Health technology: India

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(Coronary Bypass Surgery, 2002)
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With continuous technological advancements, the Cath Lab is becoming more flexible and offering a variety of features not just for imaging the heart but also for other areas of the human body.
With continuous technological advancements, the Cath Lab is becoming more flexible and offering a variety of features not just for imaging the heart but also for other areas of the human body.
==Coronary Bypass Surgery, 2002==
A team of surgeons at the Wockhardt Hospital and Heart Institute, Bangalore, led by Vivek Jawali, performed the first minimal invasive coronary bypass surgery in 2002 without putting the patient under general anaesthesia or ventilator support. The 78-year-old patient, a smoker, had multiple complications including diabetes, renal problem and blockages in the carotid arteries supplying blood to the brain. His lungs were unable to tolerate general anaesthesia and the multiorgan dysfunction made him unfit for the heart lung machine.
==Response Modifier Therapy, 2003==
==Response Modifier Therapy, 2003==

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10 medical miracles

India Today December 29, 2008


First coronary artery graft, 1975

The first successful coronary artery graft was done in 1975 at the Southern Railway Hospital, Perambur, in Chennai by Dr K.M. Cherian. Twenty years later in 1995, aided by the most advanced technology, cardiac care and surgical skills, he performed the first heart transplant at his International Centre for Cardio-thoracic and Vascular Diseases, Chennai. This was made possible only after the legislation for brain death and the law permitting transplantation of human organs was passed in the country. With phenomenal experience and far-sightedness, he also conducted the first bilateral lung transplant, the first paediatric heart transplant as well as the first heart and lung transplant.


Durga: India’s first test tube baby

India , The birth of Durga “India Today” 15/12/2016

Baby Durga , India Today


Test tube baby

The birth of Durga

The first test tube baby in India-and the second one in the world-was born in Calcutta on October 3, 1978. At that time, Dr Subhash Mukhopadhyay claimed that Durga, the test-tube baby born under his care to Ms Bela Agrawal, at Belle View Nursing Home at 11:14 am was the first baby conceived via in-vitro fertilisation. This was just 67 days after the world's first test-tube baby, Marie Louise Brown, was born in the UK. Unfortunately, Dr Mukhopadhyay's claims were not believed by the scientific community, and he was subjected to both ridicule and institutional setbacks. After repeated failed attempts to convince his colleagues of his achievement, Dr Mukhopadhyay hanged himself on June 19, 1981. His story was later immortalised, in the 1991 film Ek Doctor Ki Maut. It was only in 2005 that his acheivement and contributions to science were recognised. Then, Durga-now known as Kanupriya Agarwal-exclaimed: "I am not a trophy but proud to be the living example of the work of a genius. Justice has been done to my scientific dad."

DNA Fingerprinting

India , A new kind of identification “India Today” 15/12/2016


DNA Finger Printing

A new kind of identification

The science of DNA 'fingerprinting'-that is, identifying people based on specific characteristics of their DNA-is a relatively new one. In India, the development of this technology owes a great deal to a single man, Dr Lalji Singh. In the 1970s, while studying the evolution of sex chromosomes in a particular species of snake-the banded Krait-Dr Singh and his colleagues observed and recorded a specific pattern in the DNA sequences, which they named the 'Bkm sequences'. Between 1978 and 1988, while working at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Dr Singh established that these sequences, and the methods of studying them could be used to generate DNA 'fingerprints' even for human beings. In 1991, Dr Singh made use of this technology to provide evidence in a court case over disputed paternity. This techonogy was then used in a number of other cases as well, including the infamous murder of Naina Sahni in 1995-popularly known as the 'Tandoor murder'-as well as in the murder of Priyadarshini Mattoo. Cases such as these established the science as a robust and reliable one, and ensconced Dr Lalji Singh as the 'Father of DNA fingerprinting' in India.

First genetically-engineered vaccine

In 1997, Shantha Biotechnics, Hyderabad, founded by electronics engineer K.I. Varaprasad Reddy, launched India’s first genetically engineered vaccine for Hepatitis-B, at half the price charged by the MNCs in India.


