Jamkhandi State

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Jamkhandi State

State under the Political Agent of Kolhapur and the Southern MarathS Country, Bombay, lying between 16degree 26' and 16degree 47' N. and 75degree 7' and 75 degree37' E., with an area of 524 square miles 1 . The State was granted by the Peshwa to a member of the Patvardhan family. In 1808 it was divided into two shares, one of which, Tasgaon, lapsed to the British Government in 1848, through failure of heirs, while the other forms the present Jamkhandi State. The population in 1901 was 105,357, the density being 201 persons per square mile. Hindus formed 87 per cent., and Muhammadans 10 per cent, of the total. The State contains 8 towns, the chief being Jamkhandi (population, 13,029), and 79 villages. A soft stone of superior quality is found near the village of Marigudi. The crops include cotton, wheat, the ordinary varieties of pulse, and millet ; and the manufactures, coarse cotton cloth and native blankets for home consumption. The chief, who is a Brahman by caste, ranks as a first-class Sardar of the Southern Maratha Country.

He holds a 1 These spherical values exclude the outlying tdluka of Kundgol, situated between 15degree 7' and 15degree 9' N. and 75degree 13' and 75degree 23' E. sanad of adoption, and succession follows .the rule of primogeniture. He has power to try his own subjects for capital offences. He main- tains a force of 43 horse and 214 foot soldiers ; and he pays to the British Government a tribute of Rs. 20,516. The revenue in 1903-4 was nearly 5.5 lakhs, of which 4.4 lakhs was derived from the land ; and the expenditure was about 5 lakhs. A survey was introduced in the State in 188 1-2. The State possesses six municipalities, the largest being Jamkhandi with an income of Rs. 10,000, and the smallest Hunnur with an income of Rs. 600. In 1903-4 there were 42 schools, including an English school, and the total number of pupils was 1,588. The State has a Central jail and 4 subordinate jails, with a daily average of 36 prisoners in 1903-4 ; and one hospital and three dispensaries, which treated 38,100 patients. In the same year about 2,300 persons were vaccinated.

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