Kotah- Jhalawar Agency

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Kotah- Jhalawar Agency, 1908

Political Charge in the south-east of Rajputana, lying between 23 45' and 25 degree 51' N. and 75 degree 28' and 77 degree 26' E. It is bounded on the north by Jaipur and the Aligarh district of Tonk ; on the west by Bundi and Udaipur ; on the south- west and south by several States of Central India and the Pirawa district of Tonk ; and on the east by Gwalior and the Chhabra district of Tonk. The head-quarters of the Political Agent are at Kotah. The population has varied: (1881) 857,763, (1891) 869,868, and (1901) ^35»°54- Tn e decrease of nearly 27 per cent, during the last decade was due to the famine of 1899- 1900 and the severe epidemic of malarial fever that followed it. The total area is 6,494 square miles, and the density of population is 98 persons per square mile, as compared with 76 for Rajputana as a whole. As regards size the Agency ranks fifth, and as regards population seventh, among the eight political divisions of Rajputana. In 1901 Hindus formed 89 per cent, of the total and Musalmans more than 7 per cent. There were also 356 Christians (including 340 natives). The Agency is made up of the two States shown below : —

There are altogether 3,017 villages and 6 towns; of the latter, the largest are Kotah (33,657) and Jhalrapatan Chhaoni (14,315).

This article has been extracted from



Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

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