Mewar 09: Delicacy of the Rajputs

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This page is an extract from


Late Political Agent to the Western Rajput States

Edited with an Introduction and Notes by
Hon. D.Sc. Oxon., B.A., F.R.A.l.
Late of the Indian Civil Service

In Three Volumes
[The Annals were completed in 1829]

Oxford University Press
London Edinburgh Glasgow New York
Toronto Melbourne Bombay
1920 [The edition scanned]

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Mewar 09: Delicacy of the Rajputs

Delicacy of the Rajputs

If devotion to the fair sex be admitted as a criterion of civiliza tion, the Rajput must rank high. His susceptibility is extreme, and fires at the slightest offence to female delicacy, which he never forgives. A satirical impromptu, involving the sacrifice . 1 [There was no Sultan Muhammad Shah Lodi, and that dynasty did not begin till 1451. Firoz Shah (1351-88) was contemporary of Laksh Singh at Delhi. It is not hkely that a Rajput in the fourteenth century conducted a campaign at Gaya in Bengal ; but, according to Har Bilas Sarda, author of a recent monograph on Rana Kiimbha, the fact is corro borated by inscriptions, Peterson, Bhaunagar Inscrijiiions, 90, 117, 119.] 2 the sarangdeot cheif of kanor (on border of chappan ), on of the sixteen lords of Mewar, isalso a descendent of lakha, are some of the tribes of sondware, about Pharphara and the ravinces of the kali sind. of Rajput prejudices, dissolved the coalition of the Rathors and Kachhwahas, and laid each prostrate before the Mahrattas, whom when united they had crushed : and a jest, apparently trivial, compromised the right of primogeniture to the throne of Chitor, and proved more disastrous in its consequences than the arms either of Moguls or Mahrattas.

Chonda renounces his Birthright

Lakha Rana was advanced in years, his sons and grandsons established in suitable domains, when ' the coco-nut came ' from Ranmall, prince of Marwar, to affiance his daughter with Chonda, the heir of Mewar. Wlien the embassy was announced, Chonda was absent, and the old chief was seated in his chair of state surrounded by his court. The messenger of Hymen was courteously received by Lakha, who observed that Chonda would soon return and take the gage ; " for," added he, drawing his fingers over his moustaches, " I don't suppose you send such playthings to an old greybeard like me." This little sally was of course applauded and repeated ; but Chonda, offended at delicacy being sacrificed to wit, declined accepting the symbol which his father had even in jest supposed might be intended for him : and as it could not be returned without gross insult to Ranmall, the old Rana, incensed at his son's obstinacy, agreed to accept it himself, pruvided Chonda would swear to renounce his birthright in the event of his having a son, and be to the child but the ' first of his Rajputs.' He swore by Eklinga to fulfil his father's wishes.

Rana Mokal, a.d. 1397-1433

Mokalji was the issue of this union, and had attained the age of five when the Rana resolved to signalize his finale by a raid against the enemies of their faith [277], and to expel the ' barbarian ' from the holy land of Gaya. In ancient times this was by no means uncommon, and we have several instances in the annals of these States of princes resigning ' the purple ' on the approach of old age, and by a life of austerity and devotion, pilgrimage and charity, seeking to make their peace with heaven 'for the sins inevitably committed by all who wield a sceptre." But when war was made against their religion by the Tatar proselytes to Islam, the Sutlej and the Ghaggar Gaya, their Jerusalem, their holy land ; and if there destiny filled his cup, the Hindu chieftain was secure of beatitude,^ exempted from the troubles of ' second 1 MuMi. birth ' ; 1 and borne from the scene of probation in celestial cars by the Apsaras,2 was introduced at once into the ' realm of the sun.' 3 Ere, however, the Rana of Chitor journeyed to this bourne, he was desirous to leave his throne unexposed to civil strife. The subject of succession had never been renewed ; but discussing with Chonda his warlike pilgrimage to Gaya, from which he might not return, he sounded him by asking what estates should be settled on Mokal. " The throne of Chitor," was the honest reply ; and to set suspicion at rest, he desired that the cere mony of installation should be performed previous to Lakha's departure. Chonda was the first to pay homage and swear obedi ence and fidelity to his future sovereign : reserving, as the recoin pense of his renunciation, the first place in the councils, and stipulating that in all grants to the vassals of the crown, his symbol (the lance) should be superadded to the autograph of the prince. In all grants the lance of Salumbar * still precedes the monogram of the Rana.4

