Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA)
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A backgrounder
LOCATION: Islamabad, Pakistan
SUBORDINATE TO: Prime Minister of Pakistan
SIZE: Unknown
According to its mission statement, the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (PNRA) mission is to "ensure safe operation of nuclear facilities and to protect radiation workers, [the] general public and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation by formulating and implementing effective regulations and building a relationship of trust with the licensees and maintain transparency in its actions and decisions."
In January 2001, the PNRA was established to replace the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Board, which was then subordinate to the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC). Independent from the PAEC, the PNRA reports to the Prime Minister. In April 2006, the PNRA clarified its role, stating that it does not run or operate nuclear power plants, but regulates activities related to design, construction, and operation of plants. On 18 September 2009, the PNRA announced the establishment of the National Safety Analysis Centre (NSAC), which will provide technical support to the PNRA. The status of the project, originally scheduled for completion by June 2014, is unknown.