Business schools and India

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2013-15: the number of MBA institutes in India

147 B-schools shut shop during 2013-14

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Ramya M The Times of India Feb 04 2015 Chennai

B schools .jpg


`Scarcity Of Students The Main Cause'

Management programmes across the country may be losing some of their sheen. Latest figures released by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) show that 147 standalone Bschools and MBA programmes offered by engineering institutions across the country closed down in the last academic year. The number of postgraduate diploma programmes in management institutes has also dropped from 606 to 600 in the same period.

Maharashtra where 24 MBA colleges shut down and TN with 23 account for the largest number of closures followed by Andhra Pradesh with 19. Among other states, only Bihar, Jharkhand and Kerala have shown growth by adding new institutions.They have each started one new institution in this period.

Educational consultant Moorthy Selvakumaran said most institutions closed down because of lack of patronage.The decline started a couple of years ago after a dip in number of registrations for CAT, scores of which determine admission to the premier Indian Institutes of Managements and other management programmes across the country .

T N Swaminathan, director, branding and alumni relations, Great Lakes Institute of Management, said the reason for the closures was surplus supply and a demand crunch.

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