The sacrifice of Chonda to offended delicacy and filial respect was great, for he had all the qualities requisite for command. Brave, frank, and skilful, he conducted all public affairs after his father's departure and death, to the benefit of the minor and the State. The queen-mother, however, who is admitted as the natural guardian of her infant's rights on all such occasions, felt umbrage and discontent at her loss of povv^er ; forgetting that, but for Chonda, she would never [278] have been mother to the Rana of Mewar. She watched with a jealous eye all his proceed ings ; but it was only through the medium of suspicion she could accuse the integrity of Chonda, and she artfully asserted that, under colour of directing state affairs, he was exercising absolute sovereignty, and that if he did not assume the title of Rana, he would reduce it to an empty name. Chonda, knowing the purity of his own motives, made liberal allowance for maternal solicitude ; but upbraiding the queen with the injustice of her suspicions,

1 This is a literal phrase, denoting further transmigration of the soul, which is always deemed a punishment. The soldier who falls in battle in the faithful performance of his duty is alone exempted, according to their martial mythology, from the pains of ' second birth.' 2 The fair messengers of heaven. 3 Sitraj 3Ianda]. 4 The abode of the chief of the various clans of Chondawat. 5 Vide p. 235. and advising a vigilant care to the rights of Sesodias, he retired to the court of Mandu, tlien rising into notice, where he was received with the highest distinctions, and the district of Halar 1 was assigned to him by the king.

Rathor Influence in Mewar

His departure was the signal for an influx of the kindred of the queen from INIandor. Her brother Jodha (who afterwards gave his name to Jodhpur) was the first, and was soon followed by his father, Rao Ranmall, and numerous adherents, who deemed the arid region of Maru-des, and its rabri, or maize porridge, well exchanged for the fertile plains and wheaten bread of Mewar.

Raghudeva, the Mewar Hero

With his grandson on his knee, the old Rao " would sit on the throne of Bappa Rawal, on whose quitting him for play, the regal ensigns of Mewar waved over the head of Mandor." This was more than the Sesodia nurse 2 (an important personage in all Hindu governments) could bear, and bursting with indignation, she demanded of the queen if her kin was to defraud her own child of his inheritance. The honesty of the nurse was greater than her prudence. The creed of the Rajput is to ' obtain sovereignty,' regarding the means as secondary and this avowal of her suspicions only hastened their designs. The queen soon found herself without remedy, and a remonstrance to her father produced a hint which threatened the existence of her offspring. Her fears were soon after augmented by the assassina tion of Raghudeva, the second brother of Chonda, whose estates were Kelwara and Kawaria. To the former place, where he resided aloof from the court, Rao Ranmall sent a dress of honour, which etiquette requiring him to put on when presented, the prince was assassinated in the act. Raghudeva was so much beloved for his virtues, courage, and manly beauty, that his [279] murder became martyrdom, and obtained for him divine honoijrs, and a place amongst the Di Patres {Pitrideva) of Mewar. His image is on every hearth, and is daily worshipped with the Penates. Twice in the year his altars receive public homage from every Sesodia, from the Rana to the serf.3 1 [Halar in W. Kathiawar (BG, viii. 4).] 2 The Dhdi. The Dhdbhdis, or ' foster-brothers,' often hold lands in perpetuity, and are employed in the most confidential places ; on embassies, marriages, etc. 3 On the 8th day of the Dasahra, or ' military festival,' when the levies

The Expulsion ofthe Rathor Party

In this extremity the queen-mother turned lier thoughts to Chonda, and it was not difficult to apprise him of the danger which menaced the race, every place of trust being held by her kinsmen, and the principal post of Chitor by a Bhatti Rajput of Jaisalmer Chonda, though at a distance, was not inattentive to the proverbially dangerous situation of a minor amongst the Rajputs. At his departure he was accompanied by two hundred Aherias or huntsmen, whose ancestors had served the princes of Chitor from ancient times. These had left their families behind, a visit to whom was the pretext for their introduction to the fort. They were instructed to get into the service of the keepers of the gates, and, being considered more attached to the place than to the family, their object was effected. The queen-mother was counselled to cause the young prince to descend daily with a numerous retinue to give feasts to the surrounding villages, and gradually to increase the distance, but not to fail on the ' festival of lamps’ 1 to hold the feast (got) at Gosunda.

