Appam: Tamil-Udupi Cuisine

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Appam: Tamil-Udupi Cuisine

Healthy banana oats appam recipe

The Times of India

banana oats appam


1. 1 medium ripe banana 2. 5 tbsps Quaker Oats 3. 3-4 tbsps skim milk 4. 1 tbsp sugar free 5. 1/2 tsp baking powder 6. A pinch of salt 7. A pinch of cardamom


1.Mash the ripe banana with a fork. Grind the oats to a powder and add it to the mashed banana. Add skim milk, sugar free, salt, cardamom and baking powder in the end. If the banana is sweet you can skip the sugar completely. Thin out the batter to an idli batter consistency by adding milk or water will also do. Scoop the batter into the appam pan. 2.Add a few drops of oil, cover and cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn and roast the other side to a golden brown as well.

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