Road traffic, traffic management: India

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Traffic management


Traffic congestion points, Delhi; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, April 27, 2016
Traffic congestion points, Delhi.jpg; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, April 27, 2016

The Times of India, Feb 21 2016

Dipak Dash

For better traffic management, body issues rules for metros

To monitor over 85 lakh vehicles besides numerous VIP movements, Delhi would require 15,345 traffic police. Mumbai with about 23.33 lakh vehicles would need 4,779 traffic policemen and Lucknow (20.20 lakh registered vehicles) would require 3,852 of them. These are some of the estimates prepared by the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD) to manage growing traffic and enforce in cities across the country . Vehicle population of a city has been taken as the prime factor for arriving at the number of traffic personnel required in a city . Other factors, such as total population and special duties related to VIP movements, protests, rallies and festivals have also been taken into consideration.

At present, Delhi has nearly 6,500 traffic personnel while Mumbai has around 3,000 and Uttar Pradesh has about 4,000 traffic cops.

Annually 1.4 lakh lives are lost in crashes on roads.BPRD prepared the norms after a Supreme Court appointed committee on road safety sought a report. The report has recommended at least 10% of traffic police personnel to be women and each department to have traffic engineering, crash research and legal cells with people having domain knowledge.

It has also suggested numbering of all traffic poles, pelican signal for pedestrians, establishing separate traffic police stations for investigation of road crashes and a national level database integrating e-challan and traffic management system of states for better enforcement of traffic violations.

See also

Road accidents: India

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