Non-governmental organisations (NGOs): India

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Non-governmental organisations (NGOs): India Only 2% NGOs registered with govt

PTI | Mar 23, 2014

NEW DELHI: Despite voluntary organizations receiving over Rs 11,500 crore of foreign funds annually, only two per cent of the 20 lakh odd NGOs operating in the country have been registered, raising eyebrows in the home ministry.

According to a home ministry report, although there is no centralized database on the number of NGOs in the country and the quantum of finance involved in their operations, unofficial figures indicate that there are over 20 lakh NGOs registered under Societies' Registration Act, Trust Act etc.

However, the number of NGOs registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act would be less than 2 per cent of the total number of NGOs.

"Though, the number of associations reporting receipt and utilization of foreign contribution is increasing; yet, it is a matter of concern that a large number of registered associations still do not submit their statutory annual returns mandated by the law," the latest Home Ministry report on receipt and utilization of foreign contribution by voluntary associations said.

A total of 43,527 NGOs were registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act up to March 31, 2012. During the year 2011-12, a total of 22,702 NGOs reported receipt of foreign contribution amounting to Rs 11,546.29 crore.

Altogether 9,509 NGOs have reported 'Nil' receipt of foreign contribution while many have not filed their returns.

Top four recipient states

Among all states and Union Territories, Delhi received highest amount of foreign contributions in 2011-12.

While Rs 2285.75 crore of foreign contribution has been received by 1482 NGOs in the national capital, 3341 NGOs in Tamil Nadu received Rs 1704.76 crore, 2527 NGOs in Andhra Pradesh received Rs 1258.52 crore and 2056 voluntary organizations in Maharashtra received Rs 1107.39 crore.

Top five donor countries

The five major donor countries are the US (Rs 3838.23 crore), the UK (Rs 1219.02 crore), Germany (Rs 1096.01 crore), Italy (Rs 528.88 crore) and the Netherlands (Rs 418.37 crore).

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