Maldives- India relations

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Why India cherishes its ties with Maldives

February 7, 2018: The Times of India

December 26, 2017: The Times of India


India has said it is "disturbed" over the situation in Maldives and has added that its Armed forces are on standby for any contingency. Sources said troop movement has been seen at a key air-base in southern India. Here are 10 reasons why Maldives is important for India

1. 1) Location, location location. The Maldives's location on the Indian Ocean makes it a nation of concern to India+ especially as regional rival China is trying to expand its sphere of influence in those waters. The Maldives is located near important sea routes in the Indian Ocean - close to the Gulf of Aden and the Straits of Malacca. Almost all main trade routes to the broader region pass by the Maldives; most of the energy supplies from the Middle East are transported along these routes.

Strategically located in the Indian Ocean, Maldives archipelago comprising 1,200 coral islands lies next to key shipping lanes which ensure uninterrupted energy supplies to countries like China, Japan and India.

2. Since China started to send naval ships to Indian Ocean roughly 10 years ago — and right up to Gulf of Aden in the name of antipiracy operations — Maldives' significance has steadily grown and now it's at the heart of international geopolitics.

As it is, the Maldives has signed a Free Trade Agreement with Beijing, without taking the country's opposition, or even its citizenry, into confidence. This worries the mandarins in South Block as well as the opposition in the Maldives.

Adding to that worry is the fact that the archipelago already owes almost 70% of its debt to China, raising fears it will be completely under Beijing's thumb, much like Pakistan is.

If that happens, India fears being encircled by Chinese-influenced vassals. As it is, Sri Lanka's decision to hand over the Hambantota port to China on a 99-year lease has caused some consternation in Indian diplomatic circles.

3. As the pre-eminent South Asian power and a 'net security provider' in the Indian Ocean region, India needs to cooperate with Maldives in security and defence sectors.

4. China's massive economic presence in Maldives is a major concern for India. With the country now said to owe 70% of its external aid to China, many believe that Yameen has done to Maldives what Rajapaksa did to Sri Lanka. India had to push back at some stage and the current political crisis might just have offered India the right opportunity.

5. A large section of population which supports the opposition parties like Nasheed's MDP wants India to act against Yameen.

6. Maldives is also a member of Saarc. It is important for India to have Maldives on board to maintain its leadership in the region. Maldives was the only Saarc country which seemed reluctant to follow India's call for boycott of Saarc summit in Pakistan after the Uri attack.

7. Under Yameen, radicalisation grew rapidly and it was often said that archipelago accounted for one of the highest numbers of foreign fighters in Syria in terms of per capita. India can ill-afford a neighbour which fails to check Islamic radicalisation.

The Maldives's Abdulla Yameen government hasn't done much to inspire confidence in India, as it has shown scant regard for India's security-related concerns, despite the country's professed 'India First' policy.

8. India and Maldives share ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious and commercial links. India was among the first to recognise Maldives after its independence in 1965 and later established its mission at Male in 1972.

9. There are 25,000 Indian nationals living in Maldives (second largest expatriate community). Indian tourists also account for close to 6% of tourists Maldives receives every year.

10. India is also a preferred destination for Maldivians for education, medical treatment, recreation and business. According to MEA, more and more Maldivians are seeking long term visa for pursuing higher studies/medical treatment in India.

1988: Operation Cactus

Operation Cactus: How Indian troops went to Maldives and helped quell a coup, February 7, 2018: The Times of India


The current political crisis in Maldives has prompted India to put its military on standby to ensure "deployment at short notice"

30 years ago, in 1988, an intervention by the Indian armed forces - codenamed 'Operation Cactus' - trounced an attempted coup on the island nation

The current political crisis in neighbouring Maldives has prompted India to put its military on standby to ensure "deployment at short notice" and in anticipation of an "eventuality."

If the armed forces receive the go ahead, this will not be the first time they come to the island nation's rescue.

