Miss Nepal: 2002
This is a patchwork of articles selected for the excellence of their content. beauty contests. (Example Miss Wokha, Miss Tokhu). Obviously, readers will not send any text or photograph that lowers the dignity of South Asia's beauty queens. Readers can send additional information, corrections, and photographs to the Facebook page, Indpaedia.com. |
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The authors of the Miss Nepal series of articles include
BeautyContestUpdate HotGirlsBeautifulGirls HotGirlsBeautifulGirls iFashionNepal iFashionNepal MediaN MegaSansar Miss Nepal MissNepalSwimsuits missosology MonarcasInternacionales PhotoForEveryone 101nepal GeoCities(The contributor probably was Santosh Thapa) Sudeshna Sarkar/ WorldLatestNews
The winners
Malvika Subba, Kathmandu
Malvika Subba is one of the talented,gorgeous Miss Nepal having hot and sexy looks and figure.Her media career has started after crowning the the Miss Nepal Title of year 2002.
She could not reach the Miss World 2002 contest because the Miss Nepal 2002 contest was held on the same day as Miss World
After won that title she started her career in Kantipur Television Network as RJ and VJ. After working/struggling some years in television she left the media and also worked in Shangrila Housing company about 2 years. Recently she also left that company and opened fashion store in partnership venture and also working as editorial in reputed magazine company.
She has also done a few movies. And now, she is busy in her own business. More over, she seems very happy in her conjugal life.
She played in many music videos but Bye Bye Kathmandu is the first movie and only one till now played by her and realising soon.
See also
Miss Nepal: the contest Miss Nepal: 1994 Miss Nepal: 1995 Miss Nepal: 1996 Miss Nepal: 1997 Miss Nepal: 1998 Miss Nepal: 1999 Miss Nepal: 2000, 2001 Miss Nepal: 2002 Miss Nepal: 2003 Miss Nepal: 2004 Miss Nepal: 2005, 2006 Miss Nepal: 2007, 2008 Miss Nepal: 2009 Miss Nepal: 2010 Miss Nepal: 2011 Miss Nepal: 2012 Miss Nepal: 2013 Miss Nepal: 2014