Hirakud Dam

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Hirakud Dam


One of the longest Dam in the world, Hirakud stands in its lone majesty across the great river Mahanadi which drains an area of 1,33,090 Sq. km more than twice the area of SriLanka. The bulk of this Dam contains earth, concrete and masonry materials, "sufficient to make a road 8 metres wide and pave it from Kanyakumari to Kashmir and Amritsar to Dibrugarh in Assam. From horizon to horizon the reservoir forms the largest artificial lake in Asia with an area of 746 Sq.km having a shore line over 640 km. A twenty-one kilometres drive on the dyke affords a unique experience of calm serenity and majesty of nature.

One can enjoy the sight of the mighty Hirakud Dam and the fantastic expanse of water from the top of the revolving minaret called Gandhi Minar on the north end and comfortably stay at Ashok Nivas,a luxury Guest House adjoining the Nehru Minar at the other end of the Dam. As the largest multipurpose river valley project of the world, it is a real gift to the nation-"all for happiness and prosperity".

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