30 years ago, in 1988, a Maldivian group led by Abdullah Luthufi attempted to overthrow the government in Maldives. The group was aided by armed mercenaries of the People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE), a Sri Lankan Tamil secessionist organisation.

The intervention by Indian armed forces - codenamed 'Operation Cactus' - trounced the attempted coup.


More than 60 of PLOTE's mercenaries landed in the Maldivian capital of Male and soon gained control of the city. Then-President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who was able to escape capture, requested military intervention from several countries, including India.

Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi responded to Gayoom's call, dispatching paratroopers and naval warships to the island nation.

Operation Cactus started on the night of 3 November 1988, hours after the request for intervention.

The Indian paratroopers rescued the President and soon returned control of the capital to the Maldivian government. Some of the mercenaries were captured and handed over to the government.

David Brewster, a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University, notes that "India received international praise for the operation," in 'India's Ocean: The story of India's bid for regional leadership'. The book's extract, published on the website of an independent think-tank, adds that President Reagan appreciated India's decisive action in the matter.


The current crisis in the country was spurred by the Maldivian Supreme Court's order last week, directing the immediate release of nine opposition leaders, including exiled former president Mohammed Nasheed, and their retrials. In its order, the court said that the prisoners' 'guilty' verdicts had been "influenced" by the government.

The ruling may have allowed Nasheed, who was Maldives' first democratically elected president, to challenge President Abdulla Yameen when he seeks re-election later this year.

The court also ordered the reinstatement of 12 MPs, who had been ousted for switching allegiance to the opposition. With their return, President Yameen's Progressive Party of the Maldives will lose its majority in the 85-member Parliament.

However, President Yameen showed no inclination to implement the order, even as the apex court on Sunday categorically asked that the ruling be complied with.

Instead, Yameen declared a state of emergency+ and got Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and another judge, Ali Hameed arrested. The remaining three judges of the Supreme Court revoked the release order, "in light of the concerns raised by the President".

India, which is monitoring the situation very "closely",+ said it was "disturbed" at the declaration of the emergency by the island nation's government. It called the arrests a matter of "concern".

"We are disturbed by the declaration of a State of Emergency in the Maldives following the refusal of the government to abide by the unanimous ruling of the full bench of the Supreme Court on February 1, and also by the suspension of constitutional rights of the people of Maldives," the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement. Nasheed requested India's help+ - specifically, military support.

"We would like the Indian government to send an envoy, backed by its military, to free the judges and the political detainees, including former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, from their detention and to bring them to their homes. We are asking for a physical presence," he appealed.

Earlier, highly-placed sources in the Maldivian Supreme Court, too, had urged India and other democratic countries for help.

"The chief of judicial administration, Hasan Saeed, had his home raided on bribery charges and judges are being intimidated. We need India to take tough measures to ensure that rule of law is implemented in the Maldives," the source had told.

The Indian mission in Male, according to sources in New Delhi, was at the time, in touch with "all relevant agencies" involved in the matter.

2011- 18: How China gained a foothold

February 11, 2018: The Times of India


Maldives signs Free Trade Agreement with China

Maldives ‘flouts rules’, quietly inks trade deal with China, December 1, 2017: The Times of India

Setting off fresh concerns over China’s growing presence in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives government has signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Beijing without taking the country’s opposition, or even the people, into confidence.

According to the Maldivesopposition, the archipelago already owes almost 70% of its debt to China.

Maldives remains the only country in the region which PM Narendra Modi is yet to visit. Despite its stated India First policy formulation, the Abdulla Yameen government has shown scant regard for India’s security-related concerns.

“We are also deeply concerned that further entrenchment of thecountry into a Chinesedebttrap will resultin additional stress on strategic national assets and increasing instability in Indian Ocean region,” said the main opposition party, MDP’s statement.

According to the opposition, on November 29, the Speaker of parliament called for an emergency sitting, to pass the FTA with China. While the negotiations had been completed in September, Yameen signed the document. The agreement was apparently sent to the parliamentary oversight committeeon national security affairs within 3 minutes of submission tothefloor.

