Jullundur Town

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Jullundur Town


Head-quarters of the Division and District of Jullundur, Punjab, situated in 31 degree 20' N. and 75° 35' E., on the North-Western Railway and grand trunk road. It is distant by rail from Calcutta 1,180 miles, from Bombay 1,247 miles, and from Karachi 916 miles. Population (1901), including cantonments, 67,735, of whom 24,715 were Hindus, 49,081 Muhammadans, 901 Sikhs, and 1,543 Christians. Jullundur was, when visited by Hiuen Tsiang, a large city, 2 miles in circuit, the capital of a Rajput kingdom.- It was taken by Ibrahim Shah of Ghor about 1088. Under the Mughals Jullundur was the capital of a sarkar it was burnt by the Sikhs in 1757, and captured by the Faizullahpuria confederacy in 1766. Ranjlt Singh annexed it in 181 1, and in 1846 Jullundur became the head-quarters of the territory acquired by the British after the first Sikh War.

The town is surrounded by several suburbs known as bastis, the most important of which are Basti Danishmandan (population, 2,770) and Basti Shaikh Darwesh (7,109), founded by Ansari Shaikhs from Kani- guram in the seventeenth century. The town contains two flour-mills, to one of which is attached a small iron and brass foundry. The number of hands employed in 1904 was 73. Silk is also manufactured, and good carpenter's work is turned out. The municipality was created in 1867. The income during the ten years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 70,600, and the expenditure Rs. 68,800. In 1903-4 the income amounted to Rs. 84,300, chiefly from octroi ; and the expenditure to Rs. 86,900, the main items being public health (Rs. 32,300) and administration (Rs. 28,600). The chief educational institutions are four Anglo-vernacular high schools, maintained by the municipality, the Presbyterian Mission, and the two rival branches of the Arya Samaj. There is also a civil hospital.

The cantonment, established in 1846, lies 4 miles to the south-east of the town. Population (1901), 13,280. The garrison usually consists of two batteries of field artillery, one battalion of British infantry, one regiment of Native cavalry, and a battalion of Native infantry, with a regimental depot. The income and expenditure from cantonment funds during the ten years ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 41,000 respectively. There is an aided Anglo-vernacular high school.

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