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This article was written in 1916 when conditions were different. Even in
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From The Tribes And Castes Of The Central Provinces Of India

By R. V. Russell

Of The Indian Civil Service

Superintendent Of Ethnography, Central Provinces

Assisted By Rai Bahadur Hira Lal, Extra Assistant Commissioner

Macmillan And Co., Limited, London, 1916.

NOTE 1: The 'Central Provinces' have since been renamed Madhya Pradesh.

NOTE 2: While reading please keep in mind that all articles in this series have been scanned from the original book. Therefore, footnotes have got inserted into the main text of the article, interrupting the flow. Readers who spot these footnotes gone astray might like to shift them to their correct place.


Kumhar, Kumbhar

The caste of potters, the name i. Tradi- being derived from the Sanskrit kunibh, a water-pot. The °"? °^ _ * origin. Kumhars numbered nearly 120,000 persons in the Central Provinces in 1 9 1 i and were most numerous in the northern and eastern or Hindustani-speaking Districts, where earthen vessels have a greater vogue than in the south. The caste is of course an ancient one, vessels of earthenware having probably been in use at a very early period, and the old Hindu scriptures consequently give various accounts of its origin from mixed marriages between the four classical castes. " Concerning the traditional parentage of the caste," Sir H. Risley writes,^ " there seems to be a wide difference of opinion among the recognised authorities on the subject.

Thus the Brahma Vaivartta Purana says that the Kumbhakar or maker of water-jars {kmnbha), is born of a Vaishya woman by a Brahman father ; the Parasara Samhita makes the father a Malakar (gardener) and the mother a Chamar ; while the Parasara Padhati holds that the ancestor of the caste was begotten of a Tili woman by a Pattikar or weaver of silk cloth. Sir Monier Williams again, in his Sanskrit Dictionary, describes them as the offspring of a Kshatriya woman by a Brahman. No importance can of course be attached to ' Tribes and Castes of Bengal, art. Kumhar.

such statements as the above from the point of view of actual fact, but they are interesting as showing the view taken of the formation of castes by the old Brahman writers, and also the position given to the Kumhar at the time when they wrote. This varies from a moderately respectable to a very humble one according to the different accounts of his lineage. The caste themselves have a legend of the usual Brahmanical type : " In the Kritayuga, when Maheshwar (Siva) intended to marry the daughter of Hemvanta, the Devas and Asuras ^ assembled at Kailas (Heaven). Then a question arose as to who should furnish the vessels required for the ceremony, and one Kulalaka, a Brahman, was ordered to make them.

Then Kulalaka stood before the assembly with folded hands, and prayed that materials might be given to him for making the pots. So Vishnu gave his Sudarsana (discus) to be used as a wheel, and the mountain of Mandara was fixed as a pivot beneath it to hold it up. The scraper was Adi Kiirma the tortoise, and a rain-cloud was used for the water-tub. So Kulalaka made the pots and gave them to Maheshwar for his marriage, and ever since his descendants have been known as Kumbhakar or maker of water-jars." Caste The Kumhars have a number of subcastes, many of which, as might be expected, are of the territorial type and indicate the different localities from which they migrated to the Central Provinces. Such are the Malwi from Malwa, the Telenga from the Telugu country in Hyderabad, the Pardeshi from northern India and the Maratha from the Maratha Districts.

Other divisions are the Lingayats who belong to the sect of this name, the Gadhewal or Gadhere who make tiles and carry them about on donkeys {gadha), the Bardia who use bullocks for transport and the Sungaria who keep pigs {siiar). Certain endogamous groups have arisen simply from differences in the method of working. Thus the Hathgarhia " mould vessels with their hands only without using the wheel ; the Goria ^ make white or red pots only and not black ones ; the Kurere mould their vessels on a stone slab revolving on a stick and not on a wheel ; while the Chakere are Kumhars who use the wheel (chdk) in ' Gods and demons. ^ Hath, hand and garhna, to make or mould. 3 Gora, white or red, applied to Europeans. sub- divisions.


localities where other Kumhars do not use it. The Chhutakia and Rakhotia are illegitimate sections, being the offspring of kept women. Girls are married at an early age when their parents can 3- Social afford it, the matches being usually arranged at caste feasts. In Chanda parents who allow a daughter to become adolesc- ent while still unwed are put out of caste, but elsewhere the rule is by no means so strict. The ceremony is of the normal type and a Brahman usually officiates, but in Betul it is performed by the Sawasa or husband of the bride's paternal aunt.

