Master Madan

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This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

Complete discography

Zahoor Chaudhary, MA LLB, of Lahore has added two hitherto unknown songs to Madan’s known catalogue, taking the total to ten (Arif Waqar):

Aaney laga hai kaun si (Urdu ghazal)

Bagaañ vich peengan paiyaañ (Punjabi)

Chetnaa hai to chet le (Gurbani)

Gori gori baiyaañ (Thumri) Raag Lachha Sâkh

Hairat se tak rahaa hai jahan é wafaa mujhe (Urdu Ghazal)

Jis raaz ko duniya nay (Urdu ghazal)

Man ki baat man hi maiñ rahi (Gurbani) Raag Surat

Mori binti mâno Kãnha re (Thumri) (Raag Khamaaj)

Rãvi de parlé kandey vay mitraa (Punjabi)

Yooñ na reh reh kar hameiñ tarsaaiye (Urdu Ghazal)

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