Delhi: Crime

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Crime in Delhi 2013

Juveniles, cyber crooks keep police on toes

Raj Shekhar & Somreet Bhattacharya New Delhi:


The Times of India Jul 02 2014

More Minors Involved In Rapes; Most Offenders Fall Under 16-18 Age Group

Cases involving juvenile offenders have increased by 28%--2,140 minors were tracked down in 1,590 criminal cases registered in 2013. In 2012, the figure was 1,541 against 523 cases.

In 2013, most juveniles were charged with theft as has been the trend. Unlike 2012, they were found to be involved in more rape cases than murders.

Crime in Delhi 2013

Of the 2,140 juveniles apprehended, 2,087 were found to be involved in cognizable offences; 697 were sent to home after admonition and advice, while 301 were released on probation. As many as 692 juveniles were sent to special homes, 17 faced fines and 149 were acquitted; 267 cases are pending.

Among those apprehended, 821 had dropped out of school at the higher secondary level; 599 were primary school dropouts, and 421 were illiterate.

As many as 1,774 were found to be also living with their parents, while 69 were homeless; 849 children were found to have a family income below Rs 25,000 a year, while 714 belonged to the in come group of Rs 25,001-Rs 50,000.

In 2013, juveniles were involved in 928 cases of theft, burglary or snatching, followed by 163 cases of rape and 76 murder cases.

In 2012, the figure was 1,144, of which 523 were involved in theft, followed by100 cases of murder and 63 of rape.

The NCRB statistics reinforce the need to bring down the juvenile age limit to 16, which Delhi Police has been demanding since the Nirbhaya case.

Out of 2,087 apprehended juveniles, 1,148 were in the age-group of 16-18. In 2012, this figure was 860. Nationally, 66.8% of the juveniles are in this age group.

Among the apprehended juveniles, 875 were boys between 12 and 16; the figure was 617 for 2012. The cops apprehended 23 girls of different ages for various crimes. In 2013 and 2012, juveniles were found to be involved in rapes, gruesome murders of elderly people and robberies.

Around a dozen escapes from correctional homes were reported in the last two years.

Delhi Police has requested juvenile justice boards and child welfare committees to put in place stronger rehabilitation programmes at correctional homes so that minors can be weaned away from criminal activities.

Senior police officers made this request to Child Welfare Committee officials during a sensitization programme.

In a programme conducted by the Delhi police earlier this year, the principal judge JJB-II, Suchi Laler, had even asked the counsellors to find out the reason behind children resorting to crime and had called for educating the parents too.

Crime in Delhi: 2014

The Times of India

Jan 03 2015

Crime in Delhi: 2007- 14, The Times of India
Disciplinary and departmental actions and seizure of arms: some facts, The Times of India

Roads are safer: 10year low in accidents

Somreet Bhattacharya Despite an increase in the number of vehicles, 2014 witnessed the lowest number of accidents in the past 10 years. In all, 1,595 deaths were reported in 1,559 accidents. During the previous year, 1,820 people had died in 1,778 accidents. The police have attributed the decrease to steps like installing speedchecking equipment and conducting intensive drives against drunken driving and speeding which cause the maximum number of accidents in the city .Delhi Police commissioner B S Bassi blamed multimodal traffic, rapid unplanned commercialization along roads and an indifferent attitude towards road safety for the high rate of accidents. A special initiative was taken to identify high-speed corridors where traffic violations are rampant leading to deaths. The traffic police also formed a committee to analyse the cause, time and nature of every road accident that had taken place in 2014 and took corrective measures.

Out of the 7 lakh prosecutions by the traffic police last year, 1,23,676 vehicles were prosecuted for speeding as against 29,045 in 2013. The cops also introduced 11 high-speed interceptors that were deployed in areas where drivers tend to speed. A fleet of 50 highway patrol vehicles was deployed on the national highways passing through the city .

The traffic police cracked down on heavy vehicles plying without a rear under-run protection device, a bar that prevents smaller vehicles from slipping under the bigger one during a crash. This prevents fatalities and is a mandatory feature. Till mid-December, 21,514 heavy vehicles had been prosecuted. Delhi Police might also push for taking stricter action against heavy vehicle owners failing to comply with the prescribed standards. They booked 1,90,000 heavy vehicles for dangerous driving and impounded 1049 of them for failing to observe traffic norms. The cops also prosecuted 6653 drunk drivers this year which is nearly 50% more than 2013. Out of these, 17 were given a jail term ranging between one and three days, 21 four and five days, seven six and nine days and six for 10 days. The cops also counselled 38,224 traffic rule violators after challaning them.

Drives were conducted against e-rickshaws which had been banned from plying in the city and 7038 were imponded.

Measures were also taken to increase traffic police presence past midnight resulting in a decrease in fatalities. The duty hours of the personnel were extended to 4am to carry out special drives and night checking.

The traffic cops issued all challans through the e-challan system which allows them to maintain a database of traffic violators. Repeat offenders were targeted and 707 licences cancelled for drunk driving. Action was taken on the basis of complaints found on the traffic police facebook page.