After the wedding the couple are given kneaded flour to hold in their hands and snatch from each other as an emblem of their trade. In Mandla a bride- price of Rs. 50 is paid. The Kumhars recognise divorce and the remarriage of widows. If an unmarried girl is detected in criminal in- timacy with a member of the caste, she has to give a feast to the caste-fellows and pay a fine of Rs. 1-4 and five locks of her hair are also cut off by way of purification. The caste usually burn the dead, but the Lingayat Kumhars always bury them in accordance with the practice of their sect.

They worship the ordinary Hindu deities and make an offering to the implements of their trade on the festival of Deothan Igaras. The village Brahman serves as their priest. In Balaghat a Kumhar is put out of caste if a dead cat is found in his house. At the census of 1901 the Kum- har was ranked with the impure castes, but his status is not really so low. Sir D. Ibbetson said of him : " He is a true village menial ; his social standing is very low, far below that of the Lobar and not much above the Chamar.

His association with that impure beast, the donkey, the animal sacred to Sitala, the smallpox goddess, pollutes him and also his readiness to carry manure and sweepings." As already seen there are in the Central Provinces Sungaria and Gadheria subcastes which keep donkeys and pigs, and these are regarded as impure. But in most Districts the Kumhar ranks not much below the Barhai and Lobar, that is in what I have designated the grade of village menials above the impure and below the cultivating castes. In Bengal the Kumhars have a much hisrher status and Brahmans will

4. The Kumhar as a village menial.

5. Occupa- tion. take water from their hands. But the gradation of caste in Bengal differs very greatly from that of other parts of India. The Kumhar is not now paid regularly by dues from the cultivators like other village menials, as the ordinary system of sale has no doubt been found more convenient in his case. But he sometimes takes the soiled grass from the stalls of the cattle and gives pots free to the cultivator in exchange. On Akti day, at the beginning of the agricultural year, the village Kumhar of Saugor presents five pots with covers on them to each cultivator and receives 2\ lbs. of grain in exchange. One of these the tenant fills with water and presents to a Brahman and the rest he reserves for his own purposes. On the occasion of a wedding also the bride- groom's party take the bride to the Kumharin's house as part of the sohdg ceremony for making the marriage pro- pitious.

The Kumhar seats the bride on his wheel and turns it round with her seven times. The Kumharin presents her with seven new pots, which are taken back to the house and used at the wedding. They are filled with water and are supposed to represent the seven seas. If any two of these pots accidentally clash together it is supposed that the bride and bridegroom will quarrel during their married life. In return for this the Kumharin receives a present of clothes. At a funeral also the Kumhar must supply thirteen vessels which are known as ghats, and must also replace the broken earthenware. Like the other village menials at the harvest he takes a new vessel to the cultivator in his field and receives a present of grain.

Tl'iese customs appear to indicate his old position as one of the menials or general servants of the village ranking below the cultivators. Grant-Duff also includes the potter in his list of village menials in the Maratha villages.^ The potter is not particular as to the clay he uses and does not go far afield for the finer qualities, but digs it from the nearest place in the neighbourhood where he can get it free of cost. Red and black clay are employed, the former being obtained near the base of hills or on high-lying land, probably of the laterite formation, and the latter in the beds of tanks or streams. When the clay is thoroughly kneaded ' History of the Marathas, edition 1878, vol. i. p. 26.

and ready for use a lump of it is placed on the centre of the wheel.

The potter seats himself in front of the wheel and fixes his stick or chakrait into the slanting hole in its upper surface. With this stick the wheel is made to revolve very rapidly, and sufficient impetus is given to it to keep it in motion for several minutes. The potter then lays aside the stick and with his hands moulds the lump of clay into the shape required, stopping every now and then to give the wheel a fresh spin as it loses its momentum. When satisfied with the shape of his vessel he separates it from the lump with a piece of string, and places it on a bed of ashes to prevent it sticking to the ground.

