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From The Tribes And Castes Of The Central Provinces Of India

By R. V. Russell

Of The Indian Civil Service

Superintendent Of Ethnography, Central Provinces

Assisted By Rai Bahadur Hira Lal, Extra Assistant Commissioner

Macmillan And Co., Limited, London, 1916.

NOTE 1: The 'Central Provinces' have since been renamed Madhya Pradesh.

NOTE 2: While reading please keep in mind that all articles in this series have been scanned from the original book. Therefore, footnotes have got inserted into the main text of the article, interrupting the flow. Readers who spot these footnotes gone astray might like to shift them to their correct place.


The caste of dancing-girls 1. General and prostitutes. The name Kasbi is derived from the Arabic notlce - kasab, prostitution, and signifies rather a profession than a caste. In India practically all female dancers and singers are prostitutes, the Hindus being still in that stage of the development of intersexual relations when it is considered impossible that a woman should perform before the public and yet retain her modesty.

It is not so long that this idea has been abandoned by Western nations, and the fashion of employing women actors is perhaps not more than two or three centuries old in England. The gradual disappearance of the distinctive influence of sex in the public and social conduct of women is presumably a sign of advancing civilisation, and is greatest in the West, the old standards retaining more and more vitality as we proceed Eastward. Among the Anglo-Saxon races women are almost entirely emancipated from any handicap due to their sex,, and direct their lives with the same freedom and independence as men.

Among the Latin races many people still object to girls walking out alone in towns, and in Italy the number of women to be seen in the streets is so small that it must be considered improper for a young and respectable woman to go about alone. Here also survives the mariage de 1 A part of the information con- Mr. Aduram Chaudbri of the Gazetteer taineel in this article is furnished by Office.

convenance or arrangement of matches by the parents ; the underlying reason for this custom, which also partly accounts for the institution of infant-marriage, appears to be that it is not considered safe to permit a young girl to frequent the society of unmarried men with sufficient freedom to be able to make her own choice. And, finally, on arrival in Egypt and Turkey we find the seclusion of women still practised, and only now beginning to weaken before the influence of Western ideas.

But again in the lowest scale of civilisation, among the Gonds and other primitive tribes, women are found to enjoy great freedom of social intercourse. This is partly no doubt because their lives are too hard and rude to permit of any seclusion of women, but also partly because they do not yet consider it an obligatory feature of the institution of marriage that a girl should enter upon it in the condition of a virgin. 2 .

Girls In the Deccan girls dedicated to temples are called dedicated Devadasis or ' Hand-maidens of the gods.' They are thus to temples. described by Marco Polo : " In this country, he says, " there are certain abbeys in which are gods and goddesses, and here fathers and mothers often consecrate their daughters to the service of the deity. When the priests desire to feast their god they send for those damsels, who serve the god with meats and other goods, and then sing and dance before him for about as long as a great baron would be eating his dinner.

Then they say that the god has devoured the essence of the food, and fall to and eat it themselves." l Mr. Francis writes of the Devadasis as follows

1 "It is one of the many inconsistences of the Hindu religion that though their profession is repeatedly and vehemently condemned by the Shastras it has always received the countenance of the church. The rise of the caste and its euphemistic name seem both of them to date from the ninth and tenth centuries of our era, during which much activity prevailed in southern India in the matter of building temples and elaborating the services held in them. The dancing- girls' duties then as now were to fan the idol with chamaras 1 Madras Census Report (1901), p. and Malabar, and Elliot's History of 151, quoting from South Indian hi- India, scriptions, Buchanan's Mysore, Canara

or Thibetan ox-tails, to hold the sacred light called Kumbarti and to sing and dance before the god when he was carried in procession. Inscriptions show that in A.D. 1004 the great temple of the Chola king Rajaraja at Tanjore had attached to it 400 women of the temple who lived in free quarters in the surrounding streets, and were given a grant of land from the endowment. Other temples had similar arrangements.

