Surrogacy, its practice and the Law: India

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Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, October 20, 2015

This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

=Nov 2015: Bombay HC relaxes bar on foreigners

The Times of India, November 7, 2015

HC relaxes surrogacy bar on foreigners  The Bombay high court in an interim order on Wednesday stayed the directive of the Centre and Indian Council for Medical Research banning surrogacy for foreign couples who are in the final stages of the process, reports Shibu Thomas. Hearing a petition filed by fertility clinics, the court's vacation bench said before introducing a sudden change in policy , prior notice should have been given.

The bench clarified that its order was restricted to cases in the middle of treatment. It asked the clinics to furnish details of such cases to the authorities and barred them from taking up fresh cases of surrogacy for foreign couples.


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