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~ l iD m o ~ " - (v;r)04 / 0007 1 200 3 - {) 9 R EG IS TE R E D N O. DL- (N )04 / 000 7 / 2 003 -09 ifiI ~he ~a~ette of ~kl
mUr EX T RAORDINARY ~ ll-~ 1 PART IT - S e ction 1 mf~ ~ VcliTfuq P U BLI SHE D BY AUTH ORI TY ( ~o 2 J N o. 21 ~~ , ~ , ~ 19 , 2010 / 29~ , 1931 N EW D E LHI , T U ESDAY , JAN U ARY 19 , 2010 / 29 Pausa , 1931 ~~ll03:02, 10 May 2015 (IST)%Parvez Dewan (talk)3R'ilT~<t~llWT~~ 1 S ep a r a te p agi ng i s given to this P a rt in ord e r that it m ay be filed a s a s epar a t e compilation . MINISTRY OF LAW A N D JUSTICE ( Le g i s lati ve Departm e nt ) New Delhi , the 1 9th Ja n uar y, 20 1 O / Pausa 29 , 193 1 ( Saka ) The fo ll owing Act of Parliament , after having been ratified by the Legislat ur es of not l ess than one -h a l f of th e States by reso lu tions to t h at effect , receive d t h e as s ent of the Preside nt o n th e 1 8t h J a nu ary , 20 10 , an d is h ereby p u b li s h e d for ge n era l in forma t io n
- THE C O NST IT UTI O N (N I N ETY - F I FTH AMENDMENT) ACT,2009 [18th J anuar y, 20 I 0 . ] An Act f u rther to amend the Co n stitution of I n dia. B E i t e n acted by Pa rli a m e n t i n t h e Sixtieth Yea r of the R epublic of I ndia as fo ll ow s:- l . (J ) This Act may be call e d the Constit u t i o n (N in e ty - fifth Amen dm e n t) Act , 2009 . S h o r t ti tle and corn - (2) I t s ha l l come int o for ce on the 25th day of Ja n uary , 2010 . m e n ce m ent . 2. I n a r t i c l e 33 4 of the Cons t itution , fo r t h e wor d s " sixty years ", the word s " sev e nt y A m e n d m e n t o f ye ar s" shall be substit u te d .
Book I
This page is an extract from OR THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN By Edited with an Introduction and Notes by In Three Volumes HUMPHREY MILFORD |
Note: This article is likely to contain several spelling mistakes that occurred during scanning. If these errors are reported as messages to the Facebook page, your help will be gratefully acknowledged.
Book II
This page is an extract from OR THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN By Edited with an Introduction and Notes by In Three Volumes HUMPHREY MILFORD |
Note: This article is likely to contain several spelling mistakes that occurred during scanning. If these errors are reported as messages to the Facebook page, your help will be gratefully acknowledged.
Book III
This page is an extract from OR THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN By Edited with an Introduction and Notes by In Three Volumes HUMPHREY MILFORD |
Note: This article is likely to contain several spelling mistakes that occurred during scanning. If these errors are reported as messages to the Facebook page, your help will be gratefully acknowledged.
Book IV
This page is an extract from OR THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN By Edited with an Introduction and Notes by In Three Volumes HUMPHREY MILFORD |
Note: This article is likely to contain several spelling mistakes that occurred during scanning. If these errors are reported as messages to the Facebook page, your help will be gratefully acknowledged.
Other IPTs
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Note: This article is likely to have several spelling mistakes that occurred during scanning. If these errors are reported as messages to the Facebook page, your help will be gratefully acknowledged.
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This is an extract from |
This is an extract from a British Raj gazetteer pertaining to Sholapur that seems |