Sholapur: 1881 census

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Census Details

This is an extract from a British Raj gazetteer pertaining to Sholapur. It seems
to have been written in 1884. If a census has been cited but its year not given,
1881 may be assumed.


ACCORDING to the 1881 census the population of the district was 582,487 or 128.84 to the square mile. Of these Hindus numbered 537,635 or 92.29 per cent; Musalmans 43,967 or 7.54 per cent; Christians 625 or 0.1O per cent; Parsis 157 or 0.02 per cent; Jews 94; Sikhs 8; and Buddhist 1. The percentage of males on the total°°population was 50.61 and of females 49.38. The corresponding returns for 1872 were a total of 719,375 or 159.89 to the square mile of whom Hindus numbered 668,031 or 92.86 per cent; Musalmans 50,858 or 7.06 per cent; Christians 386 or 0.05 per cent; Parsis 66; and Others 34. Compared with the 1872 returns the 1881 returns showed a decrease of 136,888 or 19.02 per cent which is due to the mortality and emigration during the famine of 1876-77.


Of 582,487 the whole population 490,627 or 84.22 per cent were born in the district. Of the 91,860 who were not born in the district 39,977 were born in the Nizam's country; 15,018 in the Southern Maratha States; 12,365 in Satara; 9547 in Poona; 4088 in Ahmadnagar; 3834 in Bijapur; 1134 in the Konkan districts; 838 in Madras; 820 in the Rajputana States; 694 in Gujarat; 630 in Belgaum; 580 in Bombay; 322 in Khandesh; 304 in Dharwar; 223 in Nasik; 134 in Goa, Diu and Daman; 99 in Sind; 28 in Kanara; 1035 in other parts of India; and 190 outside of India.


Of 582,487 the total population 472,047 (238,359 males, 233,688 females) or 81.04 per cent spoke Marathi. Of the remaining 110,440 persons, 45,824 or 7.86 per cent spoke Hindustani; 41,204 or 7.07 per cent spoke Kanarese; 15,876 or 2.72 per cent spoke Telugu; 4789 or 0.82 per cent spoke Gujarati; 2165 or 0.37 per cent spoke Marwari; 231 or 0.03 per cent spoke English; 134 or 0.02 per cent spoke Portuguese-Konkani or Goanese; 91 spoke Tamil; 77 spoke Arabic; 35 spoke Hindi; 9 spoke Persian; 2 spoke French; 2 spoke Sindhi; and one spoke Chinese.


The following tabular statement gives the number of each religious class according to sex at different ages, with, at each stage the percentage, on the total population of the same sex and religion. The columns referring to the total population omit religious distinctions but show the difference of sex:

Sholapur Population by age,1881.

Sholapur population.png
Sholapur population1.png


The following table shows the proportion of the people of the district who are unmarried, married and widowed:

Sholapur population2.png
Sholapur population3.png
Sholapur population4.png

Occupation. According to occupation the 1881 census returns divide the population into six classes: I.-In Government Service, Learned Professions, Literature and Arts 11,552 or 1.98 per cent. II.-In House Service 6858 or 1.17 per cent. III.-In Trade and Commerce 5938 or 1.01 per cent. IV.-In Agriculture 210,667 or 36.16 per cent. V.-In Crafts and Industries 60,962 or 10.46 per cent. VI.-In Indefinite and Unproductive Occupation, including children, 286,510 or 49.18 per cent.


According to the 1881 census of 97,882 houses, 81,203 were occupied and 16,679 were empty. The total gave an average of 21.65 houses to the square mile, and the 81,203 occupied houses an average of 7.17 inmates to each house.


According to the 1881 census, six towns had more than 5000 and three of the six had more than 10,000 people. Excluding these six towns which together numbered 109,885 or 18.86 per cent of the population the 472,602 inhabitants of Sholapur were distributed over 706 villages giving an average of one village for 6.40 square miles, and of 669.40 people to each village. Of the 706 villages 33 had less than 100 people, 78 between 100 and 200, 243 between 200 and 500, 230 between 500 and 1000, 96 between 1000 and 2000, 16 between 2000 and 3000, and 10 between 3000 and 5000.

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