“The committee vetting the agreement took less than 10 minutes. The committee was conducted against parliamentary procedures... with deliberations closedoff for the public and to the media... MPs were not given access to the document... The government allowed for lessthan 1hour for the parliamentary process to approve the 1000+ page document,” saidthestatement.

FTA with China erodes Maldives’ sovereignty

Sachin Parashar, ‘FTA with China erodes sovereignty of Maldives’, December 4, 2017: The Times of India

With Maldives and China entering into a Free Trade Agreement, the nitty-gritty of which is yet to be made public, there’s mounting concernthat thestrategically-located archipelago could be the next country to walk into a Beijing debt trap, a situation that has serious strategic ramifications for India.

In an exclusive interaction with TOI, former Maldivian president and leader of main opposition party MDP Mohamed Nasheed slammed the agreement and said it wasn’t just against Maldivian national interest but would also upset “traditional allies’’ of the country, causing further tension in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

India and the US, the two “democratic stalwarts” in the Indo-Pacific, have repeatedly called for responsible debt financing practices as they have looked to undercut China’s policy to provide easy access to capital abroad in the name of improving connectivity. With the trade balance already favouring China, there’s a fear that the FTA will further increase the deficit.

Developments in Maldives since the ouster of Nasheed in 2012 have worried India as the islands have been roiled by internal power plays and the growing shadow of China’s economic and military presence in the IOR along with signs that radical influences are taking root in the nation where a large majority practices Sunni Islam.

“This disgraceful agreement — rushed through parliament in under an hour, whileopposition MPswere conveniently summoned to appear in court — is not in the Maldivian national interest,” said Nasheed, who lives in exile in London.

“Itwilldeepen thedebttrap to China. Already more than 70% of our foreign debt is owed to Beijing, which givesBeijing huge leverage over us, undermining Maldivian sovereignty and independence,” he added. Recent examples such as Sri Lanka’s decision to allow Chinese control of Hambantota port as part of a debt swap have sharpened India’s concerns too.

The Maldivian opposition believes India has continued to mollycoddletheAbdulla Yameen government in thefond hope that itwill, even as it encourages Chinese investment, do nothing to hurt India’s security interest. In August, theMaldives, which PMNarendra Modi has avoided visiting so far, was said to have allowed three Chinese warships to dock at the Male harbour.


Jan: Maldives tries to mend ties, says ‘India First’

Maldives tries to mend ties, says ‘India First’, January 12, 2018: The Times of India

India and the Maldives pressed the reset button in ties with the latter’s foreign minister Mohamed Asim briefing his counterpart Sushma Swaraj and PM Narendra Modi about Male’s position on a host of issues that seemed to be plaguing the bilateral relationship in recent times.

Asim, who visited India also as President Abdulla Yameen’s special envoy, reiterated Male’s ‘India First’ policy and, according to a statement issued by India, emphasised that Maldives attached the highest priority to its ties with India.

According to official sources here, Asim did not just assure India that Male will do nothing to jeopardise India’s security interests but also said in his meetings with both Modi and Swaraj that the Maldives would expedite work on India’s developmental projects which the two countries had announced during Yameen’s visit to India. Progress on these projects had been patchy until now.

Discussions in Asim’s meetings with Modi and Swaraj centred around strengthening of the development partnership between India and Maldives and enhancing defence and security cooperation, said the Indian government.

Asim also invited Modi to Maldives, the only Saarc country which the PM has avoided visiting until now. Modi agreed to visit Maldives “at a suitable time’’ as he affirmed that India would always remain a reliable and close neighbour of Male. Asim is also said to have discussed with his Indian counterpart Maldives’ recent FTA with China. Male continues to maintain that it would soon like to have a similar agreement with India.

“Swaraj met Mohamed Asim, foreign minister and special envoy of the President of Maldives. Both had productive discussions to strengthen bilateral relationship keeping in mind ‘India First’ policy of Maldives and our policy of ‘Neighbourhood first’,” the ministry of external affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar tweeted.

