Hindustan Ambassador

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Hindustan Ambassador

Ambassador ranked the best taxi in the world by Top Gear

PTI | Jul 21, 2013

The Times of India


The Hindustan Ambassador motor car started life in Britain as the Morris Oxford but, with a quick name change, it went on to become one of India's most enduring vehicles. In 1948, CK Birla Group firm Hindustan Motors Ltd began the production of the Ambassador at Uttarpara in Hooghly district, West Bengal.

Till the arrival of the Maruti in the early 80s [and then other makes], the Ambassador was the [car used by government officials and txais] in India. Gradually it lost out to various global competitors when it came to personal usage but continued to be the favourite vehicle for government officials and also in the taxi segment.

Declining sales

Its sales in both segments have shown a decline and in 2012-13, the Ambassador sold a total of just 3,390 units. In 2013 it sold only 709 units in the April-June period.

Endures as a taxi

In a 2013 show, which is being aired on the BBC’s global automotive programme Top Gear's executive director Richard Hammond organized a world taxi shootout in which Ambassador emerged a winner, beating competitors from all over the globe.

UK-based motor museum Beaulieu, where the 'World of Top Gear' featuring vehicles from some of the most ambitious challenges are also showcased, said this a statement.

This particular example proved just how enduring the Ambassador really is when it saw off rivals from Britain, America, Germany, South Africa, Mexico and Russia to be named the world's best taxi, it added.

"It's (Ambassador) so tough that, although it now lives in World of Top Gear, with a quick wash and brush up, it could be back in service tomorrow - probably," the statement said.

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