The wheel is either a circular disc cut out of a single piece of stone about a yard in diameter, or an ordinary wooden wheel with spokes forming two diameters at right angles. The rim is then thickened with the addition of a coating of mud strengthened with fibre.^ The articles made by the potter are ordinary circular vessels or gharas used for storing and collecting water, larger ones for keeping grain, flour and vegetables, and surdJiis or amphoras for drinking-water. In the manufacture of these last salt and saltpetre are mixed with the clay to make them more porous and so increase their cooling capacity.

A very useful thing is the small saucer which serves as a lamp, being filled with oil on which a lighted wick is floated. These saucers resemble those found in the excavations of Roman remains. Earthen vessels are more commonly used, both for cooking and eating purposes among the people of northern India, and especially by Muhammadans, than among the Marathas, and, as already noticed, the Kumhar caste musters strong in the north of the Province.

An earthen vessel is polluted if any one of another caste takes food or drink from it and is at once discarded. On the occasion of a death all the vessels in the house are thrown away and a new set obtained, and the same measure is adopted at the HoH festival and on the occasion of an eclipse, and at various other cere- monial purifications, such as that entailed if a member of the household has had maggots in a wound. On this account cheapness is an indispensable quality in pottery, and there is 1 The above description is taken on Pottay ami Glassware by Mr. from the Central Provinces Monograph Jowers, p. 4.

no opening for the Kumhar to improve his art. Another product of the Kumhar's industry is the chilani or pipc-bovvl. This has the usual opening for inhaling the smoke but no stem, an impromptu stem being made by the hands and the smoke inhaled through it. As the chilam is not touched by the mouth, Hindus of all except the impure castes can smoke it together, passing it round, and Hindus can also smoke it with Muhammadans. It is a local belief that, if an earthen pot is filled with salt and plastered over, the rains will stop until it is opened.

This device is adopted when the fall is excessive, but, on the other hand, if there is drought, the people sometimes think that the potter has used it to keep off the rain, because he cannot pursue his calling when the clay is very wet. And on occasions of a long break in the rains, they have been known to attack his shop and break all his vessels under the influence of this belief The potter is sometimes known as Prajapati or the ' The Creator,' in accordance with the favourite comparison made by ancient writers of the moulding of his pots with the creation of human beings, the justice of which will be recognised by any one who watches the masses of mud on a whirling wheel growing into shapely vessels in the potter's creating hands. 6. Breed- Certain Kumhars as well as the Dhimars make the for saCTi- breeding of pigs a means of subsistence, and they sell these fices. pigs for sacrifices at prices varying from eight annas (8d.) to a rupee.

The pigs are sacrificed by the Gonds to their god Bura Deo and by Hindus to the deity Bhainsasur, or the buffalo demon, for the protection of the crops. Bhainsasur is represented by a stone in the fields, and when crops are beaten down at night by the wind it is supposed that Bhain- sasur has passed over them and trampled them down.

Hindus, usually of the lower castes, offer pigs to Bhainsasur to pro- pitiate him and preserve their crops from his ravages, but they cannot touch the impure pig themselves. What they have to do, therefore, is to pay the Kumhar the price of the pig and get him to offer it to Bhainsasur on their behalf The Kumhar goes to the god and sacrifices the pig and then takes the body home and eats it, so that his trade is a profit- able one, while conversely to sacrifice a pig without partaking ir of its flesh must necessarily be bitter to the frugal Hindu mind, and this indicates the importance of the deity who is to be propitiated by the offering. The first question which arises in connection with this curious custom is why pigs should be sacrificed for the preservation of the crops ; and the reason appears to be tiiat the wild pig is the animal which, at present, mainly damages the crops.

In ancient Greece pigs were offered to Demeter, the corn- 7. The goddess, for the protection of the crops, and there is good ^emet'er reason to suppose that the conceptions of Demeter herself and the lovely Proserpine grew out of the worship of the pig, and that both goddesses were in the beginning merely the deified pig. The highly instructive passage in which Sir J. G. Frazer advances this theory is reproduced almost in full:^ " Passing next to the corn-goddess Demeter, and remembering that in European folklore the pig is a common embodiment of the corn-spirit, we may now ask whether the pig, which was so closely associated with Demeter, may not originally have been the goddess herself in animal form ? The pig was sacred to her ; in art she was portrayed carrying or accom- panied by a pig ; and the pig was regularly sacrificed in her mysteries, the reason assigned being that the pig injures the corn and is therefore an enemy of the goddess.