These injmictions were carefully attended to. The day arrived, the feast was held at Gosunda ; but the night was closing in, and no Chonda appeared. With heavy hearts the nurse, the Purohit,3 and those in the secret moved homeward, and had reached the emuience called Chitori, when forty horsemen passed them at the gallop, and at their head Chonda in disguise, who by a secret sign paid homage as he passed to his younger are mustered at the Chaugan, or ' Champ de Mars,' and on the 10th of Chait his altars are purified, and his image is washed and placed thereon. Women pray for the safety of their children ; husbands, that their wives may be fruitful. Previously to this, a son of Bappa Rawal was worshipped ; but after the enshrinement of Raghudeva, the adoration of Kuhsputra was gradually abohshed. Nor is this custom confined to Mewar : there is a one who has met a violent death. Besides Ekhnga, the descendants of Bappa have adopted numerous household divinities : ttie destinies of life and death, Baenmata the goddess of the Chawaras, Nagnachian the serpent divinity of the Rathors, and Khetrapal, or ' fosterer of the field,' have with many others obtained a place on the Sesodia altars. This festival may not unaptly be compared to that of Adonis amongst the Greeks, for the Putra is worshipped chiefly by women.

1 The Diwali, from diwa, ' a lamp.' This festival is in honour of Lakshun, goddess of wealth. 2 Seven miles south of Chitor, on the road to Malwa. 3 The family priest and instructor of youth. brother and sovereign. Chonda and [280] his]band had reached the Rampol,1 or upper gate, unchecked. Here, when challenged, they said they were neighbouring chieftains, who, hearing of the feast at Gosunda, had the honour to escort the prince home. The story obtained credit ; but the main body, of which this was but the advance, presently coming up, the treachery was apparent. Chonda unsheathed his sword, and at his well-known shout the hunters were speedily in action. The Bhatti chief, taken by surprise, and unable to reach Chonda, launched his dagger at and wounded him, but was himself slain ; the guards at the gates were cut to pieces, and the Rathors hunted out and killed without mercy.

Death of Rao Ranmall

The end of Rao Ranmall was more ludicrous than tragical. Smitten with the charms of a Sesodia handmaid of the queen, who was compeUed to his embrace, the old chief was in her arms, intoxicated with love, wine, and opium, and heard no tiling of the tumult without. A woman's wit and revenge combined to make his end afford some compensation for her loss of honour. Gently rising, she bound him to his bed with his own Marwari turban : - nor did this disturb him, and the messengers of fate had entered ere the opiate allowed his eyes to open to a sense of his danger. Enraged, he in vain endeavoured to extricate himself ; and by some tortuosity of movement he got upon his legs, his jiallet at his back like a shell or shield of defence. With no arms but a brass vessel of ablution, he levelled to the earth several of his assailants, when a ball from a matchlock extended him on the floor of the palace. His son Jodha was in the lower town, and was indebted to the fleetness of his steed for escaping the fate of his father and kindred, whose bodies strewed the terre-pleine of Chitor, the merited reward of their usurpation and treachery.

The Revenge ofChonda

But Chonda's revenge was not yet satisfied. He pursued Rao Jodha, who, unable to oppose him, took refuge with Harbuji Sankhla, leaving Mandor to its fate. Tins city Chonda entered by surprise, and holding it till his sons Kantatji and Manjaji arrived with reinforcements, the Rathor treachery was repaid by their keeping possession of the« capital during twelve years. We might here leave the future founder

1 Rampol, ' the gate of Ram.' 2 Often sixty cubits in length. of Jodhpur, had not this feud led to the junction of the rich [281] province of Godwar to Mewar, held for three centuries and again lost by treachery. It may yet involve a struggle between the Sesodias and Rathors.1

" Sweet are the uses of adversity." To Jodha it was the first step in the ladder of his eventual elevation. A century and a half had scarcely elapsed since a colony, the wreck of Kanauj, found an asylum, and at length a kingdom, taking possession of one capital and founding another, abandoning Mandor and erecting Jodhpur. But even Jodha could never have hoped that his issue would have extended their sway from the valley of the Indus to within one hundred miles of the Jumna, and from the desert bordering on the Sutlej to the Aravalli mountains : that one hundred thousand swords should at once be in the hands of Rathors, ' the sons of one father' {ek Bap ke Betan).

