Rape in India: longer- term statistics, analyses

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(2015-16, crime against children increased by 82%)
(Rapes rise 200% in Kolkata in 5 years [2008-13])
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Earlier, a 26-year-old woman was kidnapped and raped inside a moving car and a Frenchwoman was molested by a bike gang in the Lake Gardens area.
Earlier, a 26-year-old woman was kidnapped and raped inside a moving car and a Frenchwoman was molested by a bike gang in the Lake Gardens area.
==Age profile of the women raped; relationship profile of the rapists==
'''See graphic''':
''Rapes in India in 2016: <br/> i) age profile of the women raped; <br/> ii) a profile of those who committed rape in 2016''
[[File: Rapes in India in 2016- age profile of the women raped; a profile of those who committed rape in 2016.jpg| Rapes in India in 2016: <br/> i) age profile of the women raped; <br/> ii) a profile of those who committed rape in 2016 <br/> From [ '' The Times of India ''] |frame|500px]]
=Child rapes/ Sexual assault on children=
=Child rapes/ Sexual assault on children=

Revision as of 04:03, 12 December 2017

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Rape in India vis-a-vis other countries

Today India has the world's third biggest GDP in PPP terms--ahead of Japan and Germany. Does that mean that India is more prosperous than Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Switzerland ...? No, not at all. In per capita terms it is still a distant no.140 among the nations of the world, and per capita income is the real indicator. India's total economy is no.3 only because it is the world's second most populous nation, with 1.2 billion citizens.

Similarly, India has the second highest number of rapes: behind, of all countries, the USA which has only around a quarter of India's population. Does that mean that India is more unsafe than the countries with fewer rapes? No. In per capita terms it is near the middle ranks of the roughly 200 nations of the world. It is only because of India's absolute size that the total number of rapes is large. In per capita terms it is safer than the USA, most EU nations or even Japan. The likelihood of getting raped in India is lower than in these countries.

South Asia is the third safest region in the world. See below.

In absolute numbers

GlobalPost: India a distant no. 2 to the USA


In absolute terms India has the second highest number of reported rapes in the world (around 22,000) compared to the USA's "more than 80,000 cases of rape reported to the police from 2004 to 2010," according to GlobalPost. However, it adds, " But the US Justice Department estimates 300,000 American women are raped every year, and the Centers for Disease Control puts the number much higher at 1.3 million."

That is why estimates differ for most countries.

GlobalPost further states, " When looking at reported rape cases per capita, Australia, Botswana and Lesotho rank highest. But tallying sheer totals, Europe and the Americas consistently top the charts."

Annual statistics

See Rapes in India: annual statistics 2004 onwards

Rapes in per capita terms

India not in NationMaster's Worst 50


NationMaster's list of the 50 countries with the highest number of rapes per 1,000 of population in 2008 (in some cases, 2009) is as follows. It does not include India in the Top 50.

1 Lesotho 2 New Zealand 3 Belgium 4 Iceland 5 Norway 6 Israel 7 Finland 8 Chile 9 Mongolia 10 Ireland 11 Kazakhstan 12 Estonia 13 Luxembourg 14 Denmark 15 Germany 16 Argentina 17 Czech Republic 18 Mauritius 19 Lithuania 19 Kyrgyzstan 21 Moldova 22 Russia 23 Slovenia 24 Hungary 24 Romania 24 Poland 27 Latvia 28 Oman 29 Croatia 30 Belarus 30 Morocco 32 Slovakia 33 Bulgaria 34 Portugal 34 Bahrain 34 Liechtenstein 37 Malta 37 Philippines 39 Cameroon 39 Cyprus 41 Sierra Leone 42 Greece 43 Kenya 44 Canada 45 Japan 46 Maldives 47 Guinea 48 Azerbaijan 49 Armenia 50 Egypt

India not among HEUNI's worst 28 countries; South Asia is third safest


HEUNI took statistics from various 21st century years. Its list of the 28 countries with the highest incidence of rape is as follows. It does not include India:

Mexico (worst);

Republic of Korea









El Salvador


Papua New Guinea


England and Wales

Northern Ireland




United States of America

New Zealand







Australia had the lowest incidence of rape in this list of the world's 28 worst. Thus if Mexico was the worst, Australia was no. 28 from the bottom.

