Abortions: India
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Legal provisions
The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971
The Indian Express, July 26, 2016
Abantika Ghosh
When were the limitations of the “legal limit” of abortion revealed?
In 2008, Haresh and Niketa Mehta petitioned Bombay High Court to allow them to abort their 26-week-old foetus who had been diagnosed with a heart defect. For the first time, the national medical narrative took note of the fact that with the advent of medical technology, pre-natal diagnosis of defects had come a long way — and some defects could be revealed after 20 weeks has passed. The Mehtas’ plea was turned down on expert advice. But the court’s observation that only the legislature could address the demand for change in the legal limit meant that India started the process of re-evaluating provisions of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. Niketa, incidentally, had a miscarriage soon after the verdict.
Was the law challenged on any other occasion?
Yes. Last year, a 14-year-old rape victim from Gujarat sought and received permission from the Supreme Court to abort after the 20 weeks deadline had passed. Her petition was treated as a “special case”, meaning it could not be used as a precedent to grant permission in another case. Which is why the woman in whose favour the SC decided — identified in her petition as “Miss X” — needed to knock on the doors of the apex court afresh.
' What are the provisions of the new MTP law that is in the works?'
The draft Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2014, on which the Health Ministry has sought and received comments, provides for abortion beyond 20 weeks under defined conditions. As per the draft law, a healthcare provider may, “in good faith”, decide to allow abortion between 20 and 24 weeks if, among other conditions, the pregnancy involves substantial risks to the mother or child, or if it is “alleged by the pregnant woman to have been caused by rape”.
The draft law also takes into account the reality of a massive shortage of both doctors and trained midwives, and seeks to allow Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha practitioners to carry out abortions, albeit only through medical means, and not surgical ones.
The draft legislation recognises that the anguish caused by pregnancy resulting from rape “may be presumed to constitute a grave injury to the mental health of the pregnant woman”, and that such an injury could be a ground for allowing abortion.
Why is it essential to change the MTP law?
Legal and medical experts feel that a revision of the legal limit for abortion is long overdue. Foetal abnormalities show up only by 18 weeks, so just a two-week window after that is too small for the would-be parents to take the difficult call on whether to keep their baby. Even for the medical practitioner, this window is too small to exhaust all possible options before advising the patient to take the extreme step.
Again, the 45 years since the enactment of the law has seen technology break new grounds — from ultrasound to magnetic resonance imaging to a range of highend foetal monitoring devices that have taken prenatal diagnosis far beyond the illegal sex determination tests that have refused to die out completely.
The rising incidence of sex crimes, and the urgent need to empower women with sexual rights and choices both in their own interest and for the sake of reducing the fertility rate as a whole, have made it imperative that the law be changed. In any case — and what is far more worrying — is the fact that the lack of legal approval does not prevent abortions from being carried out beyond 20 weeks. And they are done in shady, unhygienic conditions by untrained, unqualified quacks, putting thousands of women at risk probably every day.
‘Live-ins’ get abortion rights of married couples
Swati Deshpande, HC extends abortion right to live-ins, Sep 22 2016 : The Times of India
Till Now, Only `Married Women' Were Allowed Medical Termination Of Pregnancies
The Bombay high court has extended to live-in relationships a pro-choice right which only married women have enjoyed so far in law. The HC held that a provision under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, which currently doesn't apply to live-in relationships, should be understood to be applicable also to couples who live in the nature of a marriage.
A 45-year-old law that governs and grants women the right to abort spelled out how a married woman, who may have conceived by accident despite using birth control devices, could be permitted to terminate such pregnancy till 20 weeks, if unwanted, on the ground that its continuation would cause her mental trauma. Since the law specified “married woman“, the HC while dealing with the rights of women in prison to medical termination, said law in today's scenario of live-in relations would extend to even such women, who though not married, live in with their partner.
The judgment, salutary to women who have not tied the knot but live with a man in a relationship akin to marriage, recognised the extent to which such relationships resonate and are rising in society and the need for protec tive laws. The law says an unwanted pregnancy caused by failure of a birth control device in a marriage can be ended, but only till the foetus is 20 weeks old.
The HC was deciding a suo motu PIL triggered by a case of a woman inmate in Mumbai who wished to terminate her second pregnancy while in custody . The PIL saw a bench of Justices V K Tahilramani and Mridula Bhatkar delving into the essence of the law that legalises abortion in India -the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act. Section 3(2)(b)(i) of the Act allows termination of pregnancy if there is risk to the life of the pregnant woman.
The judges observed that “besides physical injury , the law widened the scope of termination of pregnancy by including `injury' to mental health of the woman“. The law provides two `explanations' of what constitutes such injury . While the first points to a rape survivor and the anguish a resultant pregnancy causes, `Explanation 2' under the Act lists a pregnancy that is accidental, caused by failure of a birth control device. “Such a pregnancy , if unwanted, may be presumed to constitute grave injury to mental health of the pregnant woman,“ the law states.
“Explanation 2 should be read to mean any couple living together like a married couple,“ the court directed.“A woman irrespective of her marital status can be pregnant either by choice or it can be an unwanted pregnancy . Wanted pregnancy is shared equally , however, when it is an accident, then the man may not be there to share the burden. Under such circumstances, a question arises why should only a woman suffer,“ the HC asked.
A doctor, while advising an MTP, must consider the future prospects such unwanted pregnancy holds for a woman, the judgment said.
The judges observed that there were reasons why a pregnancy is sought to be ended. “There are social, financial and other aspects attached to the pregnancy of the woman and if pregnancy is unwanted, it can have serious repercussions. The right to control their own body and fertility and motherhood choices should be left to women alone.“
Under-20, urban abortions rise
The Times of India, Apr 13 2016

Mahendra Singh Cities Have 21% Pregnancy Wastage Against Rural India's 4.4%
Under-20 abortions reveal urban India's liberal attitudes
Most abortions reported in urban areas are below the age group of 20, pointing to a more liberal attitude towards sex and earlier engagement in sexual activity, reveals a government health survey.
The NSSO survey found that among all pregnancies reported, 77% in rural and 74% in urban areas ended with a live birth while abortion was only 2% in rural and 3% in urban India.
But the highest 14% abortions were seen in the youngest age-group of those below the age of 20 in urban areas.
The survey also found that pregnancy wastage was highest at 21% also in the youngest age group of less than 20 years. `Wastage of pregnancy' is defined as the `total number of pregnancies which did not result into livebirth during the reference period' per 1000 number of completed pregnancies during the same period.' Interesting ly, about 4.4% of the pregnancies were wasted in the rural areas, and it was little higher in urban areas (5.9%) despiteaccessibility of heath care services in cities.
A number of factors a greater readiness to report, a greater incidence, a better access to abortion services could all account for it, but further studies would be required to comment, the survey noted.
It was found that among women in the age group of 1549 years, about 9.6% in the rural areas and 6.8% in the urban areas were pregnant during the 365 days preceding the date of survey .
The survey also found that in rural India, 56% childbirths took place in public hospitals and 24% in private hospitals. In cities, around 42% children were born in public hospital and 48% in private hospitals. Reflecting lack of health care facilities in rural areas, the survey highlighted that about 20% non-institutional childbirths were reported in villages while it was at 11% in urban areas.