Professor Raj Roy, Head of Manufacturing at Cranfield very kindly attended a get together Pavilion Restaurant, Comfort Inn Insys, 46, 1st main road, Gokula 1st stage, Mathikere, Yashwantpur, Bangalore 560054 on 04 April 2018.
He was very actively supported by four other visiting Cranfield Professors and Mr. Mukesh who is a researcher at Cambridge.
All the alumni took time out of their busy schedule to make it to the get together.
Mr. Alok Anil was a great support in organising the event.
Mr. Vijay Mathur (1965-66, College of Aeronautics, Industrial Engineering) was the senior most alumni from the Cranfield campus.
S. No. Name College Year
1 Mr. Vijay Mathur College of Aeronautics 1965-66
2 Mr. Jagpal Singh Cranfield Institute of Technology 1984-85
3 Mr. Prikshat Sharma Cranfield University 2010-11
4 Mr. Alok Anil Cranfield University 2011-13