HEUNI's ranking for the best (least rape-prone in per capita terms) and worst regions of the world is:

Central Asia and Transcaucasian countries (best); Near and Middle East/ South West Asia; South Asia (third best); North Africa; Southeast Europe; East and South East Asia; East Africa; East Europe; West & Central Europe; Latin America and Caribbean; Oceania; Southern Africa; North America (worst).

Incidence of rape in UK, USA 1,500% higher than in India

614.4 million Women in India ensure safety for women tourists

TravelAndTourWorld Tuesday, August 27, 2013

India is one of the largest populated countries in the world with a population of over 1.27 billion people. With nearly half of her population being women, the country has one of the largest woman populations in the world at around 614.4 million.

According to the NCRB [India’s National Crime Records Bureau], 24,923 rape cases were reported countrywide in 2012 in India. A shocking number, definitely, isn’t that a trend worldwide? Are not women being assaulted all over the world? Actually women are safe in India just like they are in any other part of the world….maybe more so if statistics are to be believed…

Countries like South Africa lead in crimes against women.

Of every 100,000 people

132.4 women are raped in South Africa, while

the number is 63.5 for Sweden and

28.8 for UK.

USA also has a figure of 27.3,

Australia 28.6 and

New Zealand 25.8. Compared to them

India has a figure of 1.8

Do we infer from all these incidents that these places are unsafe for visitation by women?…

Women tourists are travelling to remote Indian villages regularly and they return with memorable and good experiences. A few cases do not mar the entire nation.

Every incidence of violence or rape reported is taken up with strict action by the law enforcement agencies of India and the assailant are subjected to adequate punishment just like it happens anywhere else in the world….

The Lancet: India and Bangladesh safest

1 in 14 girls is sexually assaulted’

Complete article: The Lancet

Summary: by news agencies

London: New research to be published on Wednesday by the medical journal The Lancet on sexual violence shows India and Bangladesh have far lesser cases of rape and assault on women than developed countries like New Zealand or Australia. Worldwide, one in 14 women (7.2%) aged 15 years or less has been sexually assaulted at least once in their lives.

The Lancet looking at the prevalence of non-partner sexual violence in 56 countries found that countries with the highest rates of sexual violence are those in central sub-Saharan Africa (21%; DR Congo), southern sub-Saharan Africa (17.4%; Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe) and Australasia (16.4%; New Zealand and Australia). Countries in North Africa/Middle East (4.5%; Turkey) & south Asia (3.3%; India, Bangladesh) reported the lowest rates.

USA: 20% women been raped

USA Today

Nearly one in five women -- up to 22 million people -- have been raped in their lifetime, according to a report issued Wednesday by the White House Council on Women and Girls.

President Obama said he has assigned a task force to address especially serious problems on college campuses where -- again -- one in five women reports being a victim of a sexual assault..

The report cited "the dynamics of college life" as a factor, noting that many victims are "are abused while they're drunk, under the influence of drugs, passed out, or otherwise incapacitated."

This epidemic of sexual assaults hurts all Americans, Obama said as he pushed new efforts to combat these crimes he called an affront to "basic decency and humanity."

The commission also recommended improved law enforcement -- including higher arrest, prosecution, and conviction rates -- as well as changes in a culture that too often turns away from the problem.

Citing government data, the report from the White House Council on Women and Girls says that 1 in 71 men -- nearly 1.6 million -- have been raped. Nearly 98% of assailants are men. Repeat attacks are common.

While women of all races are targeted, some groups are more targeted than others: 33.5% of multiracial women have been raped, according to the report, as have 27% of American Indian and Alaska Native women, 15% of Hispanic, 22% of black and 19% of white women.

Most victims are young. The report said nearly half the women who survived were raped before they were 18; more than one-quarter of male survivors suffered attacks before the age of ten.

EU: 5% woman raped; 32% experienced physical/ sexual violence

Violence against women: One-third of EU women affected – survey

By Bethany Bell BBC News, Vienna

BBC 5 March 2014

About a third of all women in the EU have experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, according to a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

That corresponds to 62 million women, the survey says.

It is said to be the biggest survey conducted on the subject, and is based on interviews with 42,000 women.

It found that "one in 10 women has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 15, and one in 20 has been raped".

The survey noted that 22% had suffered from physical or sexual violence by a partner, but that 67% did not report the most serious incidents of domestic violence to the police.

About 18% of women said they had been the victims of stalking since the age of 15, and 55% said they had been sexually harassed, often in the workplace, the survey found.

