Balasinor State, 1908

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts.Many units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Balasinor State

State in the Political Agency of Rewa Kantha, Bombay, lying between 22° 53' and 23° 17' N. and 73 17' and 73 40' E., with an estimated area of 189 square miles. It is bounded on the north by the States of Mahl Kantha ; on the east by the State of Lunavada, and part of the Godhra tdluka of the Panch Mahals ; on the west by Kaira District and a portion of the Parantij tdluka of Ahmadabad ; and on the south by Kaira District. The terri- tory is about 30 miles in length and 10 to 12 in breadth, and is divided into two distinct and nearly equal parts, the Balasinor and Yirpur sub- divisions, the former containing 41 villages, the latter 57, much mixed with those of the adjoining State of Lunavada. Except some hilly tracts in the west, the surface is flat. The soil is fertile, and, though fever prevails, the climate is tolerably healthy. There are no rivers of any note except the Mahl.

The family traces its origin to Sher Khan Babi, a distinguished officer in the Mughal service (1664). The fifth in descent, Salabat Khan, obtained possession of the principality of Junagarh in Kathi- awar ; on his death his territory was divided, the younger son receiving Junagarh, and the elder son continuing to hold Balasinor. During the ascendancy of the Marathas in Gujarat, the State became tributary to both the Peshwa (1768) and the Gaikwar; and in 1818 the British Government succeeded to the rights of the Peshwa, and assumed the political superintendence of Balasinor. Placed at first under the super- vision of the Collector of Kaira, Balasinor has, since 1853, formed part of the territory controlled by the Political Agent of Rewa Kantha. The chief is entitled to a salute of nine guns. Succession follows the rule of primogeniture, and there is a sanad authorizing adoption. The dis- tinguishing title of the family is Babi, meaning ' doorkeeper,' that having been the office assigned to the founder who attained distinction at the Mughal court.

The Census of 1901 showed a total population of 32,618, or 172 persons per square mile, living in 98 villages. Hindus numbered 28,146; Musalmans, 4,256; and Jains, 215. Numerically, the most important caste is the Koli. The soil is generally rich, yielding millet, pulse, rice, oilseeds, sugar-cane, and cotton. Of the total area, 89 square miles are occupied for cultivation, of which nearly two-thirds were under crop in 1903-4. Routes from Gujarat to Malwa pass through the State.

The Nawab is a chief of the second class, and has the power to try his own subjects for capital offences without the sanction of the Political Agent. The crop share system of land revenue prevails in some parts of the State. The revenue is 1^ lakhs, of which Rs. 72,000 is land revenue. The expenditure is i-i lakhs, including tribute of Rs. 15,532 to the British Government and of Rs. 3,078 to the Gaikwar of Baroda. The State maintains a quasi-military force of 1 1 7 men, of whom 16 are mounted. They are employed for police and revenue purposes.

There are 1 1 boys' schools with a daily average attendance of 384 pupils, and one girls' school with a daily average attendance of 57. The State maintains 2 dispensaries, which treated 10,316 patients in 1903-4. Nearly 700 persons were vaccinated in the same year.

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