Dandachatra Majhi

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(From People of India/ National Series Volume VIII. Readers who wish to share additional information/ photographs may please send them as messages to the Facebook community, Indpaedia.com. All information used will be gratefully acknowledged in your name.)

Dandachatra Majhi

Synonyms: Bagti Majhi, Danda Chatra, Danda Majhi, Dehuri [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Danda Majhi, Dehuri [Orissa] Bagti Majhi, Danda Chatra, Danda Majhi, Majhi [West Bengal]

Titles: Behara, Dehuri, Deshmukhya, Paramanik, Pradhan [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Behara, Dehuri, Paramanik [Orissa] Bar Behara, Behara, Dehuri, Deshmukhya, Paramanik, Pradhan [West Bengal]

Surnames: Bagh, Bhaluk, Dandapat, Dehuri, Digar, Doloi, Khamrai, Namata, Sadhandar, Sing [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Dehuri, Patbanda [Orissa] Bera, Bhogta, Dandapat, Dehuri, Nayek, Palai, Singh [West Bengal]

Exogamous units/clans: Bagh-(tiger), Basant (a bird), Haldia, Nag (serpent), Pat [Bihar and/or Jharkhand] Basanta (a brid), Haklia Basanta, Nag (serpent), Nalipoka, Pat, Puk [West Bengal]

Exogamous units/clans (bansa): Bagh (tiger), Basanta (a bird), Haldia, Nag (serpent), Nageswar (king cobra), Peu (a bird) [Orissa]

Gotra: Sandilya [Bihar and/or Jharkhand]

Exogamous units/lineages (gusthi): [Bihar and/or Jharkhand]

Exogamous units/lineages (majhi/gushti): [West Bengal]

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