Delhi, 2013 and 2014: crime, cases solved and law and order, The Times of India
Delhi,crime: 2011- 2014, The Times of India

Crime against women: Delhi, 2014

The Times of India

Jan 03 2015

Crime against women: Delhi, 2014

Nitisha Kashyap

The year 2014 not only saw a considerable increase in the registration of rape cases, but also a majority of the cases being solved well in time. Be it the Danish woman's gang rape case with which the year started or the cab rape with which the year ended, the accused were arrested within 48 hours. Cops said hesitation in getting a rape case registered has come down. Survivors are also helping police with important details like photos or a description of the accused.

Police chief BS Bassi said 78% cases were solved within a fortnight. Around 61% rapes and 62% molestation cases were worked out within a week. Cops said the accused were known to the victims in 96% rape cases. In approximately 72% rapes, the crime was committed by a relative or a friend, while in 21% the accused was a neighbour.Cases of rape by employers or co-workers constituted 3% of the total.

Bassi has proposed compulsory self-defence training in schools for girls. For safety of women travelling in public transport, police has introduced Special Squad for Women Protection. This squad travels in civvies in buses to ensure no girl is being harassed.

Last year, till December 15, 2,069 cases of rape were reported--a 31.7% increase over 2013 when 1,571 incidents were registered. Police claim to have solved 80.57% (1,667 of 2,069) of them. The number of molestation cases went up to 4,179, an increase of 24.93%, against 3,345 in 2013. Police claim to have solved 67.17% (2,807 of 4,179).

Currently , there are 859 pa trol vans to assist women travelling late or stranded. Police have also deployed motorcycle patrols, emergency response vehicles for women's security . Police officials are also posted outside girls' schools and colleges.

Cluster buses and violations:2012-14

The Times of India

Cluster buses and violations:2012-14

Feb 13 2015

Somreet Bhattacharya

Cluster buses have become a cause for concern to the cops as an increasing number of them have been found involved in serious traffic offences, including dangerous driving and driving by minors. Just this year, 231 cluster buses have been booked for various offences in a month. In fact, repeated requests by traffic police to rein in errant drivers have yielded no results. More than 1,200 cluster buses have been introduced since 2012 due to lack of public service vehicles, but no clear policies were framed on the level of training required for drivers. Traffic officials say that last year 702 drivers were booked for rash driving.Shockingly, 64 owners were also booked for allowing minors to drive the buses.

The Delhi Integrated Multi-modal Transit System (DIMTS) has contracted the service to private operators who employ drivers according to their specifications.Such drivers are paid a daily salary while the income generated is transferred to DIMTS. Delhi Police crime branch had unearthed a nexus to recruit cluster bus drivers and arrested a gang in 2013. They suspect more criminals are involved in the recruitment process.

A police officer said many former Blueline bus drivers, who were barred from driving for being involved in fatal accidents, have managed to enter this service as DIMTS doesn't have a say in their recruitment. Also, enforcement is lacking in the case of buses either halting without a bus stop or in the middle of the road for picking up or dropping passengers, which leads to maximum accidents.Last year, 12 people were killed in accidents involving cluster buses, while in 2015 two people have been killed.

A traffic cop said in 2014 they had sent a notification to DTC and DIMTS to ensure the drivers are imparted basic training, but nothing has been done. Data is now being prepared to identify repeat offenders. Once identified, police will send a request to the transport department to get their licenses cancelled.

2015: Jan-May: dip in heinous crimes

Cases reported: 2014-2015; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India,Jun 07 2015

The Times of India, Jun 07 2015

Raj Shekhar

Capital witnesses dip in murders and dacoities

In a shift from the last five years' trend, Delhi has witnessed a dip in heinous crimes this year. Murders, rioting and dacoities--prime indicators of the law and order situation in a city--have plunged in the first five months of 2015. Delhi Police's half-yearly data reveals that murders have dipped by 3.83%. There were 226 murders in 2015 as compared to 235 cases in 2014 in the same period. Cases of rioting and non-communal violence between two groups of people have come down by 12%.

“There were 50 cases reported in 2015 whereas the count in the same time period (January 1-May 31) was 57.Cases of dacoity , too, have come down by 12.2%. There were 41 cases reported last year but the number this year is 36,“ special commissioner (law and order) Deepak Mishra said.

This year, fewer cases of police murders have also been reported. However, scuffles of the general public with policemen have increased this year. Free registration of street crime has led to increase in FIRs filed in cases of snatching and robberies.The snatching cases have ris en from 3,093 to 3,838 while robberies have risen from 2,068 to 2,870. From 12 cases reported till May 31 in 2014, kidnapping cases this year have gone up to 17.

Thefts and burglaries have seen an increase of 38% as police registered 5,250 cases from last year's 3,784 cases. Rape cases have come down by 0.12% as Delhi registered 1 fewer case than last year. This year, 820 cases have been registered till May 31.However, molestation cases have seen an increase from 1,590 to 1,947.

Analysis of heinous crimes suggests that sudden provocation was the leading reason for murders, accounting for about 21% of the killings. About 11% of murders were related to sex, 16% were murdered in enmity while 9% were killed in money-related matters, sources said.Property disputes, police claimed, caused 3% of murders. Crime-related murders were 8% of the total while 10% were due to family disputes. Unidentified dead bodies constituted 10% of the murders. The total number of IPC cases registered till May 31 has shot up from 58,936 to 73,198.

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