If we slightly encroach upon the annals of Marwar, it is owing to its history and that of Mewar being here so interwoven, and the incidents these events gave birth so illustrative of the national character of each, that it is, perhaps, more expedient to advert to the period when Jodha was shut out from Mandor, and the means by which he regained that city, previous to relating the events of the reign of Mokal.

Harbuji Sankhla

Harbuji Sankhla, at once a soldier and a devotee, was one of those Rajput cavaliers ' sans peur et sans reproche, wjiose life of celibacy and perilous adventure was mingled with the austere devotion of an ascetic ; by turns aiding with his lance the cause which he deemed worthy, or exercising an unbounded hospitality towards the stranger. This generosity had much reduced his resources when Jodha sought his protection. It was the eve of the Sada-bart, one of those hospitable rites which, in former times, characterized Rajwara. This ' perpetual charity ' supplies food to the stranger and traveller, and is distributed not only by individual chiefs and by the government, but by sub scriptions of communities. Even in Mewar, in her present impoverished condition, the offerings to the gods in support of their shrines and the establishment of the Sada-bart were simul taneous. Hospitality is a virtue pronounced to belong more peculiarly to a semi-barbarous condition. Alas ! for refinement

1 [Godwar, including the Bali and Desuri districts in S.E. Marwar, is now known as the Desuri Hukumat : see Erskine iii. A. 180 f.] and ultra-civilization, strangers to the happiness enjoyed by Harbuji Sankhla. Jodha, with one hundred and twenty followers, came to solicit the ' stranger's fare ' : but unfortunately it was too late, the Sada-bart had been distributed. In this exigence, Harbuji recollected that there was a wood [282] called mujd, used in dyeing, which among other things in the desert regions is resorted to in scarcity. A portion of this was bruised, and boiled with some flour, sugar, and spices, making altogether a palatable pottage ; and with a promise of better fare on the morrow, it was set before the young Rao and his followers, who, after making a good repast, soon forgot Chitor in sleep. On waking, each stared at his fellow, for their mustachios were dyed with their evening's meal ; but the old chief, who was not disposed to reveal his expedient, made it minister to their hopes by giving it a miraculous character, and saying " that as the grey of age was thus metamorjjhosed into the tint of morn 2 and hope, so would their fortunes become young, and Mandor again be theirs." Elevated by this prospect, they enlisted Harbuji on their side. He accompanied them to the chieftain of Mewa, " whose stables contained one hundred chosen steeds." Pabuji, a third inde pendent of the same stamp, with his ' coal-black steed,' was gained to the cause, and Jodha soon found himself strong enough to attempt the recovery of his capital. The sons of Chonda were taken by surprise : but despising the numbers of the foe, and ignorant who were their auxiliaries, they descended sword in hand to meet the assailants. The elder 2 son of Chonda with