The countries where women reported the highest number of incidences of physical and sexual violence were

• Denmark (52%), Finland (47%) and Sweden (46%), states that are often commended for gender equality. • • The UK and France reported the 5th highest number with 44% • • The lowest incidences of violence were reported in Poland with 19%. •

Wikipedia figures: India safer than most countries

According to Wikipedia the probability of rape (per 100,000 of population):

In 2004 was, India 1.6; Japan 1.7; Canada 1.8; Republic of Korea 13.5; Denmark 10.4; the UK 26.4; and the USA 32.3

By 2010, India’s record had worsened to 1.8; and UK to 28.8. Japan’s record improved to 1.0; Denmark’s to 6.4 (2009); and USA’s to 27.3.


Wikipedia, using regional groupings, lists India at no. 56, behind

41 Canada; 42 USA; 47 Hong Kong; 48 Japan; 50 Korea; 52 the Philippines; 53 Singapore; 54 Thailand; and 55 Bangladesh.

Maldives 57; Nepal 58 and Sri Lanka 59, follow. (Note: Wikipedia’s list seems to be region-wise, rather than according to the absolute or relative number of rapes.)

‘Stranger rape': in India and other countries

(Rapes committed by men who were strangers to the victim) The Times of India

‘Stranger rape’ goes [up from 2%] to over 10% [in India]

Rukmini Shrinivasan TIG 2013/06/15

'Stranger rapes': Rapes committed by men who were strangers to the victim

New Delhi: Was 2012 the most dangerous year for women in the capital in the recent past? One statistic would seem to suggest so: the proportion of rapes committed by men who were strangers to the victim rose above 2% for the first time in five years to cross 10%.

‘Stranger rape’ of the type that occurred in Delhi on December 16 last year tends to form the basis for women’s perceptions of public safety, but is relatively rare. Rape in India, as in the rest of the world, remains overwhelmingly a crime committed by persons known to the victim. Atthe all-India level,lessthan 2% – 453 in all — of the nearly 25,000 rapes registered during the year 2012 were committed by strangers, data released on Wednesday by the National Crime Records Bureau show. In Madhya Pradesh, the state that consistently records the largest number of rapes, all of the 3,425 assaultswereby persons known to the victim.

In Delhi too, the proportion of stranger rapes has hovered close to the 2% mark over the last five years. However 2012 NCRB data for Delhi show that 63 of the 585 rapes that were committed in 2012, or nearly 11%,wereby strangers to the victim.

While data for Delhi have been stable over the previous years, large swings between years for a few other cities raise some doubts over the accuracy of NCRB data. Bangalore is the most extreme example of this: the proportion of ‘stranger rapes’ in the southern city swung from 77% to 0% between two consecutive years, 2009 and 2010. Karnataka’s crime statistics chief hadearlier toldTOIthat it was probably a problem with the numbers. “In Bangalore and Karnataka, as in the rest of the country, rape by strangers is a very small part of total rapes,’ Praveen Sood, additional DGP, Karnataka State Crime Records Bureau, had told TOI. A spokesperson for the Delhi police said he could not comment without the exact numbers in front of him.

It’s too soon to draw conclusions based on one year’s data, agreedKalpana Vishwanath of the Delhi-based women’s rights organization Jagori. “It’s undoubtedly a fact that there is crime against women, but there also seems to be some slight increase in the last six months. There is greater family and community supportto girlswhowantto speak out, and a little less of blaming the victim,” Vishwanath said.

Victims of rape also tend to be younger in cities than in the rest of the India, more so in Delhi. In the cities for which NCRB provides data, justover half the rape victims were aged 18 or less. The corresponding all-India figure was just 36.5%. In Delhi, 329 of the 585 victimes, or about 56.2% were aged 18 or less.

Worldwide: 31% of female victims were raped by a stranger


According to the U.S. Department of Justice: (All statistics are taken from: Violenceagainst Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994.)

One of every four rapes take place in a public area or in a parking garage.

31% of female victims reported that the offender was a stranger.

Delhi: Accused known in 95% rapes

`Accused known in 95% rapes', June 12, 2017: The Times of India

In over 95% of rape cases, the survivor and the accused know each other, according to Delhi Police commissioner Amulya Patnaik.

According to statistics, 2,155 rape cases were reported in the city last year, and only 3.57% of them involved strangers.Patnaik also said the issue of women safety cannot be addressed by the police alone, but requires participation from various government departments.