At the beginning of last century there were a hundred dancing-girls attached to the temple at Conjee- veram, and at Madura, Conjeeveram and Tanjore there are still numbers of them who receive allowances from the endow- ments of the big temples at those places. In former days the profession was countenanced not only by the church but by the state. Abdur Razak, a Turkish ambassador to the court of Vijayanagar in the fifteenth century, describes women of this class as living in state-controlled institutions, the revenue of which went towards the upkeep of the police." The dedication of girls to temples and religious prostitu- tion was by no means confined to India but is a common feature of ancient civilisation. The subject has been men- tioned by Dr. Westermarck in The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, and fully discussed by Sir James Frazer in A ttis, Adonis, Osiris. The best known and most peculiar instance is that of the temple of Istar in Babylonia. " Hero- dotus says that every woman born in that country was obliged once in her life to go and sit down in the precinct of Aphrodite and there consort with a stranger.


A woman who had once taken her seat was not allowed to return home till one of the strangers threw a silver coin into her lap and took her with him beyond the holy ground. The silver coin could not be refused because, since once thrown, it was sacred. The woman went with the first man who threw her money, rejecting no one. When she had gone with him and so satisfied the goddess, she returned home, and from that time forth no gift, however great, would prevail with her. In the Canaanitish cults there were women called kedeshoth, who were consecrated to the deity with whose temple they were associated, and who at the same time acted as prostitutes." ' Other instances are given from 1 Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, ii. pp. 444, 445.

Africa, Egypt and ancient Greece. The principal explana- tion of these practices was that the act of intercourse, according to the principle of sympathetic magic, produced fertility, usually of the crops, though in the Babylonian case, Dr. Westermarck thinks, of the woman herself. Several instances have been recorded of people who perform the sexual act as a preliminary or accompaniment to sowing the crops, 1 and there seems little doubt that this explanation is correct.

A secondary idea of religious prostitution may have been to afford to the god the same sexual pleasures as delighted an earthly king. Tins the Skanda Purana relates that Kartikeya, the Hindu god of war, was sent by his father to frustrate the sacrifice of Daksha, and at the in- stigation of the latter was delayed on his way by beautiful damsels, who entertained him with song and dance. Hence it is the practice still for dancing-girls who serve in the pagodas to be betrothed and married to him, after which they may prostitute themselves but cannot marry a man.2 Similarly the Murlis or dancing-girls in Maratha temples are married to Khandoba, the Maratha god of war. Some- times the practice of prostitution might begin by the priests of the temple as representatives of the god having inter- course with the women.

This is stated to have been the custom at the temple of Jagannath in Orissa, where the officiating Brahmans had adulterous connection with the women who danced and sang before the god.3 Both music and dancing, like others of the arts, probably originated as part of a religious or magical service or ritual, and hence would come to be practised by the women attached to temples. And it would soon be realised what potent attractions these arts possessed when displayed by women, and in course of time they would be valued as accomplish- ments in themselves, and either acquired independently by other courtesans or divorced from a sole application to religious ritual.

In this manner music, singing and dancing may have grown to be considered as the regular attractions of the courtesan and hence immoral in themselves, and not 1 The Golden Bough, vol. ii. p. 205 the Hindus, p. 322. et seq. z Westermarck, ibidem, quoting 2 Garrett's Classical Dictionary of Ward's Hindus, p. 134.

suitable for display by respectable women. The Emperor Shah Jahan is said to have delighted in the performances of the Tawaif or Muhammadan singing and dancing girls, who at that time lived in bands and occupied mansions as large as palaces. 1 Aurangzeb ordered them all to be married or banished from his dominions, but they did not submit without a protest ; and one morning as the Emperor was going to the mosque he saw a vast crowd of mourners marching in file behind a bier, and filling the air with screams and lamentations.

He asked what it meant, and was told that they were going to bury Music ; their mother had been executed, and they were weeping over her loss. 'Bury her deep,' the Emperor cried, ' she must never rise again.' The possession of these attractions naturally gave the 4. Educa- courtesan an advantage over ordinary women who lacked tlon ,° o J couri them, and her society was much sought after, as shown in the following description of a native court : ~ " Nor is the courtesan excluded, she of the smart saying, famed for the much-valued cleverness which is gained in ' the world,' who when the learned fail is ever ready to cut the Gordian knot of solemn question with the sharp blade of her repartee, for—The sight of foreign lands ; the possession of a Pandit for a friend ; a cotcrtesan ; access to the royal court ; patient study of the Shastras ; the roots of cleverness are these five." Mr. Crooke also remarks on the tolerance extended to this class of women : " The curious point about Indian prostitutes is the tolerance with which they are received into even respectable houses, and the absence of that strong social disfavour in which this class is held in European countries. This feeling has prevailed for a lengthened period.