1 The wood of Solomon's temple is called ahnug ; the prefix al is merely the article [?]. This is the wood also mentioned in the annals of Gujarat, of which the temple to Adinatli was constructed. It is said to be indestruc tible even by fire. It has been surmised that the fleets of Tyre frequented the Indian coast : could they thence have carried the Almujd for the temple of Solomon ? [Almug, according to the Encyclopcedia Biblica (i. 1196) is either Brazil-wood or red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus). Sir G. Watt, who has kindly examined the question, thinks it very improbable that the mujd of the text is almug wood, because neither the true sandalwood {Scm tahim album) nor the red sandalwood [Pterocarpus santalinus) is found in Rajputana. He identifies the inujd of the text with Moringa concanensis, a sinaU tree found wild in Sind and the Konkan, which yields a gum of considerable value, and its congener Moriruja pferygospertna {Comm. Prod. 784), the horse-radish tree of India, is used as a dye in Jamaica, and probably could be so used in India.] 1 This wood has a brownish-red tint. 2 This is related with some variation in other annals of the period. many adherents was slain ; and the younger, deserted by the subjects of Mandor, trusted to the swiftness of his horse for escape ; but being pursued, was overtaken and killed on the boundary of Godwar. Thus Jodha, in his turn, was revenged, but the ' feud was not balanced.' Two sons of Chitor had fallen for one chief of Mandor. But wisely reflecting on the original aggression, and the superior power of Mewar, as well as his being indebted for his present success to foreign aid, Jodha sued for peace, and offered as the mundkati, or ' price of blood,' and ' to quench the feud,' that the spot where Manja fell should be the future barrier of the two States. The entire province of Godwar was comprehended in the cession, which for three cen turies withstood every contention, till the internal dissensions of the last half century, which grew out of the cause by which [283] it was obtained, and the change of succession in Mewar severed this most valuable acquisition.1

Who would imagine, after such deadly feuds between these rival States, that in the very next succession these hostile frays were not only buried in oblivion, but that the prince of Marwar abjured ' his turban and his bed ' till he had revenged the assassination of the prince of Chitor, and restored his infant heir to his rights ? The annals of these States afford numerous instances of the same hasty, overbearing temperament governing all ; easily moved to strife, impatient of revenge, and steadfast in its gratification. But this satisfied, resentment subsides. A daughter of the offender given to wife banishes its remembrance, and when the bard joins the lately rival names in the couplet, each will complacently curl his mustachio over his lip as he hears his ' renown expand like the lotus,' and thus ' the feud is extinguished.' Thus have they gone on from time immemorial, and will continue, till what we may fear to contemplate. They have now neither friend nor foe but the British. The Tatar invader sleeps in his tomb, and the INIahratta depredator is muzzled and enchained. To return.

1 There is little hope, while British power acts as high constable and keeper of the peace in Rajwara, of this being recovered : nor, were it other wise, would it be desirable to see it become an object of contention between these States. Marwar has attained much grandeur since the time of Jodha, and her resources are more unbroken than those of Mewar, who, if she could redeem, could not, from its exposed position, maintain the province against the brave Bathor.

Mokal, A.D. 1397-1433

Mokal, who; obtained the throne by Chonda's surrender of his birthright, was not destined long to enjoy the distinction, though he evinced quahties worthy of heading the Sesodias". He ascended the throne in S. 1454 (a.d. 1398), at an miportant era in the history of India ; when Timur, who had already established the race of Chagatai in the kingdoms of Central Asia, and laid prostrate the throne of Byzantium, turned his arms towards India. But it was not a field for his ambition; and the event is not even noticed in the annals of Mewar : a proof that it did not affect their repose. But they record an attempted invasion by the king of Delhi, which is erroneously stated to have been by Firoz Shah. A grandson of this prince had indeed been set up, and compelled to flee from the arms of Timur, and as the direction of his flight was Gujarat, it is not miiikely that the recorded attempt to penetrate by the passes of Mewar may have been his [284]. Be this as it may, the Rana Mokal anticipated and met him beyond the passes of the Aravalli, in the field of Raepur, and compelled him to abandon his enterprise. Pursuing his success, he took posses sion of Sanibhar and its salt lakes, and otherwise extended and strengthened his territory, which the distracted state of the empire consequent to Timur's invasion rendered a matter of little difficulty. Mokal fmished the palace conunenced by Laldia, now a mass of ruins ; and erected the shrine of Chatur bhuja, ' the four-armed deity,' 1 in the western hills.

Lai Bai

Besides tliree sons, Rana Mokal had a daughter, celebrated for her beauty, called Lai Bai, or ' the ruby.' She was betrothed to the Khichi chieftain of Gagraun, who at the Hathleva - demanded the pledge of succour on foreign invasion . Dhiraj, the son of the Ivhichi, had come to solicit the stipulated aid agamst Hoshang of Malwa, who had invested their capital. The Rana's headquarters were then at Madri, and he was em ployed in quelling a revolt of the mountaineers, when Dhiraj arrived and obtained the necessary aid. Madri was destined to be the scene of the termination of Mokal's career : he was assassmated by his uncles, the natural brothers of his father, from an uninten tional offence, which tradition has handed down in all its details.