But after an animal has been conceived as a god, or a god as an animal, it sometimes happens, as we have seen, that the god sloughs off his animal form and becomes purely anthropomorphic ; and that then the animal which at first had been slain in the character of the god, comes to be viewed as a victim offered to the god on the ground of its hostility to the deity ; in short, that the god is sacrificed to himself on the ground that he is his own enemy.

This happened to Dionysus and it may have happened to Demeter also. And in fact the rites of one of her festivals, the Thesmophoria, bear out the view that originally the pig was an embodiment of the corn- goddess herself, either Demeter or her daughter and double Proserpine. The Thesmophoria was an autumn festival celebrated by women alone in October, and appears to have represented with mourning rites the descent of Proserpine (or Demeter) into the lower world, and with joy her return 1 Golden Bough, ii. pp. 299, 301.

from the dead. Hence the name Descent or Ascent variously applied to the first, and the name Kalligeneia (fair- born) applied to the third day of the festival. Now from an old scholium on Lucian we learn some details about the mode of celebrating the Thesmophoria, which shed important light on the part of the festival called the Descent or the Ascent. The scholiast tells us that it was customary at the Thesmophoria to throw pigs, cakes of dough, and branches of pine-trees into ' the chasms of Demeter and Proserpine,' which appear to have been sacred caverns or vaults. " In these caverns or vaults there were said to be serpents, which guarded the caverns and consumed most of the flesh of the pigs and dough-cakes which were thrown in.

After- wards—apparently at the next annual festival—the decayed remains of the pigs, the cakes, and the pine-branches were fetched by women called ' drawers,' who, after observing rules of ceremonial purity for three days, descended into the caverns, and, frightening away the serpents by clapping their hands, brought up the remains and placed them on the altar. Whoever got a piece of the decayed flesh and cakes, and sowed it with the seed-corn in his field, was believed to be sure of a good crop. " To explain this rude and ancient rite the following legend was told. At the moment when Pluto carried off Proserpine, a swineherd called Eubuleus chanced to be herding his swine on the spot, and his herd was engulfed in the chasm down which Pluto vanished with Proserpine. Accordingly, at the Thesmophoria pigs were annually thrown into caverns to commemorate the disappearance of the swine of Eubuleus.

It follows from this that the casting of the pigs into the vaults at the Thesmophoria formed part of the dramatic representation of Proserpine's descent into the lower world ; and as no image of Proserpine appears to have been thrown in, we may infer that the descent of the pigs was not so much an accompaniment of her descent as the descent itself, in short, that the pigs were Proserpine. Afterwards, when Proserpine or Demeter (for the two are equivalent) became anthropomorphic, a reason had to be found for the custom of throwing pigs into caverns at her festival ; and this was done by saying that when Pluto carried off Proser-

pine, there happened to be some swine browsing near, which were swallowed up along with her. The story is obviously a forced and awkward attempt to bridge over the gulf between the old conception of the corn-spirit as a pig and the new conception of her as an anthropomorphic goddess. A trace of the older conception survived in the legend that when the sad mother was searching for traces of the vanished Proserpine, the footprints of the lost one were obliterated by the foot- prints of a pig ; originally, we may conjecture, the footprints of the pig were the footprints of Proserpine and of Demcter herself.

A consciousness of the intimate connection of the pig with the corn lurks in the legend that the swineherd Eubuleus was a brother of Triptolemus, to whom Demeter first imparted the secret of the corn. Indeed, according to one version of the story, Eubuleus himself received, jointly with his brother Triptolemus, the gift of the corn from Demeter as a reward for revealing to her the fate of Proser- pine. Further, it is to be noted that at the Thesmophoria the women appear to have eaten swine's flesh.

The meal, if I am right, must have been a solemn sacrament or communion, the worshippers partaking of the body of the god." We thus see how the pig in ancient Greece was wor- 8. Estima- shipped as a corn - deity because it damaged the crops 'and th°e"pi<r m subsequently became an anthropomorphic goddess. It is India, suggested that pigs are offered to Bhainsasur by the Hindus for the same reason. But there is no Hindu deity representing the pig, this animal on the contrary being regarded as impure. It seems doubtful, however, whether this was always so.