We read in the Buddhist histories of Ambapata, the famous courtesan, and the price of her favours fixed at two thousand masurans. The same feeling appears in the folk- tales and early records of Indian courts." 3 It may be remarked, however, that the social ostracism of such women has not always been the rule in Europe, while as regards 1 Wheeler's History of India, vol. :1 Crooke's Tribes • . art. i\. part ii. pp. 324, 325. Tawaif. 2 Forbes, Rasmala, i. p. 247.

conjugal morality Indian society would probably appear to great advantage beside that of Europe in the Middle Ages. But when the courtesan is alone possessed of the feminine accomplishments, and also sees much of society and can converse with point and intelligence on public affairs, her company must necessarily be more attractive than that of the women of the family, secluded and uneducated, and able to talk about nothing but the petty details of household management. Education so far as women were concerned was to a large extent confined to courtesans, who were taught all the feminine attainments on account of the large return to be obtained in the practice of their profession.

This is well brought out in the following passage from a Hindu work in which the mother speaks : * " Worthy Sir, this daughter of mine would make it appear that I am to blame, but indeed I have done my duty, and have carefully prepared her for that profession for which by birth she was intended. From earliest childhood I have bestowed the greatest care upon her, doing everything in my power to promote her health and beauty.

As soon as she was old enough I had her carefully instructed in the arts of dancing, acting, playing on musical instruments, singing, painting, preparing perfumes and flowers, in writing and conversation, and even to some extent in grammar, logic and philosophy. She was taught to play various games with skill and dexterity, how to dress well and show herself off to the greatest advantage in public ; yet after all the time, trouble and money which I have spent upon her, just when I was beginning to reap the fruit of my labours, the ungrateful girl has fallen in love with a stranger, a young Brahman without property, and wishes to marry him and give up her profession (of a prostitute), notwithstanding all my entreaties and representations of the poverty and distress to which all her family will be reduced if she persists in her purpose ; and because I oppose this marriage, she declares that she will renounce the world and become a devotee." Similarly the education of another dancing-srir! is thus described : 2 fc> fc>' 1 Extract from the Dasa Kumara p. 72. Charita or Adventures of the Ten 2 S. M. Edwardes, By - ways of Youths, in A Group of Hindti Stories, Bombay, p. 31. Beuirose,


" Gauhar Jan did her duty by the child according to her lights. She engaged the best ' Gawayyas ' to teach her music, the best ' Kathaks ' to teach her dancing, the best ' Ustads ' to teach her elocution and deportment, and the best of Munshis to ground her in Urdu and Persian belles lettres ; so that when Imtiazan reached her fifteenth year her accomplishments were noised abroad in the bazar." It is still said to be the custom for the Hindus in large towns, as among the Greeks of the time of Pericles, to frequent the society of courtesans for the charm of their witty and pointed conversation.

Betel-nut is provided at such receptions, and at the time of departure each person is expected to deposit a rupee in the tray. Of course it is in no way meant to assert that the custom is at all generally prevalent among educated men, as this would be quite untrue. The association of all feminine charms and intellectual attainments with public women led to the belief that they were incompatible with feminine modesty ; and this was even extended to certain ornamental articles of clothing such as shoes.

The Abbe Dubois remarks : l " The courtesans are the only women in India who enjoy the privilege of learning to read, to dance and to sing. A well-bred respect- able woman would for this reason blush to acquire any one of these accomplishments." Buchanan says : 2 " The higher classes of Hindu women consider every approach to wearing shoes as quite indecent ; so that their use is confined to Muhammadans, camp trulls and Europeans, and most of the Muhammadans have adopted the Hindu notion on this subject ; women of low rank wear sandals." And again : " " A woman who appears clean in public on ordinary occasions may pretty confidently be taken for a prostitute ; such care of her person would indeed be considered by her husband as totally incompatible with modesty." And as regards accomplishments : 4 "It is considered very disgraceful for a modest woman to sing or play on any musical instrument ; the only time when such a practice is permitted is among the Muhammadans at the Muharram, when women are 1 Hindu Manners, Customs and 3 Ibidem, iii. p. 107. Ceremonies, p. 93. 2 Eastern India, i. p. 119. 4 Ibidem, ii. p. 930.

allowed to join in the praises of Fatima and her son." And a current saying is : " A woman who sings in the house as she goes about her work and one who is fond of music can never be a Sati " ; a term which is here used as an equivalent for a virtuous woman. Buchanan wrote a hundred years ago, and things have no doubt improved since his time, but this feeling appears to be principally responsible for much of the prejudice against female education, which has hitherto been so strong even among the literate classes of Hindus ; and is only now beginning to break down as the highly cultivated young men of the present day have learned to appreciate and demand a greater measure of intelligence from their wives.

