Narayan Datt Tiwari

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A brief biography

ND Tiwari: Political giant from Kumaon who lived a full life, October 19, 2018: The Times of India

Much before the Me-Too movement, to quote the witticism of A P J Abdul Kalam, was even in “liquid form”, N D Tiwari had his moment of truth. Retired professor Ujjwala Sharma’s son Rohith Shekhar filed a paternity suit to claim he was Tiwari’s progeny. After years of denial, Tiwari not only accepted Rohith as his own but also tied the knot with Ujjwala at the age of 89. The picture of the wedding of an old man was as surprising as was the drama that led to it.

It was just another bump in the later life of ‘Tiwariji’ who five years earlier in 2009 had to quit as Andhra Pradesh governor after his sleazy pictures with women inside Raj Bhavan found their way to local television channels.

And yet, ‘Tiwariji’, to his many admirers and observers, was more than, and beyond, the truth that caught up with him in the twilight of his eventful life.

A quintessential Congressman who became the symbol of intellect and development as much as one of sycophancy, the man from Kumaon hills was a political giant who notched many firsts to his credit,one being chief minister of two different states — Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. To him also belongs the distinction of being the only chief minister of Uttarakhand to have served a full term.

Tiwari passed away on Thursday, his 93rd birthday, at a Delhi hospital after a prolonged illness .

After Uttar Pradesh fell in the trap of post-Mandal-Kamandal chaos, there was no dearth of people across the giant state telling you that ‘Panditji’ was different. He could manage castes and religions in the most trying circumstances, but could also lecture an engineer on the best formula to lay a robust road and on financial and budgetary matters. He was said to be a bureaucrat’s delight.

No wonder, with Uttarakhand now literally aping the chaos of its parent state, one finds people remembering how NDT, as the first Congress chief minister of Uttarakhand after over a year of statehood, laid the industrial foundation that still forms the backbone of the hill province.

There was something amiable and conciliatory about the man forever seen in an offwhite Gandhi cap and white churidar-kurta, as a picture of peace. There was nothing divisive about him, so much so that even his rivals over five decades would forego the professional norm of personalising the political and speak deferentially behind his back. This trait was behind his being acceptable across Uttar Pradesh — from Poorvanchal and Paschimanchal — of which he served as CM for three terms.

In Uttarakhand, too, it is common in the hills to say that NDT was the last of the politicians whose appeal cut across the Garhwal-Kumaon divide.

But between the highs that literally touched the Everest and the lows that plumbed the depths (four-term CM, foreign ministry, industry ministry, finance ministry, Planning Commission Vs paternity suit and Hyderabad scandal), ‘Panditji’ was a dyedin-the-wool politician, and that too of Congress pedigree. Sycophancy and dynasty — he is said to have unabashedly carried Sanjay Gandhi’s sandals during the Emergency in Lucknow!

By general reckoning, fate dealt a terrible blow to NDT — just once but when it mattered. After Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated in the middle of the 1991 Lok Sabha elections, Tiwari was seen as the automatic choice for the PM’s post. But he lost his election from Nainital by 800 votes. P V Narasimha Rao took the top job.

Not one to be kept down, NDT became the brain that rallied the party behind Sonia Gandhi, then a reclusive widow of the party’s first family. He, along with Arjun Singh, are seen to have ensured what was a precursor to Sonia’s later plunge into politics and, as they say, history.

That was his best moment. Under Sonia, he became the mascot of the ‘coterie’ around her that many a wannabe rebelled against, a la Jitendra Prasad and Rajesh Pilot challenging the Lady in organisational polls. However, nothing could shake off his influence.

While leaders cry to be chief ministers, insiders say Tiwariji had to be kicked upstairs to loosen his hold on the leadership. When in 2002, Harish Rawat was the obvious choice for the CM’s post in Uttarakhand that Congress won, the veteran was sent to steer the new state. Many believe it was the handiwork of his competitor-antagonists in the AICC.

For a politician who lived a full life and served politics with rare longevity, the departure of the 93-year-old man from the hills fittingly touched off a nationwide chatter on the days gone by. And about the multi faceted men who came to dominate the Congress pantheon post-independence.

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