Prashant Bhushan

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Prashant Bhushan

This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

A profile

India Today

Legal activist

Every time a public interest litigation (PIL) shocks the nation, he is behind it. His latest on the CBI chief's alleged illicit meetings with influential persons who were the subject of investigations by the agency has once again caused a huge stir in 2014.

He remains an influential political voice as one of the founders of the Aam Aadmi Party and one of its most articulate leaders.

In an era where top lawyers charge huge appearance fees in court, he spends only about 25 per cent of his time on cases that pay him money. The rest is spent in pro bono work.

Change in track

He went to study engineering at IIT-Madras but left it for a BSc with Economics and Political Science in Allahabad.

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