Rotavac: first indigenously developed Rotavirus vaccine

India , Home Remedy “India Today” 15/12/2016

Rotavirus Vaccine , India Today

Organ transplant

The first successful liver transplant was performed on twoyear-old Sanjay Kandaswamy at the Indraprastha Apollo in Delhi in 1998.

The transplantation of solid human organs was undoubtedly one of the greatest medical breakthroughs of this century.

But still, the shortage of donors and organs has impeded the necessary thrust that is required to save more lives.

“In the West there is a 20 per cent acceptance rate of those agreeing to donate organs”(India Today, March 1996).


No multiple checks for speedy organ transplant: HC

The Times of India, Sep 7, 2011

Abhinav Garg TNN

In a crucial ruling that will fast-track the process of organ transplant for needy patients, the Delhi high court has cleared an ambiguity in the laws governing transplant.

Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, in a judgment said the power to verify organ donors/receivers lies only with the authorities of the place where the intended transplant is to be performed. Till now, donors/ receivers are subjected to multiple scrutinies — a donor has to first convince his native state authorities, then present himself before the state from which the organ receiver hails, often leading to interminable delays that often prove fatal for the patient.

Asking the Delhi government to grant immediate NOC to a lady suffering from End Stage Renal Disease, Justice Endlaw lamented at “the long time taken by the authorities in dealing with applications” and cautioned “such delays can be fatal in cases of transplant”.

On its part, the Delhi government through standing counsel Najmi Waziri highlighted what it said was a disturbing trend. Residents of Delhi were flocking to Remedy Hospital, Kolkata, for transplants, prompting the authorities to minutely examine each application rather than leave the same to be dealt with by Kolkata authorities, who appear to be liberal in granting the permission.

Even as the court appreciated the Delhi government’s stand that multiple checks were put in place to reduce chances of trafficking in human organs, it emphasized how this should not result in delays. “Merely because the authorities entertain doubts of commercial trade in human organs, is no reason for them to exercise power which under the Acts and rules hasn’t been vested with them. There are other remedies available for curtailing trade in human organs…” Justice Endlaw noted, faulting the department of health and family welfare of the state government for rejecting the NOC. The court said as far as grant of NOC is concerned, the authorities are requiredto ensure that the receiver of the organ has a legal and residential status in Delhi and is in need of the transplant.

Eye Transplant, 1998

Eye specialists Virendra Sangwan and Geeta Vemuganti at the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, grew corneas in a petridish in 1998 using adult stem cells extracted from the oral mucosa of a patient and transplanted it to restore sight.

The pathfinding work promises to save huge sums incurred on immunosuppressants that patients have to take after the transplant.

Catheterisation Lab, 2002

The development of the indigenous cardiac catheterisation laboratory (Cath Lab) in 2002 to undertake a coronary angiogram and perform an angioplasty has cut back the cost of setting up such a facility as well as the fee that the patient pays for cardiac risk assessment and treatment.

With continuous technological advancements, the Cath Lab is becoming more flexible and offering a variety of features not just for imaging the heart but also for other areas of the human body.

Response Modifier Therapy, 2003

The therapy was introduced to boost or restore the ability of the immune system to fight cancer, infections and other diseases. It is also being used to lessen certain sideeffects that may be caused by some cancer treatments. Agents used in the therapy include monoclonal antibodies, growth factor and vaccines.

Stem cell banking

Stem cell banking came of age in 2004 with the launch of the first family cord blood bank in India to usher in the revolutionary breakthrough of umbilical cord stem cell banking.

LifeCell in Chennai was opened with a tie-up with Cryo-Cell International, USA, the world’s biggest cord blood bank. The cells are banked for 21 years for a fee. “It doesn’t present an ethical dilemma unlike the umbilical cord which has always been discarded as biomedical waste” (India Today, June 2005).

Ambulance Service, 2004

The introduction of the well-equipped ambulance service in 2004 by the Emergency Management Research Institute, founded by B.Ramalinga Raju of Satyam Computers, is changing the paradigm in emergency care.

Access to the unique service is through the common number 108 in 12 states.The public-private partnership model of ownership and management makes it a sustainable system that is poised to outstrip similar services abroad. “The service has 652 ambulances taking victims to 3,300 registered hospitals” (India Today,November 2008).

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