Khairpur Town (1)

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Khairpur Town

Capital of the State of Khairpur, Sind, Bombay, situated in 27° 31' N. and 68° 48' E., on the Mir wah canal, about 15 miles east of the Indus, and 17 miles south of Rohri. The nearest railway station on the Kotri-Rohri section of the North- Western Railway is Khairpur Mir, situated about 2 miles to the south- east of the town. Population (1901), 14,014, mainly Musalmans. The town, which is irregularly built, consists of a collection of mud hovels, intermingled with a few houses of a better class. The palace is seldom used by the ruler, who lives at Kot Diji, but there is a handsome guest- house. Outside the town stand the tombs of three Muhammadan saints— Pir Ruhan, Zia-ud-din, and Hajl J afar Shahid. The town contains two hospitals, one of which is for women.

During the flourishing period of the Talpur dynasty, Khairpur is said to have possessed not less than 15,000 inhabitants, but the place has decreased in importance since the conquest of Sind. The manufactures comprise the weaving and dyeing of cloths of various kinds, goldsmith's work, and the making of firearms, swords, &c. A carpet factory has recently been opened, the workers being under instruction by a teacher brought from the Punjab. The trade is principally in indigo, grain, and oilseeds, which form the chief articles of export ; the imports are piece-goods, silk, cotton, wool, metals, &c. On the present site of the town, which owes its rise to Mir Sohrab Khan Talpur, there stood, prior to the year 1787, the village of Boira and the zamlndari or estate of the Phulpotras. It was selected as the residence of the chief Mirs of Northern Sind ; and for some time during Talpur rule a British Resident was stationed here, in terms of the treaty of April 20, 1838, concluded between the British Government and the Mirs of Sind.

[E. A. Langley, Narrative of a Residence at the Court of Mir All Mi/rad, 2 vols, (i860).]

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