About Us
From Indpaedia
Revision as of 20:28, 18 September 2012 by Parvez Dewan (Pdewan) (Talk | contribs)
- The idea was conceived by Mr. Parvez Dewan and he very kindly accepted the offer of Neelotpal Mishra to help him out.
- The project was conceived much before when the two met on the Oxford and Cambridge society of India trip to China in Nov 2008.
- The work on the project officially started by requirements gathering phase which lasted from 08 March 2010 to 17 April 2010.
- The Web site http://www.indpaedia.com was registered on 24 April 2010.
- Since 01 April 2010 there were a many people who tried to get actively involved in creation of indpaedia.com, however could not
help much due to lack of commitment. - On 21 Nov 2011 Dr. Ravi Prakash finally helped us in identifying a few dedicated bunch of students who have been in all
probability have been working very hard to make this project a success. - The first prototype of the basic functionality is ready and is in the testing phase.
- The full functionality web site is being developed by the students by taking out time from their busy and demanding academic
The students currently involved in the project under the able guidance of Mr. Vishwa Ranjan (cvishwaranjan@yahoo.com) are:
- Saurabh Singh
- Vishesh Singh
- Dhiraj Pahilajani
- Gagandeep Singh
Special Thanks
We would like to extend our sincere and heart felt gratitude to Prof. Ravi Prakash, Vice Chancellor, Jaypee University of Information Technology for his unhindered support to the project and the continuous motivation to his students to complete such a complex project. Prof. Prakash can be contacted at ravi.prakash@juit.ac.in and his web page can be viewed on http://www.juit.ac.in/University/vc.php
Contact Us
Parvez Dewan [parvezdewan@yahoo.com]
Neelotpal Mishra [neelotpal.mishra@oxfordbusinessalumni.org]