Longer- term statistics analysed

Rapes in India's 5 biggest cities

More rapes in Delhi in 2012 than 4 metros put together

Dwaipayan Ghosh TNN 2013/06/14

The Times of India

Rapes in India: 2012 statistics

New Delhi: Delhi’s shame continues. The National Crime Records Bureau’s report for 2012 iterates through statistics what every woman in the city knows by experience — that it remains the most unsafe for women among 88 important cities of India.

With 5,959 cases of crime against women registered last year, Delhi accounted for a staggering 14.88% of all women-related crimes reported from these 88 cities. No other city even came close to matching Delhi’s notorious record.

Bangalore was a distant second, with a share of 6.18% of all crimes against women in urban India. Next came Kolkata (5.66%) and then Mumbai (4.86%).

No crime reveals Delhi’s violence towards women better than rape. The number of rapes in the capital last year (706) was more than those reported in four other metros — Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai (484) — put together. The staggeringly high figure can’t be explained by the capital’s sprawl. For, the female population of Delhi is 75.76 lakh, lower than Mumbai (85.20 lakh) and not much higher than Kolkata (67.93 lakh).

Rapes rise 200% in Kolkata in 5 years [2008-13]

Dwaipayan Ghosh, TNN | Sep 29, 2013

The Times of India

KOLKATA: The City of 'bhoi' is indeed living its worst nightmare. The number of rapes has almost doubled in the city since 2008 and molestation tripled, says the latest data of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). The last NCRB study had ranked Bengal No. 1 in crimes against women.

Cruelty towards women has seen a 200% increase - from 405 in 2008 to 865 in 2012 - giving the city the ignominy of topping cases under Section 498A IPC. Even dowry death, which was on the decline in the late Nineties in Bengal, has seen a slight increase in Kolkata.

In 2008, 35 rape cases were reported in Kolkata, which rose to 42 the next year. Although it dropped sharply to 32 in 2010, the very next year it shot up to 42, and 2012 was the worst year with 68 rapes cases registered in the city.

Molestation cases increased even more alarmingly, from 81 in 2008 to 133 in 2010. And again, 2012 was the worst year, with 377 molestation incidents reported.

Some incidents this month itself raises a number of questions. A Class-X student of a leading south Kolkata school was molested while returning home in the Topsia-Tiljala area. A couple of days later, a young girl was raped in the same area. A woman returning home with her fiance was molested by bike-borne men near AJC Bose Road flyover and two female employees of an eatery in China Town were kidnapped inside a taxi and molested by three men.

Earlier, a 26-year-old woman was kidnapped and raped inside a moving car and a Frenchwoman was molested by a bike gang in the Lake Gardens area.

Age profile of the women raped; relationship profile of the rapists

See graphic:

Rapes in India in 2016:
i) age profile of the women raped;
ii) a profile of those who committed rape in 2016

Rapes in India in 2016:
i) age profile of the women raped;
ii) a profile of those who committed rape in 2016
From [ The Times of India ]

Child rapes/ Sexual assault on children

Victims above and below 18: Indian states with the worst record

Indian states with the highest number of rapes, and percentage of victims above and below 18 years of age ; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, October 21, 2015

See graphic, 'Indian states with the highest number of rapes, and percentage of victims above and below 18 years of age'

2001 to 2011: 336% spurt in child rape cases

‘336% spurt in child rape cases’

Child rapes.jpg

By TIMES NEWS NETWORK, The Times of India , 22 April 2013 The Times of India

Even as the national Capital protests against the heinous nature of the five-year-old child’s rape, an independent report, based on National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) figures, shows that India is no country for children.

The report says a total of 48,338 child rape cases was recorded between 2001 and 2011, and the nation saw an increase of 336% of such cases from 2001 (2,113) to 2011 (7,112).

The report by the Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), however, warns that this is only the “tip of the iceberg” as the large majority of child rape cases are not reported to police while children regularly become victims of other forms of sexual assault too. Madhya Pradesh recorded the highest number of child rape cases with 9,465 cases between 2001 and 2011, followed by Maharashtra (6,868), Uttar Pradesh (5,949) and Andhra Pradesh (3,977). Delhi, which reported 2,909 cases, ranked sixth on the list.

The report, “India’s Hell Holes: Child Sexual Assault in Juvenile Justice Homes”, which has been submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, says that many of the cases take place in juvenile homes.