In Rajputana on the stone which the Regent of Kotah set up to commemorate the abolition of forced taxes were carved the effigies of the sun, the moon, the cow and the hog, with an imprecation on whoever should revoke the edict.^ Colonel Tod says that the pig was included as being execrated by all classes, but this seems very doubtful. It would scarcely occur to any Hindu nowadays to associate the image of the impure pig with those of the sun, moon and cow, the representations of three of his greatest deities. Rather it gives some reason for

buffalo as a corn-eod

supposing that the pig was once worshipped, and the Rajputs still do not hold the wild boar impure, as they hunt it and eat its flesh. Moreover, Vishnu in his fourth incarnation was a boar. The Gonds regularly offer pigs to their great god Bura Deo, and though they now offer goats as well, this seems to be a later innovation. The principal sacrifice of the early Romans was the Suovetaurilia or the sacrifice of a pig, a ram and a bull. The order of the words, M. Reinach remarks,^ is significant as showing the importance formerly attached to the pig or boar. Since the pig was the principal sacrificial animal of the primitive tribes, the Gonds and Baigas, its connection with the ritual of an alien and at one time hostile religion may have strengthened the feeling of aversion for it among the Hindus, which would naturally be engendered by its own dirty habits.

9. The It seems possible then that the Hindus reverenced the wild boar in the past as one of the strongest and fiercest animals of the forest and also as a destroyer of the crops. And they still make sacrifices of the pig to guard their fields from his ravages. These sacrifices, however, are not offered to any deity who can represent a deified pig but to Bhainsasur, the deified buffalo. The explanation seems to be that in former times, when forests extended over most of the country, the cultivator had in the wild buffalo a direr foe than the wild pig. And one can well understand how the peasant, winning a scanty subsistence from his poor fields near the forest, and seeing his harvest destroyed in a night by the trampling of a herd of these great brutes against whom his puny weapons were powerless, looked on them as terrible and malignant deities.

The sacrifice of a buffalo would be beyond the means of a single man, and the animal is now more or less sacred as one of the cow tribe. But the annual joint sacri- fice of one or more buffaloes is a regular feature of the Dasahra festival and extends over a great part of India. In Betul and other districts the procedure is that on the Dasahra day, or a day before, the Mang and Kotwar, two of the lowest village menials, take a buffalo bull and bring it to the village proprietor, who makes a cut on its nose and draws blood. Then it is taken all round the village and to the shrines of 1 Orphdiis, p. 152.

the gods, and in the evening it is killed and the Mang and Kotvvar eat the flesh. It is now believed that if the blood of a buffalo does not fall at Dasahra some epidemic will attack the village, but as there are no longer any wild buffaloes except in the denser forests of one or two Districts, the original meaning of the rite might naturally have been forgotten.


The Dasahra festival probably marks the autumnal equinox 10. The and also the time v/hen the sowing of wheat and other fg^t^vaP spring crops begins. Many Hindus still postpone sowing the wheat until after Dasahra, even though it might be convenient to begin before, especially as the festival goes by the lunar month and its date varies in different years by more than a fortnight. The name signifies the tenth day, and prior to the festival a fast of nine days is observed, when the pots of wheat corresponding to the gardens of Adonis are sown and quickly sprout up. This is an imitation of the sowing and growth of the real crop and is meant to ensure its success. During these nine days it is said that the goddess Devi was engaged in mortal combat with the buffalo demon Mahisasur or Bhainsasur, and on the tenth day or the Dasahra she slew him.

The fast is explained as being observed in order to help her to victory, but it is really perhaps a fast in connection with the growing of the crops. A similar nine days' fast for the crops was observed by the Greeks.^ Devi signifies ^ the goddtss' par excellence. She is often n. The the tutelary goddess of the village and of the family, and is |)°'|,'/*^^^ held to have been originally Mother Earth, which may be supposed to be correct. In tracts where the people of northern and southern India meet she is identified with Anna Purna, the corn - goddess of the Telugu country ; and in her form of Gauri or ' the Yellow One ' she is perhaps herself the yellow corn. As Gauri she is worshipped at weddings in conjunction with Ganesh or Ganpati, the god of Good Fortune ; and it is probably in honour of the harvest colour that Hindus of the upper castes wear yellow at ^ The sacrifice is now falling into abeyance, as landowners refuse to supply the buffalo. 2 Pr. Jevons, Introduction to the History of Religion, p. 368.

their weddings and consider it lucky.

