Lahore: Protected Monuments

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Lahore: Protected Monuments


Lahore is not only the heart of Punjab, it is also the king of cultural centres of the south Asian subcontinent. Historic Landmarks of Lahore: An Account of Protected Monuments is a gallery of nearly all the beautiful protected landmarks in this historical city of festivals.

From the famous Delhi gate to the Badshahi Mosque, from Gulabi Bagh Gateway to the Islamic Summit Minar and from the Tomb of Anarkali to the Samadh of Kharak Singh, the book is an excellent combination of thorough historical info on the protected monuments with beautifully photographed and well-placed pictures. It is no doubt evident that the people involved in the publishing of this book have put in their heart and soul in the planning, designing and printing of this volume.

Historic Landmarks of Lahore: An Account of Protected Monuments By Ihsan H. Nadiem Sang-e-Meel Publications, 25 Shahrah-i-Pakistan, Lahore. Tel: 042-7220100 Email: ISBN 969-35-1869-1 184pp. Rs1800

See also

Lahore: A-E Lahore: F-K Lahore: L-Q Lahore: R-Z Lahore: architectural treasures Lahore: Civic issues Lahore: History Lahore: Parsi cusine Lahore: Protected Monuments Bhai Ram Singh

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