“External affairs minister (Swaraj) conveyed our commitment to achieving the full potential of our relationship in line with India’s Neighbourhood First policy,’’ an MEA statement said.

Foreign secretary S Jaishankar alsio paid a “courtesy call’’ on Asim.

Highlighting President Yameen’s ‘India First’ policy, Asim reiterated the importance of further strengthening the historical ties between the two countries, said Male in a statement. “He further expressed gratitude to the government of India for their valuable contribution towards the socio-economic development of the Maldives. Prime Minister Modi assured that the Maldives has, and will always remain, a close friend of India. Further, the Prime Minister assured that India would extend its support in all areas of cooperation.’’ it said.

Maldives SC seeks India’s help

Sachin Parashar, Maldives SC seeks India’s help as president declares war on it, February 5, 2018: The Times of India

The Maldives was teetering on the brink of military rule on Sunday with the Abdulla Yameen government looking to stifle the country’s supreme court. Highly placed sources in the Maldivian apex court, even as they beseeched India and other democratic countries for help, told TOI that Yameen was looking to sack SC judges, including chief justice Abdulla Saeed, by filing false cases against them.

“The chief of judicial administration, Hasan Saeed, had his home raided on bribery charges and judges are being intimidated. We need India to take tough measures to ensure that rule of law is implemented in the Maldives,” a top source in the SC told TOI. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was closely involved with the SC ruling which ordered the release of all political prisoners, including Mohammed Nasheed, the country’s first democratically elected president. The Indian mission in Male, according to sources in New Delhi, was in touch with “all relevant agencies” involved in the crisis.

Things took a turn for the worse in the morning as the country’s police chief and the Maldives National Defence Force announced they were going to take orders from attorney general Mohamed Anil and not the SC. But later in the evening, the SC dealt another blow to Yameen, asking him to comply with its order to release political prisoners and reinstate dissident lawmakers because their trials were “politically motivated and flawed”.

‘Yameen fooling international community’

The attorney general accusedthe SC of preparing to impeach Yameen and said such a move would not just be illegal but also be resisted by the government. Anil said Yameen’s removal from office by the court would plunge the country into a “national security crisis”.

The top court had last week ordered the release of all political prisoners. However, even three days after the ruling, Yameen has not moved to free the prisoners. The ruling had also reinstated 12 MPs, giving the joint opposition led by Nasheed’s Maldivian Democratic Party a clear majority in parliament.

A top SC official told TOI that an attempt was being made by the government to overhaul the judiciary. He said the SC was troubled by the manner in which the Yameen government had been misleading the international community for the past 3-4 years.

“The foreign minister, Mohamed Asim, has been telling worldleaders that the Yameen government only implements orders from the judiciary. He is only fooling them by saying these things. The fact is that all cases against the jailed leaders were found politically motivated and the ruling makes that point very clearly,” the official said.

Reason for asking help

Why Maldives' SC wants India's help: 10 points, February 5, 2018: The Times of India

Maldives has been in the grip of a political crisis ever since its Supreme Court overturned the convictions of some opposition leaders. On Sunday, the court requested India's help in the matter. Here are the key points about the current situation on the island-nation, what caused it and what the future holds:

  • The Maldivian Supreme Court ordered the immediate release of nine opposition leaders, including exiled former president Mohammed Nasheed, and their retrials. In its order, the court said that the prisoners' 'guilty' verdicts had been "influenced" by the government.

  • The ruling may allow Nasheed, who was Maldives' first democratically elected president, to challenge President Abdulla Yameen when he seeks re-election later this year. Nasheed had been sentenced to 13 years in prison on terrorism charges but later received asylum in Britain.

  • The court also ordered the reinstatement of 12 MPs, who had been ousted for switching allegiance to the opposition. With their return, President Yameen's Progressive Party of the Maldives will lose its majority in the 85-member Parliament. This could lead to the opposition evicting the speaker and passing 'no confidence' motions against government officials, reported Reuters.