“It will not be an understatement to state that juvenile justice homes, established to provide care and protection as well as reintegration, rehabilitation and restoration of the juveniles in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection, have become India’s hell holes where inmates are subjected to sexual assault and exploitation, torture and ill-treatment apart from being forced to live in inhuman conditions. The girls remain the most vulnerable. It matters little whether the juvenile justice homes are situated in Delhi or in mofussil towns,” said Suhas Chakma, director, ACHR.

The 56-page report also highlights 39 cases of systematic and often repeated sexual assault on children in juvenile justice homes. Out of the 39 cases, 11 were reported from governmentrun juvenile justice homes, while in one case a CWC member was accused of sexual harassment during counselling sessions.

The remaining 27 cases were reported from private or NGO-run juvenile justice homes.

2015, 2016: 43 to 49% cases were assaults by neighbours, relatives on under-18s

Nearly half of rape cases in Delhi have kids as victims; most in outer district, November 24, 2017: The Times of India

NGO Study Says 50% Of Delhiites Feel Unsafe In Capital

The belief that the capital is not safe for its children has been reaffirmed by data accessed through Right to Information requests. Nearly half the rape cases reported in Delhi in 2015 and 2016 involved assaults on children. Not surprisingly, a perception survey carried out by NGO Praja among 24,000 households showed that 50% of the people did not feel safe in Delhi. The comparative figure for Mumbai was 17%.

Data gathered by Praja through RTIs showed that 49.14% of rape cases in 2015 and 43.79% in 2016 were registered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, which deals with sexual assaults on children under the age of 18 years. With 178 cases, Outer district registered the most POCSO cases, followed by South East (125) and North East

(124). Outer district also had the maximum registered rape cases at 367 in 2016. In most cases of assaults on children, the perpetrators were neighbours or relatives.

South district reported the highest occurrence of molestation of women (590), while West had the most cases of chain snatching (1,018) in 2016. Praja’s report said, “Around 60% do not feel that Delhi is secure for women, children and senior citizens, 67% respondents from Chandni Chowk and South Delhi find the city unsafe/ not secure for women, children and senior citizens in one's locality and 57% do not feel secure while travelling in Delhi.”

Of the 24,301respondents in the survey, 15% had witnessed a crime in Delhi against only 5% in Mumbai. Of the respondents who saw a crime being committed, 57% did not inform the police. Of the 43% who did approach the police, 76% were not satisfied with the response. In contrast, half of Mumbaikars who witnessed a crime informed the police and were satisfied with the institutional response.

Praja also reported that crime did not seem to be top of the mind for Delhi’s members of Parliament. Quoting an RTI reply on the questions raised by MPs in Parliament between the Budget session of 2014 and the Budget session of 2017, the data showed Manoj Tiwari and Ramesh Bidhuri asking the maximum number of questions, six, on crime while Parvesh Sahib Singh asked only one question on the subject.

Speaking at the release of the white paper on crime in Delhi, journalist Rahul Dev said the “sexual demon which is at work across all sections of society in Delhi” needs to be countered by “creating and sustaining an awareness campaign against sexual abuse of the children with all the stakeholders i.e. children, parents, schools and colleges”.

2015-16, crime against children increased by 82%

Dipak Dash, Child rapes up 82% in 2016, UP records a 400% jump, December 1, 2017: The Times of India

Crimes By Juveniles Also Show Uptrend

Instances of child rape increased by 82% in 2016 in comparison to 2015. Uttar Pradesh registered a four-fold increase in such offences with the number of child rapes going up from 596 in 2015 to 2,115 in 2016, according to the report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

The report showed that 19,920 children were raped last year in comparison to 10,934 in 2015. Overall crimes against children saw the highest rise of 13.6% in 2016. Such crimes have been continuously on the rise over the past three years.

“Crimes against children have shown increasing trend over the past three years with significant increase of 13.6% (1,06,958) in 2016 over (94,172) in 2015. Kidnapping and abduction of children accounted for 52% of the cases followed by cases under POCSO,” a release issued by the home ministry said. POCSO stands for Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, which came into effect from 2012.

Maharashtra reported the highest number of child rapes at 2,467 in 2016, followed by Madhya Pradesh at 2,292. The report also shows an over 50% rise in cases of abduction and kidnapping in 2016 in comparison to 2015.

