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But, even though I've been bold and adventurous about trying several versions of s'mores I am...

S'mores are one of the best fire treats in the world (following pudgie pies) with gooey toasted marshmallow melting smooth and delicious milk chocolate thats set between two crisp bits of graham cracker. YummmmI want one (okay, several) right now (even though as I am writing this it's raining outside and there's already over 2 feet of snow on the ground.)

But, although I've been brave and adventurous about trying many variations of s'mores I am still a purist in your mind. If you ask me there's just one way to make sure they are and the choice of the three ingredients needed (marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers) is as the planning process as important.

Marshmallows To start with, the marshmallows have to be fresh. Don't try to use up the half bag of marshmallows remaining from this past year which are as hard as a stone. Crack open your wallet and invest a or two on a brand new bag. Campfire model marshmallows are best if you can see them, but Kraft's are decent too. Buy the large ones. Dont mess around with the miniature marshmallows.

Chocolate - Theres only one time choice and that is a Hersheys milk chocolate bag of chips - 3 items per smore.

Graham cookies - Honeymaid baby grahams would be the best. Dont make an effort to get creative and use the nutmeg tasting kinds - theyre only yucky with smores.

Preparing the smore is while the ingredients as essential. But let us discuss equipment first. In the "good old days," before restrictions on disturbing any such thing in character at campgrounds and parks, if you wanted to toast marshmallows you went to a and broke off a lengthy thin branch. You pushed your marshmallow on the part and started toasting. That's what I did as a youngster (I did not go camping as a child but we frequently toasted marshmallows over the hot coals of our charcoal grill at home). It didn't matter that the marshmallow usually tasted faintly of tree sap nor did we ever stop to take into account exactly how many insects or birds had touched that piece of wood and left points on it that are better left unsaid.

There are now roasted forks offered at any large discount store or sporting goods store with an outdoor/camping section. Buy a hot dog fork instead of a marshmallow fork and miss the expensive retractable or folding ones. They have a tendency to retract or collapse when you do not want them to. A hot dog fork works more effectively than a fork because the two prongs are farther apart that makes it easy to roast two marshmallows simultaneously and because they're often longer than marshmallow forks. Plus, then you'll have a hand that can do double duty, roast marshmallows and cook hot dogs or sausages. You may get a good quality hot dog fork for under $10 and sometimes for significantly less than $5.

Ok, let's make contact with making that s'more. Place one or two marshmallows on the hot dog fork. So its toasted on all sides, not just on the third of it thats nearest to the fire toast the marshmallow to a brown over the fire, remembering to change the marshmallow. Realize that I didnt tell char it to unrecognizable blackness and start it on fire. Marshmallows are not supposed to be ignited and charred to a crisp. If your campfire is shooting up 3 base fires, wait. Marshmallow roasting is most beneficial done with the wood is ashy and has glowing embers, therefore you may have a warm fire with very little flame.

Immediately transfer the marshmallow to a graham cracker half that has 3 bits of Hersheys milk chocolate onto it (or both marshmallows if you managed to have them both toasted without dropping one to the fire and if you like a really gooey s'more; otherwise be considered a "sharer" and give the extra marshmallow to another person). Using the other graham cracker half, squish the marshmallow so that it covers all the candy to start reducing it. End squishing when the marshmallow starts oozing out the sides of the graham crackers.

Then quickly eat it before some one takes it from you and loves an ideal smore you've made. Share the techniques of making smores with everyone you know and motivate them to practice; otherwise you'll be spending all of your campfire time making s'mores for everyone else and what fun could it be to make them if you do not get to eat them?

And if someone tells you that you will make a smore in the stove that tastes just as great together made over a campfire, they're a liar or they have never had s'more made over a campfire.

I and oh forgot one last thing you will need and that is wipes to clean up your sticky and gooey hands after eating your masterpiece!

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