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Banning loudspeakers

By Raja Chatterjee, Ei Samay, How this Kolkata locality got rid of sound pollution, Jun 27, 2017: The Times of India

Residents of Mominpur, South Kolkata have successfully put an end to sound pollution in the vicinity courtesy Imam Mohammad Ashraf Ali Qasmi (40) of the mosque adjacent to Hussein Shah Park of Mominpur. Imam has created history by leading the movement against the sound menace.

Months ago, an elderly woman complained Imam of disturbances caused by loudspeakers blaring at top volume on occasions near her house. She had earlier complained to the local club but to no avail. After a tedious campaign of volunteers and residents under the leadership of the Imam, loudspeakers and sound boxes have been removed from the locality.

The Eisamay correspondent was surprised to find no trace of loudspeakers at prominent streets of the locality like at Hussein Shah Road, Mominpur Road and Bronfeld Row on the Id-ul-Fitr. Azan at the local mosque is delivered in a low decibel under instructions of the Imam. The local youths also have started to refrain from lighting up high decibel crackers during Shab-e-Barat.

Just after the announcement of the Id timings, the local mosque urged people not to disturb the locality with excessive sound. The campaign ran for 10 minutes. Immam Mohammad Ashraf Ali Qasmi announced, 'We started campaigns against sound pollution after the elderly lady approached me. We visited every house and spoke to the residents. There are 8-10 local clubs. We discussed the problem with the officials. Both Hindus and Muslims reside in the area. Now our locality is soundless.'

Imam has also discussed issues like cleanliness, tolerance and sound pollution with the women Namazis, who in turn taught the children these values. 'Following our example, other localities too have started campaigns against sound pollution and hooliganism,' claims Haider Khan, a close associate of the Imam. His aide Mohammad Shahid complained, 'We faced many criticism and mocking in the beginning. There were lots of arguments too. But after the sound menace was controlled, they have joined the campaign too.'

Local resident Kehkashan Anjum stated, 'Every week, the women from the area gather at the mosque on Jumma Day (Friday) and discuss issues. We have also formed a WhatsApp group to share problems and solutions. We bring our children with us, so that they can learn from the elders.'

The Hindu residents too maintain the sound norms while performing Bhajans and Kirtans. A communal harmony is thus maintained in the locality, thanks to the efforts of Imam Mohammad Ashraf Ali Qasmi.

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