Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM)

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This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

Ideological and other divides

Bengal vs Kerala/ 2016: 1

The Times of India, Sep 07 2016

Former CPM general secretary Prakash Karat's newspaper article arguing that BJP is a “right-wing party of majoritarian communalism“ and not “fascist“ as many Left and liberals believe has set tongues wagging in the party .

What added grist to the chatter is the timing of the article which came on a day the party's politburo was to meet for a day-long meeting.One senior leader said, “The article argues that by calling BJP fascist, Left is making wrong choices to counter resurgence of right-wing ideology. It indirectly says that such a flawed understanding of the rise of the BJP has resulted in prescriptions that might not help.“

He later added that West Bengal unit of CPM and a section of central leadership had argued during the assembly election that the only way Trinamool can be defeated and fascist BJP can be stopped from ma king inroads can be through an alliance with Congress.“Comrade Karat is hitting at that understanding,“ he said citing a line from the article that says “a correct understanding of the ruling regime and the political move ment that it represents is necessary because it has a direct bearing on the politi cal strategy and electoral tactics to be followed to fight BJP and Modi government.“

Karat denied the article was timed with the politburo meeting. “It is the translation of an article I wrote for a Malayalam newspaper a month back. The article is not about electoral alliance but larger understanding of fascism and fascist regimes,“ Karat told TOI. He said, “We miss the nuance by calling BJP fascist. I have been arguing on this for long. If you do not have understanding of the regime, you will not have right strategy to fight it.“ He argued in favour of a broader mobilization of all democratic and secular forces against communalism, while also building a political alliance of Left and democratic forces based on an alternative programme.

A senior leader from Bengal disagreed with Karat. He said, “The article will again rake up the issue of Bengal vs Kerala line. After the West Bengal result was discussed and the party had found fault with the manner in which electoral alliance was struck with Congress, the party had decided to bury the issue and work unitedly .“

Bengal vs Kerala/ 2016: 2

The Times of India, Sep 07 2016

Saugata Roy

Bengal unit netas miffed with Karat

 The debate in the CPM politburo over the party's relations with Congress has resurfaced after the publication of an article by Prakash Karat in an English daily , where he talked about building a broad-based alliance of democratic and secular forces against right-wing forces without naming Congress as part of the alliance. CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury , however, insists that Congress is part of the battle aga inst communal forces.

Karat's article questioned the division between secular and communal forces proposed by Yechury and Left intellectuals, namely Irfan Habib.

Many in the party's Bengal unit are miffed with Karat for his attempt to discard the “Yechury-line“, asking why can't the situation in the country be termed as “fascism“.

“Karat is trying to put words in our mouth. Nobody has said the Modi government is a fascist government like Hitler's in Germany . But there are fascist tendencies in the government in its attempts to disband trade unions, change labour laws, replace Indian history with Hindu mythology ,“ a CPM state secretariat member said.

Another CPM state committee member wants Karat to come clear on the alliance with Congress. “The country is divided between secular and communal camps. Karat has himself stressed the need for democratic and secular forces coming together against communalism. Now let him clarify if Congress is a secular party ,“ he said.

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