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(From People of India/ National Series Volume VIII. Readers who wish to share additional information/ photographs may please send them as messages to the Facebook community, Indpaedia.com. All information used will be gratefully acknowledged in your name.)
Synonyms: Oorla, Koitur [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Kamar Koya, Musri Koya [Orissa] Groups/subgroups: Dorla Koya, Gutta Koya, Metta Koy a [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Kamar Koya, Musri Koya [Orissa] Exogamous units/surnames (intiperulu): Chera, Madak am, Madi (West land) [Andhra Pradesh] Phratries: Idu penu (five deities), Oka penu (one d eity), Rendi penu (two deities) [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Phratries (katta): [Orissa]
- Exogamous septs: Aido(fifth), Aro (sixth), Mudo(Third), Nalo(fourth), Nuto Muppayo (one hundred and thirty),
Paredi, Peramboya, Reyibande stone slab) [E. Thurston] Exogamous units/clans: Karam, Madkam (tortoise), Mu chika, Paddam, Sunnam, Vanjam [Madhya Pradesh and/or Chhattisgarh] Exogamous units/clans (bansa): Adiam, Kawasi, Madi (goat), Sodi (buffalo) [Orissa] Exogamous units/lineages: Badse, Bogam, Dadir, Emla, Gaita, Gondse, Guisale, Kalmu, Karrhami, Karta, Kartni, Kunjam, Napod, Odi, Oyami, Ponder, Punyem, Pusami, Rawal, Tati, Teliari, Weti, Wickalore [Orissa]