Jack Preger

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2017/ Asian Award

'Pavement doctor' Dr Jack gets 'Asian Award', May 6, 2017: Business Standard

The award was in recognition of his extraordinary service in helping the poorest of the poor in Kolkata for the past 38 years.

It is the first time that a living person, not of Asian origin, has been honoured at the awards, though Mother Teresa had received a posthumous award in 2016, a press release by 'Calcutta Rescue' said.

The charity Calcutta Rescue had been founded by him (Dr Jack Preger) and helped more than half a million people over the past 38 years.

Dr Jack told the audience, which included Sachin Tendulkar and London Mayor Sadiq Khan, "This is an incredible honour for me. This award will be of great help in this country for our support groups raising funds. It's a great help in Kolkata," according to the release.

86-year-old Dr Jack lives in Kolkata helping run his charity which provides free health care and education to tens of thousands of people living on the streets.

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