Amanullah Khan

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A profile

The Times of India, Apr 27 2016

Saleem Pandit

Amanullah Khan was the co-founder of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and chief architect of violent separatist movement in Kashmir.

Khan was from Gilgit, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK). His daughter Asma is married to Kashmiri leader Sajjad Lone, a minister in the BJP-PDP coalition government in Indian Jammu and Kashmir.

Khan studied in Srinagar during 1940s and 50s. He migrated to Pakistan in 1952 where he began a political movement for Jammu & Kashmir's independence from India. He co-founded the JK National Liberation Front with Maqbool Bhat.The group shot into prominence when member Hashim Qureshi and his cousin hijacked an Indian Airlines plane in 1971, following which Khan and his group were on the run in Pakistan.In 1976 he immigrated to the UK and in 1977, he formed JKLF by renaming JKNLF .

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