take action).'' The anchor on NDTV India described the order to hang Memon as “unfortunate'' and said that the courts only found merit in the prosecution's case while NDTV 24X7 in an interview of lawyer Majeed Memon broadcast remarks against the Indian judicial system. Memon was quoted commenting on the pardon given to accused Usmann Jaan Khan saying, “If you show this pardon to any person outside India, UK authorities or US authorities or the best brains in the world as far as criminal law is concerned, they will laugh at you. They will laugh at you; they'll say is this justice? Usmaan Jaan Khan has played a role in this whole operation 10 times more than Yakub.'' The ministry has also pointed out that former Congress minister Manish Tewari's claim that no notices were issued under UPA government was incorrect.
=2008: SC bench split on Swamy Shraddhanand=
=2008: SC bench split on Swamy Shraddhanand=
[[File: Some facts, Rulings of death penalty by the Supreme Court.jpg| Some facts: Rulings of death penalty by the Supreme Court; Graphic courtesy: [ ''The Times of India''], Jul 29 2015|frame|500px]]
[[File: Some facts, Rulings of death penalty by the Supreme Court.jpg| Some facts: Rulings of death penalty by the Supreme Court; Graphic courtesy: [ ''The Times of India''], Jul 29 2015|frame|500px]]

Revision as of 19:28, 11 August 2015

Capital punishment, India and the world: 2014; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India
Death sentence, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the world: 2014, Graphic curtesy: The Times of India

This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.


2008: SC bench split on Swamy Shraddhanand

Some facts: Rulings of death penalty by the Supreme Court; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, Jul 29 2015

The Times of India, Jul 29 2015

Even in 2008, SC bench was split on confirming death

Pradeep Thakur

Two judges of the apex court may have differed on the procedure followed in hearing Yakub Memon's curative petition but there has been precedence where an apex court bench had given conflicting opinions on confirmation of death penalty , raising questions on the capital punishment jurisprudence. In 2008, a two-judge SC bench in Swamy Shraddhanand vs Karnataka was divided over confirming death penalty, though both the trial court and the high court were unanimous on the case.

The SC then constituted a three-judge bench to decide the matter. The larger bench stayed the death penalty for conflict of opinion in the twojudge SC bench. The threejudge bench then commuted the sentence to life imprisonment. The bench observed that life imprisonment, subject to remission, was grossly disproportionate and inadequate to the crime committed.This laid the foundation of penal option of imprisonment for the rest of convict's life without remission.

The Swamy Shraddha nand judgment helped death convicts escape the noose in many other cases such as Haru Ghosh vs State of WB, UP vs Sanjay Kumar, Sebastian vs State of Kerala, Gurvail Singh vs State of Punjab. In all these cases, death penalty was commuted to full life or determinate number of years.

In the Swamy Shraddhanand verdict, the SC had observed that where the judges “may feel somewhat reluctant in endorsing the death penalty... the court would take recourse to the expand ed option“. The expanded option being jail for the rest of life without remission. Making a case for abolition of death penalty , a paper of the Law Commission had observed the SC had in the past admitted its own death penalty jurisprudence was arbitrary .It quoted the Bacchan Singh vs State of Punjab case of 1980, which established the `rarest of rare' doctrine, where the SC had admitted that death penalty was awarded arbitrarily .

2014: Death sentence

The Times of India

Apr 10 2015

A recently released report of Amnesty International on death sentences and executions in 2014 says that capital punishment is being used at an alarming rate because of perceived threats to states' safety because of terrorist activities and internal instability. For instance, Pakistan lifted a six-year moratorium on the death penalty after the Peshawar school attack. The organization estimates that at least 2,466 death sentences were awarded in 2014, 28% more than in 2013. In India, at least 64 were awarded the death sentence in 2014, but no executions were carried out Source: Amnesty International, reliable data not availabe for China, North Korea and South Sudan

Convicts can not be hanged secretly and hurriedly: SC

India Today May 28 2015

AmitAnand Choudhary

`They Must Be Allowed To Exhaust All Legal Remedies, Meet Family'

Condemned prisoners also have a right to dignity, the Supreme Court has said holding that execution of death sentence cannot be carried out in an arbitrary , hurried and secret manner without allowing convicts to exhaust all legal remedies and meet family members. “Right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution does not end with the confirmation of the death sentence. Even in cases of death row convicts, their right to dignity must be protected,“ said a bench of Justices A K Sikri and U U Lalit while quashing the execution warrants of a young woman and her lover, convicted for killing seven members of her fam ily, including a 10-month-old baby , in Uttar Pradesh in 2008.

