This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content. |
(From People of India/ National Series Volume VIII. Readers who wish to share additional information/ photographs may please send them as messages to the Facebook community, All information used will be gratefully acknowledged in your name.)
Synonyms: Banjara [Orissa] Gharnawat, Gharnot Chihot, Labana of Bahawalpur, La bana of Ludhiana, Musla Labana (in Punjab), Ramana, Udama [H.A. Rose] Titles: Lai, Ram [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Lai, Ram [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Chauhan, Nayak [Orissa] Exogamous units/clans: Bhoti, Chauhan, Kakar, Saware, Tekawat [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Badaot, Banod, Barmaot, Barod, Bhakia, Bora, Jathat, Jharbale, Kerut, Korra, Lasria, Mocha, Mur, Murhaot, Nurhaot, Ortia, Parhia, Saugra [Orissa]
- Gotlgotra: Badwalia, Bartia, Bathia, Dangawat, Gu
jar Tatra, Kashab, Khasarya Gojalia, Kundlas Pilia, Majrawat, Mathuan, Narowal, Padwal, Parwal, Puslat Datla, Sau ndlas Porwals Sindlas Ajrawat Sukiana, Todra, Udiana, Wamial, Wamowal [H.A. Rose] Exogamous units/lineages: (Kur Purhi) [Orissa]