In a first, crime report of 2016 has included feticide cases, which were at 144.

It’s not just crimes against children which saw an increase, but also number of crimes committed by juveniles increased during 2016 by 7.2%. Rapes by juveniles increased from 1,688 in 2015 to 1,903 last year, an almost 13% jump. Similarly, the number of murders, kidnapping, abduction and thefts increased last year, the report shows.

The MHA release said: “20.6% (7,369) of cases under juvenile in conflict with law were reported in MP followed by 18.4% in Maharashtra (6,606) during 2016.”

According to the report, 9,932 juveniles held guilty last year were released on probation and placed under care of parents or guardians, while 10,019 were sent home after advise or admonition.

More than 60% children who went missing in 2016 were girls, most of them in Bengal

(15.1% out of 1,11,569). Across states, police had traced 55,944 children by 2017 end.

Child rape: conviction rate

In 2013, trial completed in just 15% child rape cases

Abhinav Garg New Delhi:

The Times of India Jul 22 2014


Conviction Rate Was A Mere 31%

Only 15.3% of all cases relating to sexual offences against children in 2013 saw completion of trials in that year and the conviction rate for such crimes was a low 31.5%, latest figures released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reveal.

Nearly 85% cases of child rape continue to be pending in various courts across India, according to the report.

Extreme reluctance of parents to bring their victimized children to courts, inability to ensure their anonymity and conflicting testimonies by kids scarred by assault are some of the primary reasons why sex crime cases against children tend to linger on.

But the biggest reason according to experts, including lawyers, activists and child counsellors is the tendency of the government to enact special laws for which it is unable to allocate required resources to enable implementation by the judiciary .

For instance, despite bringing in a “stringent“ law such as Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (POCSO), there has been a jump in sex crimes against children. And, most district court complexes across the country are yet to get a dedicated sessions court for POCSO or independent special public prosecutors as envisaged under the Act that came into force in November 2012. Section 28 of the Act makes it mandatory for the state government to establish “a court of session to be special court in every district“ while section 32 mandates appointment of “special public prosecutors“.

Child rights lawyer Anant Asthana blamed the Centre and states for high pendency of sex crime trials in courts.

“The main reason is that the government doesn't invest in improving the justice delivery system,“ he said. “Supreme Court has said in its report on national court management system that government legislates but doesn't provide financial allocation. If there is no allocation how can magistrates be appointed, courtrooms built and prosecutors recruited?“

Protect identity in child rape: HC

The Times of India

Apr 03 201

The Delhi high court expressed concern over identity of child survivors of sexual offences being disclosed. HC has directed trial courts and hospitals to ensure that guidelines laid down by it are scrupulously followed in all cases relating to children.The court said it is the duty of the hospital where a child is admitted for treatment to ensure that no details of the survivor are divulged.

Abench of Chief Justice G Rohini and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw said the norms must be adhered to since it deals with keeping the identity of the child confidential unless permitted by the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) or Child Welfare Committee (CWC).The guidelines, prepared by a committee set up by the high court, also provide for creation of probe panels in courts and hospitals in case of such lapses.

In its latest directive, the court said that “the guidelines framed by the committee appointed by this court and as approved by this court should be implemented with immediate effect. The guidelines must be circulated in all courts and hospitals of the national capital, so that they are implemented.“

The bench said that this should be done before July 15.

The court's direction came after it was informed that the guidelines were not being implemented, as authorities were found to be disclosing the name and identity of the children in need of care and protection.

The court was hearing a petition, filed by lawyer Anant Asthana, questioning the disclosure of identity of a 15-year-old girl who had brought a two-year-old baby to AIIMS in January 2012.

The child was admitted with severe head injury , both arms broken, bite marks all over her body and her cheeks branded with hot iron.

Is rape under-reported (or over-reported) in India?

All newspaper reports that have looked into this issue have been shifted to the page Rape definitions unique to India

See also

Age of consent Crimes against women: India Juveniles, benefits and privileges of Juvenile delinquency in India Especially the section 'Rape by juveniles' Premarital sex

Other articles about rapes in India

Rapes in India<> Rapes in India: court verdicts <> Rape definitions unique to India<> Rapes in India: the legal position after 2013<> <>Rapes in India: Compensation and help for survivors <> Rapes in India: annual statistics

Acid attacks: India

Crimes against women: India

Eve teasing: India

Sexual harassment: India
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