The observations assume significance in the context of the hue and cry raised by human rights activists after Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru was hanged in the capital's Tihar jail in 2013 even before his family members could get the intimation.

In the case of the couple -Shabnam and Saleem -the bench said, “We find that death warrant was signed by the sessions judge in haste without waiting for convict to exhaust all legal remedies.“ It pointed out that the condemned prisoners can file a review petition before the SC and can also seek mercy from the the President or governor.

Referring to the Allahabad HC order on the procedure to be followed for execution of death sentence, the bench said that principles of natural justice must be followed and sufficient notice given to the convict before the issuance of death warrant to enable himher to pursue legal recourse and have a final meeting with family members. In cases where a convict is not in a position to get legal assistance, legal aid must be provided, it said.

The bench expressed surprise on the “unwarranted“ haste with which the Amroha court issued execution warrants, just six days after the SC awarded death to the couple on May 15 for wiping out the woman's entire family to remove opposition to their affair and grab family property.

The apex court said the sessions court issued the warrant without waiting for the mandatory 30 days to allow death row convicts to avail judicial remedy of filing petitions for a review.

Death penalty and government

Dhananjay Mahapatra | TNN


SC stand against terror often negated by govt

Every single death sentence awarded by Supreme Court makes news. The extreme penalty is handed down only in rarest of rare cases relating to heinous crimes which reflect the nadir of human depravity and senselessness.

Death penalty is awarded after careful scrutiny of evidence by all three courts — subordinate, high court and Supreme Court. But, that is not the end of the road for a condemned convict. He could still send mercy pleas to the President or the governor, as the case may be, and bide his time during its pendency. In the courts presided over by terrorists, however, legal procedures are redundant. Death sentences get awarded to unknown number of innocents the moment they assemble a bomb and plant it in crowded places. The dance of death unfolds in public at the press of a remote. For, the extreme law followed by terrorists has no chapter on mercy jurisprudence.

Every blast leaves children orphaned, women widowed and parents to grieve a lifetime over their lost children. Communal harmony gets ruptured. A community gets slandered. Translated in the law of the land, this denotes mass murder, treason and spreading disharmony in society, all of which under Indian Penal Code are categorised as heinous crimes. What should, then, be the punishment for terrorists indulging in these acts simultaneously?

Since 1987, the Supreme Court has made a strong pitch for adequate punishment for terrorists. In the Mahesh vs State of MP [1987 (2) SCR 710] case, it had refused to reduce the accused’s death sentence to life imprisonment.

It said, “It will be a mockery of justice to permit the accused to escape the extreme penalty of law when faced with such evidence and such cruel acts. To give lesser punishment for the accused would be to render the justice system of the country suspect. The common man will lose faith in the courts. In such

cases, he understands and appreciates the language of deterrence more than the reformative jargon.”

This paragraph is quoted in another oft-referred judgment — Sevaka Perumal vs State of Tamil Nadu [1991 SCC (3) 471]. The latter is a reference point for many a judgment of the Supreme Court, right upto this year. In Perumal case, the apex court said a murder committed due to deep seated personal rivalry may not call for death penalty. “But, an organised crime or mass murder of innocent people would call for imposition of death sentence as deterrence,” it had said.

Undue sympathy and imposing inadequate sentence would do more harm to the justice system, which would lead to loss of public confidence in the efficacy of law, the court had said. “It is the duty of every court to award proper sentence having regard to the nature of the offence and the manner in which it was executed or committed,” it had said.

The courts may have eschewed “undue sympathy” in awarding death sentence to terrorists — be it Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar in the Maninderjit Singh Bitta bomb attack case or Mohd Afzal in the Parliament attack incident. But, when it comes to executing the death penalties, the government, irrespective of the party in power, invariably develops cold feet.

This political cold feet appears to have erased the deterrent element that the apex court stressed so strongly, time and again, while making it a point to award adequate punishment for crimes. This dithering on government’s part, as India gets increasingly targeted by terrorists, could have a disastrous impact on the nation.

The SC had said, “Security of persons and property of the people is an essential function of the State. It could be achieved through instrumentality of criminal law. Undoubtedly, there is a cross cultural conflict where living law must find answer to the new challenges and the courts are required to mould the sentencing system to meet the challenges.”

Terrorism and bomb blasts have posed a grave new challenge to criminal law administrators — the government and the courts. The courts appear to be on course correction mode by applying deterrence jurisprudence. Will the governments follow suit?

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