Among the better class of Kasbis a certain caste feeling and organisation exists. When a girl attains adolescence her mother makes a bargain with some rich man to be her first consort. Oil and turmeric are rubbed on her body for five days as in the case of a bride. A feast is given to the caste and the girl is married to a dagger, walking seven times round the sacred post with it. Her human consort then marks her forehead with vermilion and covers her head with her head-cloth seven times.

In the evening she goes to live with him for as long as he likes to maintain her, and afterwards takes up the practice of her profession. In this case it is necessary that the man should be an outsider and not a member of the Kasbi caste, because the quasi-marriage is the formal commencement on the part of the woman of her hereditary trade. As already seen, the feeling of shame and degradation attaching to this profession in Europe appears to be somewhat attenuated in India, and it is counterbalanced by that acquiescence in and attachment to the caste-calling which is the principal feature of Hindu society.

And no doubt the life of the dancing-girl has, at any rate during youth, its attractions as compared with that of a respectable married woman. Tavernier tells the story 1 of a Shah of Persia who, desiring to punish a dancing-girl for having boxed the ears of one of her companions within his hearing (it being clearly not the effect of the operation on the patient which annoyed his majesty) made an order that 1 Persian Travels, book iii. chap. xvii.

she should be married And a more curious instance still is the following from a recent review

l " The natives of India are by instinct and custom the most conservative race in the world. When I was stationed at Aurangabad—fifty years ago it is true, but that is but a week in regard to this question—a case occurred within my own knowledge which shows the strength of hereditary feeling. An elderly wealthy native adopted two baby girls, whose mother and family had died during a local famine.

The children grew up with his own girls and were in all respects satisfactory, and apparently quite happy until they arrived at the usual age for marriage. They then asked to see their papa by adoption, and said to him, ' We are very grateful to you for your care of us, but we are now grown up. We are told our mother was a Kasbi (prostitute), and we must insist on our rights, go out into the world, and do as our mother did.' " In the fifth or seventh month of the first pregnancy of a 6. First Kasbi woman 108 fried wafers of flour and sugar, known as Pre§nanc>- giljahs, are prepared, and are eaten by her as well as dis- tributed to friends and relatives who are invited to the house. After this they in return prepare similar wafers and send them to the pregnant woman.

Some little time before the birth the mother washes her head with gram flour, puts on new clothes and jewels, and invites all her friends to the house, feasting them with rice boiled in milk, cakes and sweetmeats. Though the better-class Kasbis appear to have a sort of 7. Different caste union, this is naturally quite indefinite, inasmuch as classes of J 1 women. marriage, at present the essential bond of caste-organisation, is absent. The sons of Kasbis take up any profession that they choose ; and many of them marry and live respectably with their wives. Others become musicians and assist at the performances of the dancing-girls, as the Bhadua who beats the cymbals and sings in chorus and also acts as a pimp, and the Sarangia, one who performs on the saraugi or fiddle.

The girls themselves are of different classes, as the Kasbi or Gayan who are Hindus, the Tawaif who are Muhammadans, and the Bogam or Telugu dancing-girls. Gond women are 1 From a review of A German Evelyn Wood in the Saturday Review, Staff Officer in India, written by Sir 5th February 19 10.

known as Deogarhni, and are supposed to have come from Deogarh in Chhindwara, formerly the headquarters of a Gond dynasty. The Sarangias or fiddlers are now a separate caste. In the northern Districts the dancing-girls are usually women of the Beria caste and are known as Berni. After the spring harvest the village headman hires one or two of these girls, who dance and do acrobatic feats by torchlight. They will continue all through the night, stimulated by draughts of liquor, and it is said that one woman will drink two or three bottles of the country spirit. The young men of the village beat the drum to accompany her dancing, and take turns to see how long they can go on doing so without breaking down.

