Coal: India

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INDIA 2012


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The Ministry of Coal has the overall responsibility of determining policies and strategies in respect of exploration and development of coal and lignite reserves, sanctioning of important projects of high value and for deciding all related issues. These key functions are exercised through its public sector undertakings, namely, Coal India Limited (CIL) and Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC) and Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL), a joint sector undertaking of Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India with equity capital in the ratio of 51:49.

Coal and Lignite Reserves in India

The coal reserves of India up to the depth of 1200 meters have been estimated by the Geological Survey of India at 276.81 billion tonnes as an 1.4.2010. Coal deposits are chiefly located in Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. The Lignite reserve in the country has been estimated at around 39.90 billion tonnes as on 31.3.2010. The major deposits of Lignite reserves are located in the state of Tamilnadu. Other States where lignite deposits have been located are Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kerala, Jammu & Kashmir and Union Territory of Puduchery.

Coal Conservation

Conservation of coal is an important area particularly when our coal reserves are finite. The aspect of conservation of coal is taken into account right from the planning state and maximum recovery is ensured during the implementation stage. Mines are designed to work the coal seams either through open cast or through underground methods depending on the technical feasibility and economic viability. Mechanised opencast (OC) mining is presently the commonly adapted technology for extraction of thick seams at shallow depth. This is also important from the conservation point of view since the percentage recovery by this technology is around 80% to 90%. Presently, this technology dominates and coal industry contributing more than 88% of country's coal production. Further, whenever it is feasible, the developed pillars of underground mines are being extracted through opencast operations.

In case of underground (UG) mining, the introduction of new technologies like the longwall method, shortwall method, blasting gallery technology and continuous miner technology have resulted in increased percentage of extraction. With the improvement in roof support technology with mechanized bolting with resin capsules, it has been possible to maintain wider gallery span and extract seams under bad roof conditions more efficiently resulting in improved conservation of coal. The Ministry of Coal (MoC) governs the Coal Mines (Conservation & Development) Act 1974 for conservation of coal and development of mine areas through Coal Controller Organisation. A stowing excise duty of Rs. 10/- per tonne is collected on coal production/despatch and coal companies are extended assistance for undertaking conservation measures.


The problems of subsidence and fires are the result of unscientific mining carried out by the earstwhile mine owners over more than 200 years of operations in these coalfields of Jharia and Raniganj prior to nationalisation. The population living in the old mining areas has increased many times over the years, though these areas became unsafe for habitation. Inspite of the declaration of these areas unsafe by the local administration, the habitation increased unabated.

The problem of subsidence and fire are being addressed by the Government from time to time. In this regard a High Level Committee was set up in December, 1996 under the Chairmanship of the then Secretary, Ministry of Coal with representatives from other Departments, Coal Companies and the concerned State Governments to deal with the problem in a comprehensive manner. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, a Master Plan was prepared to deal with the problems of fire and subsidence and related rehabilitation covering the areas under Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. (BCCL) and Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (ECL) in 1999 for implementation of the same in a phased manner.

The Government has approved the Master Plan dealing with fire, subsidence and rehabilitation and diversion of surface infrastructure within the leasehold of Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) & Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) on 12th August 2009 at an estimated investment of Rs 9773.84 crore [7112.11 crores for Jharia Coal Field (JFC) and 2661.73 crores for Raniganj Coal Field (RCF]. This includes Rs 116.23 crores sanctioned earlier for various Environmental Measures & Subsidence Control (EMSC) schemes for implementation in ten years, time.

Coal India Limited

CIL the holding Company with headquarters in Kolkata. CIL is mainly responsible for laying down corporate objectives, approving and monitoring performance of subsidiary companies in the fields of long-term planning, conservation, research and development, production, sales, finances, recruitment, training, safety, industrial relations, wages, material for all operational, acquisition of land, execution of welfare programmes, maintenance of safety standards, improvement of industrial relation, etc.

Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited

NLC was registered as a company on 14th November 1956. The Mining operations in Mine-I were formally inaugurated on 20th May 1957 by the then Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. Neyveli Lignite Corporation has been conferred with "Miniratna" status. NLC presently operates four open cast lignite mines, viz., Mine 1, Mine IA & Mine II in the State of Tamilnadu and Barsingsar Mine in the State of Rajasthan aggregating to a total capacity of 30.6. MTPA and three thermal power stations, viz., TPS-I & TPS-I Expansion and TPS-II with a capacity of 2490 MW all located in Tamil Nadu, and Barsingsar TPS in the State of Rajasthan (250 MW) and TPS-II Expansion at Neyveli (500 MW) are under implementation aggregating to a total of 3240 MW.

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