Alipore Town (Alipur)

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts.Many units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Alipore Town (Alipur)

Head-quarters of the District of the Twenty-four Parganas, Bengal, situated in 22 degree 32' N. and 88° 21' E. Alipore is a southern suburb of Calcutta, and is included within the Calcutta municipality. It contains Belvedere House, the residence of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, and is a popular quarter of residence for Europeans. It is also a cantonment for native troops, the force stationed there including a native infantry regiment and a detach- ment of cavalry. The receipts and expenditure of the cantonment fund averaged Rs. 2,500 during the decade ending 1901 ; in 1903-4 the income was Rs. 2,600, and the expenditure Rs. 2,700. Orphanganj is a well-supplied market situated at Kidderpore less than a mile away, and managed by the Collector of the Twenty-four Parganas. Alipore contains the usual public offices. A large District and Central jail has accommodation for 1,837 prisoners, who are employed on the manu- facture of gunny cloth and bags, jute twine, iron and woodwork, and mustard oil, and in making up pice packets of quinine for sale in post offices. Almost all the products are sold to different Government departments, the profits earned in 1903 amounting to Rs. 58,000.

There is also a reformatory, which contained 238 boys at the end of 1903 ; the principal handicrafts taught are carpentry, canework, turning, painting and polishing, thework and smithy, printing and type-setting, book-bending, shoe-making, tailoring, and gardening. A distillery at Russa is managed by the Collector of Excise, Calcutta. The gardens of the Agri-Horticultural Society are situated to the south of Belvedere, and the Zoological Gardens to the north.

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