1 [The four-armed Vishuu, the favourite deity of the Mertia Rathors {Census Report, Bajpuiana, 1891, ii. 26).] 2 The ceremony of joining hands.

Assassination of Rana Mokal

Chacha and Mera were the natural sons of Khetsi Rana (the predecessor of Lakha) ; their mother a fair handmaid of low descent, generally allowed to be a carpenter's daughter. ' The fifth sons of Mewar ' (as the natural children are figuratively termed) possess no rank, and though treated with kindness, and entrusted with confidential employ ments, the sons of the chiefs of the second class take precedence of them, and ' sit higher on the carpet.' These brothers had the charge of seven hundred horse in the train of Rana Mokal at Madri. Some chiefs at enmity with them, conceiving that they had overstepped their privileges, wished to see them humiliated. Chance procured them the opportunity : which, however, cost their prince his life. Seated in a grove with his chiefs around him, he inquired the name of a particular tree. The Chauhan chief, feigning ignorance, whispered him to ask either of the brothers ; and not perceiving their scope, he artlessly did so. " Uncle, what tree is this ? " The sarcasm thus prompted they considered as reflecting on their birth (being sons [285] of the carpenter's daughter), and the same day, while Mokal was at his devotions, and in the act of counting his rosary, one blow severed his arm from his body, while another stretched him lifeless. The brothers, quickly mounting their steeds, had the audacity to hope to surprise Chitor, but the gates were closed upon them.

Rana Kiimbha, a.d. 1433-68

Though the murder of Mokal is related to have no other cause than the sarcasm alluded to, the precautions taken by the young prince Kumbha,1 his suc cessor, would induce a belief that this was but the opening of a deep-laid conspiracy. The traitors returned to the stronghold near Madri, and Kumbha trusted to the friendship and good feeling of the prince of Marwar in this emergency. His confidence was well repaid. The prince put his son at the head of a force, and the retreat of the assassins being near his own frontier, they were encountered and dislodged. From Madri they fled to Pai, where they strengthened a fortress in the mountains named Ratakot ; a lofty peak of the compound chain whicli encircles IJdaipur, visible from the" surrounding country, as are the remains of this stronghold of the assassins. It would appear that their

1 [His mother was a Praraar, Subhagya Devi, daughter of Raja Jaitmall, Sankhla.] lives were dissolute, for they had carried off the virgin daughter of a Chauhan, which led to their eventual detection and punish ment. Her father, Suja, had traced the route of the ravishers, and, mixing Avith the workmen, foimd that the approaches to the place of their concealment were capable of being scaled. He was about to lay his complaint before his prince, when he met the cavalcade of Kumbha and the Rathor. The distressed father, ' covering his face,' disclosed the story of his own and daughter's dishonour. They encamped till night at Delwara, when, led by the Chandana, they issued forth to surprise the authors of so many evils.

Suja and the Tiger

Arrived at the base of the rock, where the parapet was yet low, they commenced the escalade, aided by the thick foliage. The path was steep and rugged, and in the darkness of the night each had grasped his neighbour's skirt for security. Animated by a just revenge, the Chauhan (Suja) led the way, when on reaching a ledge of the rock the glaring eyeballs of a tigress flashed upon him. Undismayed, he squeezed the hand of the Rathor prince who followed him, and who on per ceiving the object of terror instantly buried his poignard in her heart This omen was superb. They soon reached the summit. Some had ascended the parapet ; others were scrambling over, when the minstrel [286] slipping, fell, and his drum, which was to have accompanied his voice in singing the conquest, awoke by its crash the daughter of Chacha. Her father quieted her fears by saying it was only " the thunder and the rains of Bhadon " : to fear God only and go to sleep, for their enemies were safe at Kelwa. At this moment the Rao and his party rushed in. Chacha and Mera had no time to avoid their fate. Chacha was cleft in two by the Chandana, while the Rathor prince laid Mera at his feet, and the spoils of Ratakot were divided among the assailants.

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