Har Gobind Khorana

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Har Gobind Khorana, the man who decoded our DNA, January 9, 2018: The Times of India

Khorana won the 'Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine' in 1968 along with colleagues Marshall W. Nirenberg and Robert W. Holley. The India-born scientist also constructed the world's first synthetic gene.

The scientist went to high school in Multan, which is now in Pakistan. He then studied at the Punjab University in Lahore - also now in Pakistan - from where he earned a master's degree in science, according to the official web site of the Nobel Prize.

Khorana lived in India until 1945, when a government fellowship made it possible for him to go to England, where he studied for a PhD degree at the University of Liverpool. In 1948-1949, he spent a postdoctoral year in Zurich in Switzerland.

Through his career, Khorana also conducted research at universities in England, Switzerland, and Canada, and it was at the University of Wisconsin that he and two fellow researchers received the Nobel Prize in 1968.

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