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Sadhana of Nirakar (formless)

Arup Mitra, Contemplate On The Formless With Feeling, Oct 20 2016 : The Times of India

A unique combination of knowledge and devotion is what we get to see in the tradition of one of the eligious reformists of the fifteenth religious reformists of the fifteenth century , Sant Kabir Das. The essence of his message is sadhana of nirakar ­ practice of the formless ­ which he expresses in mystic form. Usually , nirakarbadis believe only in the sadhana part, not in feelings. But Kabir knew that the dry path of sadhana cannot be sustained for long by many .

Moreover, in order to collect the mind in the first stage there is the need of feelings. So in his compositions Kabir suggests that your lover is within you; reflect and contemplate on yourself, and proceed towards the secret door of your existence. Then break open the door and let your union take place.

This unique combination of spiritualism and romanticism ­ romanticising spiritual sadhana ­ is a remarkable feature of Kabir's contribution in the field of literature and spiritualism.Besides, his articulation and style of presentation are highly engaging; even incomparable. In later years, his work influenced many other poets including Rabindranath Tagore. The path of mystic love remains prominent in subsequent literary contributions as well as in spiritual approaches other than Kabir's tradition.

The mention of mystic sound is another important part of the sadhana. The sound, as Ramakrishna explained, can be heard after performing tapasya for many years. And following that sound one can reach the ocean of samadhi. The mystic sound as Kabir describes it, is echoing in the darkness of the night against the starry sky ­ as if someone is moving from star to star and the mystic sound keeps flowing. Listen to that sound and follow it to attain the state of liberation;jivan mukti! Sant Raja Ram is a follower of Kabir. A tiny ashram surrounded by greenery emerged in the lonely areas of Timar pur, Delhi, many decades ago.

Raja Ram `Saheb' manages this place; all day and all night he is engaged in deep sadhana, listening to the eternal mystic sound and remaining engrossed in it. He is so deep in thought that he at times is not aware if a visitor has arrived. aware if a visitor has arrived.

You may watch him from a distance, reading from some of the texts of Kabir and discussing with himself.mes he is engaged in deep Sometimes he is engaged in deep conversation with no physical being around. As you make him feel your presence he might return to this world and greet you with great affection. The next moment, after exchange of a few pleasantries, he might try his best to take you to the spiritual world.

Step-by-step he would start his guidance. It may begin with some of the texts of Kabir which he may like you to read out and then he himself would explain and simplify the mysticism.How to transform your entire physical and mental existence to one single vibration produced without any friction (the anahat sabda) and then how to hold on to that vibration and move towards samadhi ­ that is the essence of his guidance.

He advises us to develop the practice of sadhana so that in the midst of all your activities you are able to remain aware of the mystic sound. Realisation of the state of nothingness gives you the energy to work for human welfare selflessly and effectively .

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