A Brahman also prefers to wear yellow when eating his food. It has been seen ^ that red is the lucky colour of the lower castes of Hindus, and the reason probably is that the shrines of their gods are stained red with the blood of the animals sacrificed. High-caste Hindus no longer make animal sacrifices, and their offerings to Siva, Vishnu and Devi consist of food, flowers and blades of corn. Thus yellow would be similarly associated with the shrines of the gods. All Hindu brides have their bodies rubbed with yellow turmeric, and the principal religious flower, the marigold, is orange - yellow. Yellow is, however, also lucky as being the colour of Vishnu or the Sun, and a yellow flag is waved above his great temple at Ramtek on the occasion of the fair.

Thus Devi as the corn-goddess perhaps corresponds to Demeter, but she is not in this form an animal goddess. The Hindus worshipping Mother Earth, as all races do in the early stage of religion, may by a natural and proper analogy have ascribed the gift of the corn to her from whom it really comes, and have identi- fied her with the corn-goddess. This is by no means a full explanation of the goddess Devi, who has many forms. As Parvati, the hill-maiden, and Durga, the inaccessible one, she is the consort of Siva in his character of the mountain-god of the Himalayas ; as Kali, the devourer of human flesh, she is perhaps the deified tiger ; and she may have assimilated yet more objects of worship into her wide divinity.

But there seems no special reason to hold that she is anywhere believed to be the deified buffalo ; and the probable explana- tion of the Dasahra rite would therefore seem to be that the buffalo was at first venerated as the corn-god because, like the pig in Greece, he was most destructive to the crops, and a buffalo was originally slaughtered and eaten sacramentally as an act of worship.

At a later period the divinity attach- ing to the corn was transferred to Devi, an anthropomorphic deity of a higher class, and in order to explain the customary slaughter of the buffalo, which had to be retained, the story became current that the beneficent goddess fought and slew the buffalo-demon which injured the crops, for the benefit of her worshippers, and the fast was observed and the ' Vide article on Lakhcra.

buffalo sacrificed in commemoration of this event. It is possible that the sacrifice of the buffalo may have been a non-Aryan rite, as the Mundas still offer a buffalo to Deswali, their forest god, in the sacred grove ; and the Korwas of Sarguja have i)eriodical sacrifices to Kali in which many buffaloes are slaughtered. In the pictures of her fight with Bhainsasur, Devi is shown as riding on a tiger, and the uneducated might imagine the struggle to have resembled that between a tiger and a buffalo.

As the destroyer of buffaloes and deer which graze on the crops the tiger may even be considered the cultivator's friend. But in the rural tracts Bhainsasur himself is still venerated in the guise of a corn-deity, and pig are perhaps offered to him as the animals which nowadays do most harm to the crops.


(From People of India/ National Series Volume VIII. Readers who wish to share additional information/ photographs may please send them as messages to the Facebook community, Indpaedia.com. All information used will be gratefully acknowledged in your name.)

Synonyms: Kumbhakar [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Kumar, Kumbhakar, Kumore, Rudrapal [West Bengal]