  • The 12 ousted lawmakers, who were later reinstated, entered Parliament despite military deployment to block their entry into the building.

  • In a statement released on Friday, India said it was "closely monitoring" the situation, and urged the Maldivian government to "respect and abide by the order of the apex court."

  • The ruling led to several clashes between opponents of the country's government and its police in the capital Male.

  • However, Yameen has shown no inclination to implement the order yet, even as the apex court on Sunday categorically asked that the ruling be complied with.

"There is nothing preventing the prosecutor general from seeking a re-trial after the order has been implemented (and prisoners released)," the Supreme Court said in a statement.

  • Meanwhile on Sunday, the country's attorney general alleged that the court was trying to impeach Yameen, even as he warned that the president can be ousted only through a vote in Parliament. He said that he had asked national bodies and defence units to disregard any Supreme Court ruling on impeaching Yameen.

  • Highly-placed sources in the Maldivian Supreme Court on Sunday told TOI that Yameen was looking to sack judges of the apex court+ , including chief justice Abdulla Saeed, by filing false cases against them. It was also feared that military rule could be a very real possibility.

According to an earlier report by TOI, Yameen is said to have told a gathering of supporters about the Supreme Court ruling: "This will be sorted out soon... I'll deal with the SC."

  • The same sources in the court have also urgently requested India and other democratic countries for help.

"The chief of judicial administration, Hasan Saeed, had his home raided on bribery charges and judges are being intimidated. We need India to take tough measures to ensure that rule of law is implemented in the Maldives," the source told.

‘Visit dates of Maldives’ special envoy did not suit Indian side’

February 8, 2018: The Times of India


Maldives has dispatched special envoys to China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to brief them about the deepening political crisis in the country

Sources said there is a set protocol to send an envoy and India had not been informed of the purpose

A source also indicated that India may have declined the proposed visit

Maldives' beleaguered President Abdulla Yameen wanted to send his foreign minister as special envoy but the Indian side did not find the dates "suitable", the Maldivian ambassador said, even as officials here maintained that no "real action" was taken by that country on India's concerns over democracy there.

Yameen has already dispatched special envoys to China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to brief them about the deepening political crisis+ in the country.

"India was in fact the first stop planned and proposed for a visit of a special envoy of the president of Maldives. However, the dates proposed were not suitable for the Indian leadership," Maldivian envoy Ahmed Mohamed told PTI.

"We understand the external affairs minister is out of country and the prime minister is leaving for UAE during the week," he said. However, sources here said that there is a set protocol to send an envoy and India had not been informed of the purpose of sending the envoy.

Indicating that India may have declined the proposed visit, a source said, "Also we have not seen any real action on the concerns stated by the international community and India. Democratic institutions and the judiciary continue to be undermined and concerns ignored, these issues need to be properly addressed."

President Yameen has sent Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed to China and Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim to Pakistan in the wake of the crisis. Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Mohamed Shainee is going to Saudi Arabia.

Later, a Maldivian embassy release also said, "The first stop of special envoy of the President was India. Foreign Minister of Maldives Mohamed Asim, the designated Special envoy of the President, was scheduled for 8th February 2018, to (visit) India but the visit was cancelled on the request of the Government of India."

It also said, "It is therefore grossly misleading to say that the Government of the Maldives was bypassing India."

The island nation, which has seen several political crises since the ouster of its first democratically-elected president Mohamed Nasheed in 2012, plunged into chaos last Thursday when the apex court ordered the release of nine imprisoned opposition politicians, maintaining that their trials were "politically motivated and flawed".

India, which is monitoring the situation very "closely", had said on Tuesday that it was "disturbed" about the declaration of emergency+ by the Maldivian government and described as a matter of "concern" the arrests of the chief justice and political figures there.

However, earlier this week, the Supreme Court revoked its order on the release of the opposition politicians.

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