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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.


(or Garispur). — Village in the Gwalior State, Central India, situated in 23° 40' N. and 78' 7° E., 24 miles north-east of Bhilsa. Population (1901), 754. Although little is known of the history of the place, the remains of ancient buildings show that its importance, as commanding the pass through which runs the old route from Mahva to Bundelkhand, was recognized at an early date. In the sixteenth century it fell to the Gonds of Garha Mandla, but was taken from them by the Mughals. The actual destruction of the temples is attributed, as usual, to Aurangzeb, but may have commenced earlier. At the end of the eighteenth century it fell to the Chandel Thakurs of Bhilsa, and under Thakur Kesri Singh regained some of its lost importance. The remains are considerable and cover a large area.

The most important are those now known as the Ath-khamba, or ' eight pillars,' which stand to the south of the present village, and are all that remains of a once magnificent temple. The pillars and also the ceiling slabs, which are still in situ, are richly carved, and a pilgrim's record of A.I). 982 has been cut on one of the pillars. Two other very similar collections of pillars are standing in the village, also covered with elaborate carving, one belonging to a Saivite and the other to a Vaish- navite temple. The finest ruin, however, is that of a large temple known as the Mala Devi. It is magnificently placed on a great artificial platform, on the very edge of the hill-side, with its back against the rock, and from its style must belong to the ninth or tenth century. Though originally a Vaishnavite shrine, it now contains Jain images, all belonging to tiie 1 )igambara sect. The i'>ajranath temple, with three shrines placed abreast, has also been approi)riated by Jains, though originally Brahmanical. North of the village lie two tanks, the larger known as the Mansarowar, having a fine old stone dam, which is said to have been built by Man Singh, a Gond chief. A school and a State post office are situated in the village.

[A. Cunningham, Archacoloi:;ical Si/n<ey of India, vol. vii, [). 90 ; vol. xi, p. 31.] VOL. XIII. n

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