  • Endogamons divisions: Bandi, Kannada, Mulya (tulu

potter), Tulu, Vodari [E. Thurston] Agasia, Bagri, Bangar, Desi, Dhodi, Dol, Gola, Hans lia (in Gurgaon), Kashmiri, Khapbanda, Khapmaree, K hokhar, Kumhar, Kundgar, Mahar, Mali, Marwari, Multani, Nun gar Punjabi (in Gurdaspur), Raj, Tanur [H.A. Rose] Ajodhyabasi, Ardhauti, Banaudhia, Bangali, Bara Bha giya (in Dacca), Bardhia, Barendra, Belgachi, Bhulaiya (in Noakhali), Bhushna, Biahut, Chandan Sara, Chapua, C hatgainya, Chaurasi Chhota Bhagiya, Daspara (Pramanik), Daspari, Deswar, Gadahiya, Kanaujia, Khatya, Maghai ya, Majhasthan, Masawar, Mujgarni, Nautana, Panpatra, Rajmahalia, Rarhi, Sandwipa, Saralia Sirasthan, Tir hutia, Turk Kumhar, Uriya Kumhar [H.H. Risley] Ahir, Balde (Pardeshi Kambhar), Bhonde, Chag Bhaisa, Garete, Ghati, Goremaratha, Gujar, Hatghade, Hatode, Kadu, Kanada, Karnatak, Khambhati, Konkani, Ladbhuje, Lahanchake, Lingayat, Lod Malvi, Maratha, Pancham, Rajput, Sorathia, Thorchake, Varia, Vatalia [R.E. Ent hoven] Groups/subgroups: Bihayuti, Gadhaiya, Kannaujia, Ma ghaiya [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Barendra, Chaurasi, Daspari, Rarhi [West Bengal] Athariya, Bardhiya (in Mirzapur), Chakbais, Churiya, Gadhaiya, Gola, Kanaujiya, Kasgar, Mathuriya, Sua riya [W. Crooke]

  • Subcastes: Bardia, Chakere, Chuutakia, Gadhewl, Go

ria, Hathgarhia, Kurere, Lingayats, Malwi, Maratha, Pardeshi, Rakhotia, Sungaria, Telenga [RusseU & Hiralal] Titles: Kumbhakar, Pandit [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Prajapati [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Bhaskar, Dikpal, Kavi [West Bengal] Handa [E. Thurston] Behara, Biswas, Das, Deuri, Kunkal, Mahato, Majhi, Marar, Marik, Mehrana, Pal, Rana [H.H. Risley] Surnames: Kumbhakar, Kumhar, Pandit [Bihar and/or J harkhand] Ram [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Bavadikar, Katwara, Majhgaonkar, Padalkar [Maharashtra] Deuri, Maid, Patra, Rona [Orissa] Chowdhury, Das, Jana, Mandal, Pal [West Bengal] Adhav, Bhalerao, Buddhivan, Chaugule, Dalve, Deshmukh, Devalval, Devtrase, Divate, Gadhve, Gaikvad, Jadhav, Jagdale, Jalindre, Jondhale, Jorvekar, Kale, Kapde, Karole, Kukadval Kurmival, Lonkar, Manmode, Mavane, Mhetre, Morval, Pavar, Pipude, Rokde, Sasvadkar, Shirsat, S inde, Sonavane, Tongare, Udeval among Pardeshi Kumbhar, Vagchaure, Vaghmare Vagule among Maratha Kumbhar, Bansival [R.E. Enthoven] Exogamous units/clans: Berdia, Gadhel, Gandhel (who carry things on donkey), Gangapari (from the river Ganga), Kannujia (those who have migrated from Kannuj), Kan nujia Berdia (who used to carry things on barad (ox) [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Balabhadra, Ganesh, Nagaswar [Orissa] Ilish [West Bengal] Aladoshi, Alamyan, Asmait, Baid, Bailhar, Bar (ficus indica), Barik, Biswas, Chana, Chaudhri, Gaim, Ga rhatia, Hansa, Hathi (elephant), Jeruhet, Kanaka, Kansi (a gras), Kapar, Kasyapa Kathalmalet, Kharua, Kheri, Madhust, Mahadia, Mahatman, Maher, Maheswar, Mandap, Mehtar, Min (fish), Mukh, Nag (snake), Natanya, Pachmait, Panjiar, Parihar, Pharkiet, Ranubad, Raut Raworh, Rishi, San dil, Sandilya, Senapat, Sikari, Sinhi, Sisingi (a r iver fish), Sonmain, Surabani, Tharait, Tumalia [H.H. Risley] Exogamous units/clans (kul): Basnival (Pardeshi Kam bhar), Devalval, Jalindre, Karole, Kukedval, Kurnival, Mavane, Morval, Pipude, Tongare, Udeval [R.E. Endioven]

  • Gor. Bikaneri, Danial, Dol, Gangotra, Jalandhra, J

odhpuria, Sarohi, Sohal [HA Rose] Gotra: Kashyap [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Kashyap, Parasar [Orissa] Ilish, Kashyap, Moudgulla, Sandilya [West Bengal] Exogamous units/lineages (khandanlvansh): [Bihar and/or Jharkhand]

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