Vrindavan: Banke Bihari Temple

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2013-16: Collections double

The Times of India, Jul 03 2016

Anuja Jaiswal  The earnings of the famous Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan, primarily from donations and the interest earned on it, have almost doubled, from Rs 67 crore to Rs 112 crore, in the past three years. According to sources, the temple, which was established in 1864, had a total earning of Rs 112 crore in 2015-16.While the major amount of these earnings is from donations, sources claimed that it also includes the interest earned on the fixed deposits made by the temple's management committee earlier.

Sources claimed that these “record“ earnings are likely to go up in the current fiscal, as the temple is also witnessing a steady increase in the flow of devotees.

According to UP tourism's officer Anupam Srivastava, about 1.26 crore devotees visited the temple in 2015.

When contacted, Banke Bihari temple management committee president NandKishore Upmanyu refused to comment on the increase in collection of donations.

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