Shakespeare in India

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Popularity in India

The Times of India, Apr 20 2016

Shakespeare understood better in India than in UK

 William Shakespeare is understood far better in India than his birth country and the iconic playwright's popularity in the emerging economies exceeds his fame in the UK, a survey released has found.

The YouGov poll for the British Council covered 18,000 people across 15 countries to mark the 400th death anniversary of the Bard this month. According to the report titled ` All the World's', as many as 83% of Indians said they understood Shakespeare, compared to just 58% of Britons.

The iconic playwright proved more popular in almost all emerging economies than in the UK.

More than a third of people questioned said Shakespeare made them feel more positive about the UK in general, with the figures highest in India (62%) and Brazil (57%).

Of those people, 70% were interested in visiting the UK as tourists.

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