After the performance each cultivator gives the woman one or two pice (farthings) and the headman gives her a rupee. Such a celebration is known as Rai, and is distinctive of Bundelkhand. In Bengal this class of women often become religious mendicants and join the Vaishnava or Bairagi community, as stated by Sir H. Risley : 1 " The mendicant members of the Vaishnava community are of evil repute, their ranks being recruited by those who have no relatives, by widows, by individuals too idle or depraved to lead a steady working life, and by prostitutes. Vaishnavi, or Baishtabi according to the vulgar pronunciation, has come to mean a courtesan. A few undoubtedly join from sincere and worthy motives, but their numbers are too small to produce any appreciable effect on the behaviour of their comrades.

The habits of these beggars are very unsettled. They wander from village to village and from one akhara (monastery) to another, fleecing the frugal and industrious peasantry on the plea of religion, and singing songs in praise of Hari beneath the village tree or shrine. Members of both sexes smoke Indian hemp (gdnja), and although living as brothers and sisters are notorious for licentiousness. There is every reason for suspecting that infanticide is common, as children are never seen. In the course of their wanderings they entice away unmarried girls, widows, and even married women on the pretence of visiting Sri Kshetra (Jagannath) 1 Tribes and Castes of Bengal, art. refers only to the lowest section of Vaishnava. The notice, as stated, Bairagis.

Brindaban or Benares, for which reason they are shunned by all respectable natives, who gladly give charity to be rid of them." In large towns prostitutes belong to all castes.

An old list obtained by Rai Bahadur Hlra Lai of registered prosti- tutes in Jubbulpore showed the following numbers of different castes : Barai six, Dhlmar four, and Nai, Khangar, Kachhi, Gond, Teli, Brahman, Rajput and Bania three each. Each woman usually has one or two girls in training if she can obtain them, with a view to support herself by their earnings in the same method of livelihood when her own attractions have waned. Fatherless and orphan girls run a risk of falling into this mode of life, partly because their marriages cannot conveniently be arranged, and also from the absence of strict paternal supervision. For it is to be feared that a girl who is allowed to run about at her will in the bazar has little chance of retaining her chastity even up to the period of her arrival at adolescence.

This is no doubt one of the principal considerations in favour of early marriage. The caste-people often subscribe for the marriage of a girl who is left without support, and it is said that in former times an unmarried orphan girl might go and sit dharna, or starving herself, at the king's gate until he arranged for her wedding. Formerly the practice of obtain- ing young girls was carried on to a much greater extent than at present. Malcolm remarks : l " Slavery in Malwa and the adjoining provinces is chiefly limited to females ; but there is perhaps no part of India where there are so many slaves of this sex.

The dancing - girls are all purchased, when young, by the Nakins or heads of the different sets or companies, who often lay out large sums in these speculations, obtaining advances from the bankers on interest like other classes." But the attractions of the profession and the numbers of those who engage in it have now largely declined. The better class of Kasbi women, when seen in public, s. Dancing are conspicuous by their wealth of jewellery and their shoes sj'n(Ti , of patent leather or other good material. Women of other castes do not commonly wear shoes in the streets. The 1 Memoir of Central India.

Kasbis are always well and completely clothed, and it has n noticed elsewhere that the Indian courtesan is more modestly dressed than most women. No doubt in this matter she knows her business. A well-to-do dancing-girl has a dress of coloured muslin or gauze trimmed with tinsel lace, with a short waist, long straight sleeves, and skirts which reach a little below the knee, a shawl falling from the head over the shoulders and wrapped round the body, and a pair of tight satin trousers, reaching to the ankles. The feet are bare, and strings of small bells are tied round them.

They usually dance and sing to the accompaniment of the tabla, sarangi and majlra. The tabla or drum is made of two half-bowls—one brass or clay for the bass, and the other of wood for the treble. They are covered with goat-skin and played together. The sarangi is a fiddle. The majlra (cymbals) consist of two metallic cups slung together and used for beating time. Before a dancing -girl begins her performance she often invokes the aid of Saraswati, the goddess of music. She then pulls her ear as a sign of remembrance of Tansen, India's greatest musician, and a confession to his spirit of the imperfection of her own sense of music. The movements of the feet are accompanied by a continual opening and closing of henna-dyed hands ; and at intervals the girl kneels at the feet of one or other of the audience. On the festival of Basant Panchmi or the com- mencement of spring these girls worship their dancing-dress and musical instruments with offerings of rice, flowers and a cocoanut.

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