India in global rankings
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Good Country index
2015: India no.70/ 163
The Times of India, June 4, 2016
India ranks 70th on `Good Country' index, Sweden first
Sweden has been voted as the best country in the world when it comes to serving the interests of its people and contributing to the common good of humanity while India figured low at 70th position on a list of 163 nations. According to the `Good Country' 2015 index which seeks to measure how countries contribute to the global good, Sweden, relative to the size of its economy , does more “good“ and less harm than any other country . The report ranked a total of 163 countries taking 35 different UN and World Bank indices into account, inclu ding global contributions to science, culture, peace and security , climate change and health and equality .
The top 10 best countries included Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany , Finland, Canada, France, Austria and New Zealand, whereas Libya was ranked as the least “good“ country in the world. India figured at 70th position overall, three places below China, with the best ranking (27th) in `international peace and security' and the worst (124th) in `prosperity and equality'.
While the country stood at 37th position in health and wellbeing and 62nd in science and technology , it was ranked 119th in culture, 106th in climate and 100th in world order.“The Good Country Index is pretty simple: to measure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity , and what it takes away , relative to its size,“ the report said.
The biannual index was founded by Simon Anholt, a British government adviser whose aim is “to find ways of encouraging countries to collaborate and co-operate a lot more, and compete a bit less“.