Charles Michie Smith

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When the postman knocked…

The Hindu

  • Charles Michie Smith was not a Reverend. Michie Smith was, however, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh for his considerable achievements in India and the numerous important papers he contributed to the Society. Among those achievements was published in 1899 the New Madras General Catalogue of 5303 stars, study of which had been done in Madras between 1862 and 1887 under the guidance of his predecessor, Norman Pogson. Michie Smith also published a record of meteors that were seen in Madras between 1861 and 1890. And at the total eclipse of the sun in 1898 he took several large-scale photographs with a 40-foot lens at Sahdol in Rewa State. The Royal Astronomic Society, U.K., described him as a “man of wide scientific knowledge with several interests outside astronomy”.
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