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“One of the worlds 50 best places”

Ashok. Pradhan, March 26, 2023: The Times of India

Mayurbhanj, the home district of President Droupadi Murmu, features on Time magazine’s list of the world’s 50 “greatest places” this year. Ladakh is the only other Indian place on the list. While Ladakh’s attractions like Pangong Tso and Nubra Valley are well known, here are some of the things that make Mayurbhanj in Odisha special. 

Flora And Fauna

The 2,750-sq km Similipal National Park situated in the tribal-dominated region boasts the only known population of melanistic (black) tigers in the world, as well as more than 40 other species of mammals, including Asiatic elephants and Royal Bengal tigers. The Union government is likely to release the latest tiger census report in April, and early indications are that Odisha’s big cats, found mostly in Similipal, might have increased from 28 in 2018. 
The rich biosphere reserve of Similipal, part of the Unesco World Network of Biosphere Reserves, is home to more than 260 species of birds, close to 40 of reptiles and dozens of species of amphibians. Of these, 50 fauna species are endangered.

Similipal draws its name from ‘simuli’, Odia for the silk cotton tree that’s found in abundance here. The park also has over 93 species of orchids, 300 of medicinal plants and 50-odd species of endangered flora. 


Mayurbhanj has many picturesque waterfalls. Joranda, Barehipani and Uski lie within the Similipal reserve, while Sitakund, Devkund and Olukudar are on its outer periphery. They offer majestic views amid high plateaus and hills. Among these waterfalls, religious importance is attached to Sitakund, named after goddess Sita, and Devkund, which means a bathing tank for gods. 

Tribal Art And Culture

The Similipal reserve is home to many aboriginal tribal groups and conserves nature’s abundance while preserving their way of life. More than 70% of the population in the 1,200-odd villages withinthe biosphere and around it belongs to different tribes, including the Erenga Kharia, Mankidia, Gonda, Munda, Kolha and Santhal tribes. Their livelihood largely depends on the collection of minor forest produce and agriculture, but each has a distinct lifestyle and identity. Their handicrafts and handlooms, Sabai grass weaving and Dokra metal casting are unique.

Mona Sharma, secretary for forests, environment and climate change in the Odisha government, said, “It has been a deliberate effort to showcase the fragile ecosystem and ancient culture to the world, without disturbing them. Preservation comes first. ”

To safeguard the integrity of Similipal’s biosphere, the government limits vehicle entry in the sanctuary to 60 per day. The park remains closed from June to November each year. In addition, the eco-tourism sites – government-owned stay facilities for tourists – are managed by the tribal groups to offer a taste of indigenous hospitality. 

Kai Chutney & Barter

The aboriginal experience would be incomplete without a taste of kai chutney that the tribals of Similipal make from red weaver ants. The barter system – transactions based on exchange of goods, not money – still underpins their weekly haats or markets. Simon Benzamin, a tour operator who guides mostly foreign tourists, said, “The tribal lifestyle is the biggest draw for many of the international tourists. Travellers from America, Europe and many Asian countries visit Odisha to see nature and people living close to nature. They return home and recommend it to their family and relatives. ”

Chhau Dance

The Chhau dance of Mayurbhanj, a blend of ancient martial arts and folk dance, features on Unesco’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. In April, the Belgadia Palace – a royal residence turned heritage hotel – will host the Mayurbhanj Chhau dance festival after a two years’ break due to Covid. 


The people of Mayurbhanj are excited to know their home has found global recognition. “Being a native of Mayurbhanj, I feel proud that I belong to a place which is among the 50 best in the world,” said Pinku Murmu, who studies chemistry in BJB Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar. 

Mona Sharma, Odisha’s secretary for forests, environment and climate change, said more premium tourists would now visit Mayurbhanj.

“Anyone genuinely interested in exploring nature in its most natural flavour has all the more reason to explore Similipal and the rest of Odisha now. Such recognition always helps. ” 
Akshita Bhanj Deo, director of the Belgadia Palace, said, “It is a moment of great pride for Odisha. ”

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