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The Six Enemies

VP Dhananjayan, The writer, a Bharatanatyam exponent, is founder, Bharatakalanjali, Chennai, June 18, 2020: The Times of India

Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma talk about getting rid of the basic ill traits of the human mind. They are kama, lust; krodha, anger; moha, avarice; lobha, greed; mada, arrogance; and matsarya, jealousy. To lead a balanced and happy life, from childhood, good spiritual values need to be inculcated. Ancient education system in India emphasised the building of good character. Rabindranath Tagore said, “Education without good character is a body without head.” He added that a disciplined candlelight will illuminate the surroundings but a loose flame will destroy things around. So a basic disciplined life is the most essential quality that our educational system should insist upon.

Schools also taught good habits and clean living besides academic subjects. But increasingly, as the world turned more competitive, we failed to include Bharatiya sanskriti, ancient culture, in the education syllabus. By teaching good values, educational institutions will equip the child to grow up as one who can ably face the challenge of the six negative aspects:

1. Kama: Unbridled lust in adolescent minds could develop into unethical practice of sex. This may lead to violence against women and even murder. The Gita says, “Kamat sanjayate krodha,” that is, lust leads to anger.

2. Krodha: Short temper can also lead one to uncontrolled destructive activity. When it is a mob that is enraged, it may lead to killings, and destruction of public property.

3. Moha: Avarice leads one to amass ill-gotten wealth, not realising that one would then be forced to lead a stressful life either protecting the ill-gotten wealth or losing it overnight and ending up in jail.

4. Lobha: Greed that leads to hoarding material wealth and not sharing it judiciously with others is a common trait of people who always suffer in isolation.

5. Mada: An arrogant person does not command respect. Vinayam, humility, is the hallmark of greatness and a humble person can live a respectful life with satisfaction and tranquility.

6. Matsaryam: Jealousy leads one to unhappiness, creates a disturbed mind and eventually leads to self-destruction. All these Shadripu, six negativities, can be controlled and streamlined to enable us to lead peaceful, easeful and useful lives, if our educational system could be reoriented towards spiritual – not religious – enlightenment along with other professional scientific studies.

Natya is a comprehensive study of all round education as Natya Shastra promulgates, “Na tat silpam, na tat gnanam, na saa vidya na saa kalaa, naasow yogo na tat karma naatyesmin yannadrisyatei” – that is, one can find everything in Natya vidya, architecture, engineering, all kinds of sciences, yoga, all practical studies and all that promotes a good life. This includes geography, environmental science, physical science and many others.

Based on this practical theory of education, the lockdown period was utilised by my team to create an unusual Bharatanatyam repertoire on the Shadripu theme, drawing parallels from old and contemporary incidents. The intention is to make the general audience aware of these negative qualities and that the best way for salvation is to try cleansing one’s mind by spiritual practice, yoga practice and ayurveda.

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